Day 1 AM – Mind & LIfe XXVII – Craving, Desire and Addiction

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Mind and Life XXVII – Craving, Desire, and Addiction from Dharamsala, India on October 28 – November 1, 2013.

The conference focuses its attention on craving, desire, and addiction, as these are among the most pressing causes of human suffering. By bringing contemplative practitioners and scholars from Buddhist and Christian traditions together with a broad array of scientific researchers in the fields of desire and addiction, hopefully new understandings will arise that may ultimately lead to improved treatment of the root causes of craving and its many manifestations.

Day One – October 28: The Problem of Craving and Addiction
Morning Session: Introductory remarks
Afternoon sessions: The Role of Craving in the Cycle of Addictive Behavior

Day Two – October 29: Cognitive and Buddhist Theory
Morning session: Brain Generators of Intense Wanting and Liking
Afternoon session: Psychology of Desire, Craving, and Action: A Buddhist Perspective

Day Three – October 30: Biological and Cultural Views
Morning Session: The Role of Dopamine in the Addicted Human Brain
Afternoon Session: Beyond the Individual – The Role of Society and Culture in Addiction

Day Four – October 31: Contemplative Perspectives
Morning Session: From Craving to Freedom and Flourishing: Buddhist Perspectives on Desire
Afternoon Session: Contemplative Christianity, Desire, and Addiction

Day Five – November 1: Into the World
Morning Session: Application of Contemplative Practices in Treatment of Addiction
Afternoon Session: Concluding Remarks

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Tenzin Chophel says:

Thanks you thupten jinpa la

Richard Carew says:

ok… before I listen.. I spent the past few years in withdrawal from synthetic pain medication, buprenorphine.. 3 years.. it takes 10 days to withdraw from standard issue narcotics like morphine.. and the dreaded heroin.. called heroic by the Bayer corporation because the acetylanhydride allows morphine to work with little metabolization necessary.. 20 to 1.. but it is just morphine.. it's made from papaver somniferum.. with a single "mu" opiod… rather than the 4 it starts with.. it's made specifically to create physical dependence… the problem has never been craving for some nebulous chemical Nirvana.. physical dependence is the ONLY reason people use that… shit

Erzhena Ch says:


Michelle de nénuphar says:

Many thanks!

NABA Kumar Chowdhury says:


김상수 says:

awesome dal lai lama

김상수 says:

+Dalai lama please.. you need meet the Donald trump

u311224 says:

He seems that he is far too patient for all of the overboard use of the english language in this.  

Blue Ocean says:

ye and what happens if there is a child who without you knowing don't actually like marshmallows period.  She wouldn't eat any of it and not only that but give it to others.  On the other hand a child who is really hungry ain't going to wait for your uncertain future reward.  Because you also know that a bird in hand is better than two in the bushes.   Did your experiment considered all the possibilities? or you want people's money to fund your salesmanship experiment as if you got something real on hand.

Tin H says:

HH has initiated this ongoing dialog between Tibetan Buddhism and western neuroscientists a few decades ago. the dialog has been building momentum since then and certainly will be of tremendous benefits for the future of mankind. Will it be better to invite also scholars of other Buddhist traditions( Mahayana, Theravada etc.) to be involved in these discussions so that a wide spectrum of Buddhist tradition can benefit from exchanging of views.

D Graf says:

In Awareness there is no diversity whatsoever.

enrouteversleveil says:


Eddie Kianana2014 says:

These meetings are interesting but they are only accumulating knowledge, and they say 'Dala Lama' included that we should cultivate compassion, patience, or meditation. Can you cultivate compassion or Love, which are the same? Can you cultivate meditation whatever one cultivates becomes knowledge, then the question is can we have truth, love, compaction , and beauty through knowledge, I think that is impossible. If that was the case humanity had this knowledge, about truth, love, suffering, ignorance, and so on for thousands of years, now after all this time where are we?  We are as violent, in conflict, as ever.  

Tin Tinlol says:

With H.H. the Dalai Lama, everything is informal and everyone feels so comfortable. He says naturally from his hearts without lots of formalities which is very good.

Julian Howcroft says:

Why does the Adlai Lama take so long to get to the point ! If he is getting to old you should get somebody to translate because this talk is very frustrating,I think many people will have a hard time rolling this convoluted conversation!

richard wilmot Ph.D says:

So he doesn't know… the previous Dali wrote a fan letter to Hitler and got a car in return.

Purusartha Karki says:

It would be interesting to observe the behaviour of children across different cultures, I bet the results would be different.

I Play Games Sometimes says:

Warm bows, Gyalwarinpoche. Unfortunately, I am someone with a slight hearing disability and I sometimes struggle with what Dalai Lama is saying. Is there a source that has talks of the dharma with subtitles? I'm sorry, but I want to fully enjoy and hear what his holiness is saying and I'm impeded by a road block that is my hearing. Please give me assistance.

Thank you,


joe.public says:

There are a few great studies, one dealing with expectant rats living in hostile environments and another group living in the lap of luxury. The baby rats who were born into the hostile environments had different brain structures that inclined the rats to be aggressive while the other were not.
I am sure you could find lots of similar work on the google

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