Day 1 – The Path to Enlightenment

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Day 1 – The Path to Enlightenment

The first day of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s three day teaching covering Atisha’s “Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment” and Je Tsongkhapa’s “Lines of Experience” given in New Delhi, India, on March 22-24, 2013. (

The teachings were organized by the Foundation for Universal Responsibility of HH the Dalai Lalma (

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Jennifer Koller says:

All demonic lies…Jesus Christ is the only truth.I pray that this delusion
is lifted off the people following this false doctrine..amen

Dane Calderon says:

Just FYI, when Christians come on videos like this beautiful talk about
compassion and loving and insult the man speaking about love, it makes me
very unlikely to want to embrace your religion. Buddhism is about love,
and you’re making Christianity appear to be about judgement and hate.
Thanks for pushing me away from the church.

Amaru Cohen says:

*If you truly want to become enlightened, and clear your mind of all
unnecessary feeilngs, emotions, thoughts and illusions, go to*

*TruthContest☼Com and open **”The Present”.** This can change your life.*

Peter Lee says:

The Bible says all idolaters (such as Buddhists) are cursed by God and
cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
can help you to avoid being sent to hell by his redemption death on the
cross for your sins. Jesus died, was buried and rose again on the third
day. Jesus is a living God and will come again as King of kings, Lord of
lords. On the contrary, Buddha, not god, is now dead and in hell. All true
blessings come from the Jesus Christ. Repent and follow Him, the path of
joy, peace, love, hope, and eternal life. The Bible says in Philippians
2:9-11 we should worship Him:
9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is
above every name:
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven,
and things in earth, and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father.
Yes, Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of lords; every knee should bow,
and every tongue should confess that He is Lord, to the glory of the

James Ledford says:

i have noticed a lot of christians on here that are taking to judgment very
fast i would like to say those who do that first you are going against your
religion just by even looking this up and watching it. if you go by strict
stand bible traditions. and the second sin would be to judge. so tell me,
why speak of which you know nothing about why go against your own religion
by even lookings this up to seek other things?. enough said

Dane Calderon says:

The worst part about these comments is the people condemning this video
even after admitting they’ve not watched it. Christians, please understand
that you sound just like Jihadists when you attack Buddhists like this.
Think about it. Have you EVER heard a Jihadist on CNN saying you must
convert from Christianity to Islam and thought it sounded like a good
idea? The same applies here. Many of the comments in this thread are very
militant and offensive. Everybody knows the scriptures. We were raised
immersed in your religion. If we haven’t converted by now, we probably
don’t intend to. Thank you for understanding how your comments look to
non-Christians. A little tact and love goes a long way.

eternalricemuncher says:

You teach the world is full of ghosts who are attacking you
Superstitious nonsense that is so untrue
To appease these ghosts you modify Buddhism
Not allowing monks to practice tradition

Your brothers endured so much hardship
To get their religious freedom back
Now in the Indian sanctuary they found
Their spiritual lives now you attack!!!

If you attack Tibetan monks spiritual lives
Are you truly holy & wise?
You tell them to abandon their holy masters
And take you as their new one & it’s a disaster

Tibetan people are holy
Their traditions are not to be destroyed
With modifying Buddhism you can toy
But don’t force it on authentic monks

You say you love Tibet
Yet the only Tibetans who could be free
Are suppressed by your rejection of traditions
The source of Tibet’s power & beauty

Everyone who doesn’t agree with you
Is Chinese regardless of skin colour
In Buddhist lectures you talk about China
Buddha did not teach on the topic of China

If instead of dedicating your life to China
And oppressing monks like the chinese did
Dedicate your life to protecting Buddhism
Like our Spiritual Guide Dorje Shugden did

Who arose when you tried to modify Buddhism
Who was the Dharma protector that stood up
To your incorrect decision making
The mark of a true spiritual father is he does not bow to the son

Your spiritual father did not bow to you
So now you reject him and ask others to do too
He stood strong & fast trying to teach
Not destroy the most beautiful nectar the world has ever seen

Dorje Shugden is protecting Buddhism from you
Who teaches that our spiritual masters were frauds
Who teaches that all other teachers are untrue
To be the sole master, and it’s a disaster!

C. Sizemore says:

Thank you, thank you, thank you. If only every person would open their
hearts and listen… 

Sean Cormier says:

to all who have nothing better than to hate on this man and preach your own
religion..each man to his own. hes teaching righteousness. Isnt that what
Jesus did you Bible thumpers? 

Latasha Lee says:

He says to use time properly not to waste it from what ive seen on
documentaries these guys spend much of thier day in meditation prayer and
such. Although he seems a very peaceful man not a care in the world. I
wonder what they do for currency are the monks supported as the priests in
america through the church and tax exemp statuses???

Tenzin tsekyi says:

Long live HH the Dalai Lama

Nicole Personette says:

Wow! Examining comments I am stunned by the bigotry that mostly those who
profess to be Christians have. Christ said to love your neighbor as
yourself. The pursuit of truth and the essence of what he is saying should
resonate more deeply than the fact that people are divided by religion. He
preaches kindness and compassion. Is anyone where to refute that, they
would be promoting hatred.

izzy3503 says:

My family converted from Christianity to Buddhism, and they say it was the
best thing they have ever done. I see why. Thank you your Holiness. 

HuiChyr says:

Ahh…. what a wonderful talk. Thank you His Holiness Dalai Lama. 

Catherine Gambicchia says:

i just cannot believe why so many haters and radical bigots need to spill
their venom. Having faith in humanity is such a hardship when you cross the
path of such haters.
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this video! Beautiful.

Sum41ismyworld says:

I don’t get it. 

Galaxy Smith Smith says:

He is a good Buddhism Master but not a good politician. The existence of he
is the purpose of pinning down china. Dalai, you should become a religion
leader as the Pontiff to help world to be more peaceful.

Andrea Robinson says:

Reverend Eslam you are a moron and an absolute true representation of your
demonic, ignorant, doctrine ridden religion. If only people like you
actually listened to what this inspirational man says then perhaps you may
actually “get it”

candace evans says:

i support the dali lama and love his teachings. peace is in god and life.
as long as there is happiness the bible says god lives. so he speaks
happiness. :)

Ajith Priyantha says:
Dog Brokedog says:


lakpa sherpa says:

His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa

woompa Loompa says:

My holiness beats your holiness.

Geg Dag says:

+ Reverend Eslam : you pathetic piece of “long live Jesus Christ!” all your
altar boys left then?

Flexana Bies says:

all respect and understanding.

easternbamboo VO says:
Latasha Lee says:

Yeah because I dont criticize anyone who chooses an alternative way of
living. I wish I didnt have to run the rat race of making money to get
things I need and working to keep them. His lifestyle is a blessing.

Nicat Qasimov says:

Surah 3. The Family Of ‘Imran, The House Of ‘Imran 85. If anyone desires a
religion other than Islam (submission to Allah., never will it be accepted
of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost
(All spiritual good).

OMdogOM says:


John Okeefe says:

Many persons don’t speak English on this planet. A lot of people would like
to understand what His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama says and put it into
practice. Thank you so much to translate in other languages His Holiness
the 14th Dalai Lama teachings. Can you do something like you see on this
link? There is a lot of language translated.

Charlotte Tessier says:


Many persons don’t speak English on this planet. A lot of people would like
to understand what His Holiness says and put it into practice. Thank you so
much to translate in other languages His Holiness teachings.

The_Monk_Weee! says:

Wonderful teacher. Such a delight to see that such a person is alive in the

Nicole Personette says:

Loved that he was so close to his mother he could act carefree! Using our
intellect as a measure of joy instead of worry is wonderful and sage
advice. Using our time wisely and doing what brings satisfaction can
provide meaning. I love to help people and hope soon to pass my state
board exam so I can become a CNA. My suffering has increased my compassion
for other’s suffering and I wish to do all I can to relieve it. This
simple monk is my hero. His presence is a present to all of mankind.

Caleb Davis says:

Call on the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to go to Heaven where
there is love and joy. All other religions/beliefs lead to Hell. Obey God
and read the Bible.
God is real I hear the angels sing.

buddha light says:

spanish or portuguese subtitles, please.

43nostromo says:

Gunga Galunga. Gunga..Gunga Lagunga.

Ezgi Stump says:

The Dalia Lama is the best person who ever lived. You criticize him, but in
Buddhism they respect everybody, how many times did the Dalia Lama say bad
things about Christianity? Perfect example that Buddhist people grow up
kind, thoughtful and respectful. +Reverend Eslam you on the other hand
never take to account other people’s feelings, and ignore the believes they
live their lives based on!

Flowing (from Authentic Movement) says:

jajajja 🙂 God!! one really has to practice presence in order to listen His
Holiness in English jjijijii :P…definitely the path to enlightenment !!
<3 jajaja ...he is so funny, his laugh is the best*** jejejejej - no need
words. he should just laugh. ja! - 

Woo Hoo says:

What is wrong with you guys who is trying to discredit Buddhism…talking
about Jesus or evil monks..why so much evil in you?…just go your way and
we buddhist go our…you dont need to be worry! Worry about your self! Just
saying..what if you ar wrong.?dont you scare your own consequences? Cause
spreading wrong knowledge…wont get you in heaven that you dream
about…so just let people find their own way…If someone didnt go YOUR
way Its doesnt mean they ar wrong or lost! Respect others!

Beth Baker says:


David Cook says:

Thank you!

Ezgi Stump says:

You people who say that enlightenment is the devils path almost make me
cry. How many people did Buddhists kill? Through out history Christianity
and Islam have caused many deaths. Though they wanted peace, on the other
hand, Buddhists don’t make up some story, they understand as much of the
world as they can, and that takes wisdom. You people who say that Buddhism
is a sin, have no wisdom. I feel sorry for you.. 🙁 

drugstorerecords says:

what a brilliant human being 🙂 and exemplary teacher!

Rashidii Graffiti says:


Neo Neumonic says:

I think that His Holiness addresses a concern that has cost the lives of
too many humans in History. Religion should never be an excuse to wreak
havoc, pillage and/or murder. Because I am more familiar with the
Judea-Christian religions I will speak for their sake, to do anything else
would be arrogant.
We are taught not to judge one another by our savior Jesus Christ, I am not
equipped to judge another man for numerous reasons: I have not lived their
life, I do not carry their troubles, I carry my own troubles that blur my
vision and I am not perfect. There is not a single person out there that
can claim otherwise.
This is why we are taught to leave that judgement to our higher power, for
none other than the One True God has the authority or the right to make
that judgement. Everything else is simply a person deceiving themselves
into believing they have the right or the capacity to judge others.

Surya poosarla says:

bright face,bright thoughts…..great human….

The Oracle from the Zoo says:

I have to say I love watching this and I feel so grateful that I have this
opportunity to come across this 🙂 His energy is so strong that I can feel
the heightened vibrations just hearing his voice.

On a side note however, I love his chair.

Namaste !! I love you 

Shaolin Warior says:

I Love this guy. His country got invaded and he still talks about peace.
I Love Tibetan Buddhism.

davidatkinson56 says:
The Oracle from the Zoo says:

26:00 His long lost younger twin brother

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