David R Hawkins ~ You Are Measure By Your Integrity

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David R. Hawkins
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Ivan Subotičanec says:

The wisdom of this man seems remarkable. That sailing analogy really struck a chord in me. The importance of every decision is really incredible if we begin to be honest with ourselves.

"Everything is important now. Every day is important. Every decision is important. Your decision, the decision of others, your behavior, the behavior of others—everything is important now. Your life is important now, but only within this greater context.
Failure must be avoided and resisted at all costs, for to face the Great Waves of change will cost everything. Instead of building larger armies and enriching a few individuals, all the resources of your societies and nations will have to be brought to bear.
Face the Power and the Presence, and Grace will attend you. You can overcome your weakness and your fear because there is a greater power within you. In God’s New Revelation for the world, this power is made most evident and necessary."

The New Message from God – The Great Warning

Rick Roberts says:

Mentioned this before: The past few months I've been using a pendulum to calibrate various things, events, people, etc, and been getting very interesting (often surprising) results. However, I really don't know what to make of it.

Richard Hall says:

Thank you Thank you Thank you and the Lord love and bless you!!! I’m so grateful that you are still posting our dear old Doc’s Legacy- I’m so deeply grateful to have been able to hold his hand and look into his eyes as I’m sure you have also and felt the intense love he has ( even without the body, right?) for each one of us! For all mankind- he could have left in January 1965, and then during one of his lectures yet he stayed and the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, the ability to discern truth from “falsehood “( lack of truth) emerged! My heart leaps with joy just holding the thought in mind! I’m feeling a lot of love for you too right now. Thanks again.

J D says:

Thank you Willie.

Freemasonry says:

"David R Hawkins ~ You Are Measure By Your Integrity"
– Aren't you tired of pushing these religious-masonic Agendas ?

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