David R Hawkins ~ You Can Trick The Ego Into Surrendering

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David R Hawkins explains how we can trick the ego into surrendering to the love of God.
This is a sample from the audioBook
Truth vs Falsehood and you can find it on audible


StandardProceduree says:

"Its only Neccessary to be kind to all of life

See the Sacredness and beauty in all of life

To have Goodwill to all that exists, including yourself

and be willing to surrender anything that stands in the way of that intention."

– David R. Hawkins

Alan Meyer says:

His humor is the proof of his wisdom.

Rhonda Heggs says:

Absolutely right no body can awaken your kundalini no one can manipulate kundalini energy period!!!!!!!!

PowerOf One says:

This chat is so valuable! Much can be learned from this. Listen to it (repeatedly if necessary) ……… Let love flow effortlessly through you and hey presto . πŸ™‚

Arno Knoester says:

good same one help me out en telm me how to see a narcissist for something good its destroid my life to the brink of insanity and still strugeling how can one forgive that what completle destrois

Inner Vigilance says:

No one needs to murder their intellect in order to satisfy their moral intuitions. We forgive merely because it is a superior way of life than living with unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred is. We forget this and our brains, evolved over millions of years to distrust in order to survive, don't always get it right. We fall into persistent fight or flight mode, which wreaks havoc on our sanity.

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

For Your Spirit says:

Beautiful Willie!

Dub Siren says:

I love this man, what a wonderful teacher he is, and a wicked sense of humour too LOL .. πŸ™‚

Rich Schaum says:

Or the belief in love by doing no harm to self, or another and all of the creators creations. The bricks of knowing we are of the creator.

Well*Thy*One says:

Boy it’s a bit of a struggle to maintain good will towards people that constantly demand of you…part of the challenge, I suppose

MiniTrump Saltmining LTD says:

Good advice.



Boo Boo says:

EGO matters, bitches

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