Day 2 Session 2: Virtual Ram Dass Legacy Retreat: Ram Dass and Mirabai Starr

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April 19, 2020: Day 2, Session 2 of the Ram Dass Virtual Retreat: Shifting Towards Love in an Uncertain World. This session begins with an archival Ram Dass talk, and is followed by Dharma guidance, Sacred poetry, Meditation, and a Live Q&A with Mirabai Starr.
In this dharma talk, Mirabai Starr, longtime student and friend of Ram Dass, reflects on some of Ram Dass’ most relevant teachings for our times, placing special emphasis on the sacred feminine and the inter-spiritual wisdom of the mystics, helping us learn to, as Ram Dass would say, “keep our hearts open in hell.” By cultivating what Ram Dass spoke of as “the witness” – not as some dispassionate entity that hovers above the fray, untouched by the pain of the world, but rather as that part of ourselves that is fully and lovingly present with what is – we reclaim our innate capacity for alleviating the suffering around and within us.

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Emily Lowrance says:

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds = lucidity

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