David R Hawkins ~ What We Don`t Let Go, We Repeat

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in this sample, David Hawkins Explains what is the role of each Spiritual Student while on this journey. Interested In this lecture please follow the link below.

#DavidHawkins #Spirituality #Buddhism

Dr. Hawkins begins this “Transcending Barriers” June 2005 video by stating he is presenting spiritual truth within a new context for the modern world in order to validate it. He asks of what relevance to today’s world is what happened 2,000 years ago when people’s lives were quite different from those of today. He shares how consciousness research creates a context that is comprehensible to modern man.

Next, Dr. Hawkins explains where Truth lies, how it is not subject to error, and why it is the Absolute. He reveals that it was mind boggling to discover that everything that ever was, anything from the past or present, can be accessed at this moment in time – all exists completely everywhere all the time. He then presents the concepts of content and context. With this and more, he explains how the book Power vs. Force came into existence.

He then describes how consciousness is independent of the body; the differences between near-death and out-of-body experiences; and how Truth appears differently at each level of conscious awareness. He further describes the Map of Consciousness and the characteristics of its various levels. He talks about karma, the “meaning” of something, consequences, and how to use the method of kinesiology to find out what is for one’s highest good in any situation.

He explains why the world did not self-destruct eons ago, and why it is not doing so now; why this is a world of maximum karmic opportunity and how we can benefit; and about being responsible for our actions and how to evolve beyond them. He tells us that the animal kingdom is a wonderful example of evolution and why.

Dr. Hawkins then discusses spiritual commitment, intention, and their relationship to enlightenment; love versus logic; and the development and existence of an etheric brain. He introduces the concept of the payoff (the “juice”) that keeps us stuck at a certain level of consciousness. The only reason we stick with something negative is due to the “juice,” and our addiction to it. He reveals the way out in detail.


Falcon Britt says:

This is such good stuff to study! thanks, Willie! Regarding where the thoughts come from, Emmanuel Swedenborg (a polymath scientist) was taken up by angels multiple times and shown the nature of reality. Thoughts are flowing in from lots and lots of spirit beings (disembodied folks), some of whom are aware and some of whom are unaware of us. We are apparently more a of a receiver and chooser; not a thought generator (as Doc would say, every thought has already been thought). We can control the "station" we "tune to" to some degree with our emotions, will, beliefs, etc. Law of Attraction and all that.
What flows into our heads is gonna come from all over the place, however. Swedenborg was very upset and didn't want to believe it, so the angels had to show him hundreds of times what was outside human visual range. Angels are attempting to uplift us with positive thoughts, while lower consciousness beings are malicious, so their thoughts are destructive. Some of the lower vibe beings would love for us to self-destruct, recommence addictions, start new addictions, get violent, even kill ourselves or others. The voices schizophrenic people hear are apparently actual beings harassing them; not just according to Swedenborg but according to a retired psychiatrist who had spoken with the voices in depth, kept notebooks, etc. for years. That show is on channel "Off the Left Eye." The psychiatrist said he couldn't speak openly about this while employed but now he can – he thinks Swedenborg is right.

Oddly, to maintain material reality, a physical body, we can't just hold pure light (then we would just be light bodies) – so the influences of the dark beings actually serve a purpose, according to the angels. This must be why the dark influences are allowed, which was always a mystery to me.
Angels also taught Swedenborg the nature of heaven and hell (it's a frequency, a state of mind/heart, so people basically sort themselves out by choosing what they love most). All kinds of interesting topics were explained by the angels to Swedenborg. Anybody interested might check out the Swedenborg Foundation, which has free pdf downloads of Swedenborg's work (translated into English), and their channel "Off The Left Eye" which discusses various topics – some at length, some much shorter ("News From Heaven" episodes are under 10 minutes). Hundreds of shows are up now. Dr. Jonathan Rose seems to know the material best, as lead translator. People can write in with questions on some shows.

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

luca m says:

Unbelievable….. " I answer to you and at the same time I can autograph my books" …. so disrespectful!

António Vandias says:

thanks brother man!

Eugene Uriel says:

Thanks, willie Love Ya and all beings

Patricia Llosa says:

Muchas gracias y Bendiciones

Popcorn Seller says:

There is no such thing as a choice. Nowhere in nature, not even inside a human brain. It's a man-made illusion. Everything is a flow.

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