David R. Hawkins – You Need Humour To Love Unconditionally

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Humor results from shifting context by which absurdity reveals itself. Humor is also confrontive to positionality-to laugh at oneself or help others to do so relieves conflict and stress. Humor is therapeutic and cathartic. It also minimalizes fear, anger, or resentment. Mistakes keep us humble and therefore teachable. – Devotional Nonduality


Jan-Martin UlvÄg says:

Animals have souls but not individual spirits. Problem in the English language the word soul is used for both soul/ spirit body and spirit. The soul is the spirit body for our spirits in the afterlife

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Laughter and joy, how Divine.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Jim Rogers says:

Which lecture is this clip from? This must be something more like 2008 or so.

michael crawford says:

The cow in Shri Ramana's ashram that you may or may not be referring to
was called Lakshmi which actually became enlightened. The point being,
according to Ramana, Lakshmi was one of his disciples in a previous
incarnation . Of course I understand your sentiments in referring
to the Red Indian natives and their practice of saying prayers to the
animals that they were hunting. But I am sure you feel empathy for the
endless suffering resulting from the mass production of animals in industrial
farming. I am sure it is true as you say, that animals also evolve but by suggesting
that meat eating could be even helpful to the evolvement of the animals thus killed
you are actually condoning and supporting the the insanely horrific practices of keeping
the animals confined in torturous conditions all their lives and then slaughtering them
in the most brutal and painful way.
Here are some links to show what is actually happening in this process
on a regular basis:


I am aware that you do a lot of excellent work to raise consciousness on the
planet and for that I thank you deeply.

MovingNoWhereInLove says:

is eating meat that was slaughtered not loving?

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