Deepak Chopra destroyed by Sam Harris

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Mick Wright says:

Everyone gets what they want….Shermer and Harris get the appearance money and doubtless get to sell a shitload of their books…well inasmuch as the population of caltech haven't already read all of their books twice during the intermission…..

Deepak Chopra on the other hand won't sell a single book to the population of Caltech but gets to promulgate his utter nonsense and drivel to a wider audience supported by sharing a stage with two scientists that should really know better…especially Harris…after all what level of 'good' can come from allowing Deepak Chopra a stage on Caltech?

The only good thing that came from this clip was from harris pointing out that the 'quote' from Chopra can in fact be researched right now by you…the audience. If you think anything Chopra said carried any sort of weight then obviously he wouldn't have any need to try lie. Lying would of course mean his authority is gone, right?… remember that, its important… because nobody needs to lie when what they are saying is accurate.

… and the great thing you can in fact learn right now if Chopra was lying outright…. look at the clip again where Chopra quotes HAwking… then look it up.and compare… and if he'll lie to you on a stage by leading you to believe something thats totally the opposite of what he said… then that's that…his authority is busted.

Chopra above all else is utterly famous for outright lying and 'most' of his intended audience simply not looking up what he said. He sells 'If you can't sell them something they don't want….then sell then the same thing wrapped in a package they can't understand cos its utter nonsense' when that fails he just out and out jumps straight to lying blatantly.

World Religions says:

I like where Sam sells his books…to hipsters.

Brijendra Garg says:

Deepak Chopra began his career as a doctor and on the way found that "?religion" teaching would be more profitable. He takes word from veda and other texts and somehow twist to make it sound profound. Now his wife and son is on the corporate bandwagon he has created.


Deepak you are RIGHT and I know it in my HEART.  Bless EVERYTHING  that you are doing.

Jrao nm says:

Sam talks of theoretical physicists as if they r the ultimate in intelligence. He says he spent twenty years in caves with spiritualists. By now, he shud have realised that there is no such thing as ultimate knowledge. In fact that is what enlightenment is all about. Understanding that after a point, our intelligence will encounter a wall thick enuf to blunt even the toughest egos of some people! And for god's sake the 'god' concept is subjective, that is, as opposed to objective, got it?

KowshiK Tikadar Suv Sufi says:

god does not exist yet!!!

shawz10 says:

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Look at my rhinestone glasses!

Albert Sun says:

Nonlocality has little to do with the double slit experiment with EM wave and diffraction of electron ~ particle has wave properties and wave has particle property. Lower division physics.

Albert Sun says:

Wonder how many who commented here knows basics such as linear equation, advanced calculus, Fourier Series, Maxwell equations, Schrodinger equations and…

Albert Sun says:

Ajhan Brahm is a theoretical physicist and a Buddhist, and I majored in theoretical physics too and try to practice Buddhism.

AsG1989 says:

10:20 deepak has a point. Look at the spirit as the person sitting at the computer, and the computer is your brain. You have to give the computer commands for it to know what to do. If there is no inner being then how can you ever make a choice? The majority of life goes along like a program and cannot alter its pre programmed nature.

sorellman says:

"Deepak Chopra destroyed by Sam Harris" Wow! What five year old comes up with these highly deceptive titles for their videos? What's next? "Bill O'Reilly destroys Albert Einstein!" Manvir Singh, does the word honesty means anything to you, or you are simply in for the kicks. Do you really think you can make people perceive reality based on whatever label you put on it? In fact, Manvir, five year old do not watch YouTube, I think….

jason gabriel says:

Is this a Shakespearean cult drama of how not to think about science, A abstract slight of hand for our tribe explained by tribal dance of our current state of affairs using mythology themes like a shamans dance. Look no further than the inner chamber of a priest class.


I have to say content wise I was leaning away from Deepak. However, the tone of Sam was so condescending and disrespectful he lost me.

jason gabriel says:

One group of nervous systems can always overwhelm one nervous system, Look no further than the Pythagorean cult of science. I observe that at the height of some cults of math that art is re integrated into metaphor and archetypes such as the pyramids, what is classical visual stimulus to one is obnoxious to another , a device or game of enlightenment. Which nervous system is supreme, which math cult reigns supreme, could not a particle collider be a type of acropolis, philosophers stone, monument to humanism or visual problem to be solved . The current cult I have observed always falls back on invalidation which I suppose meme'd way of mirror neuron from teacher to student. I think that the current understanding will be later superseded by another understanding and so on and so on thus making it a mythology of math. The best scientist will be and will always be the rule breakers on the frontier of acceptable knowledge, the wright brothers, Columbus, and Curie took chances that risked everything. The current cult status is to invalidate first then sterilize into a pure culture without the cost of imagination that catalyzed the discovery, For example the discovery of benzene by way of dream. Such invalidation cost us microscopy for century's because we refuse to re-integrate these classical themes of the relationship of the observer to the object. Who is the observer and why would they take so long for example to reward Einstein. Max Plank says it best when he state science progresses one funeral at a time, without being aware of his criticism in the above in the above video he has proven Max wright again. Science has become a cult ofcompartment , We will never see real modern science because it is tied up in secret intelligence, another cult. Finally primal man did not squabble like this when trying to recreate fire they just solved the problem and later formed cults around fire. Its my fire. No, its my fire. I don't tell another person how to denature there albumin. Its like a abstract time ration for those who engineer the times in the end it is just another cult.

billyblackburn87 says:

Whos this Deepak guy? Seems stupid.

Builder House says:

Sam  …is not ready to take his head out of his butt.. Waste of 3 minutes…

Albacko says:

Chopra really like to hear his own voice

Things You Can't Say says:

Every time I watch one of these rockstar atheists talk I'm reminded of how good Dawkins generally is at NOT being a smug little douche about his beliefs. I don't know if Harris, Krauss and Hitchens were ever in a room together (I imagine so), but the combined hot air could be the real cause of climate change. If I had to attend a dinner party with any one of them it would take all my will power not to club them to death with their own bottle of Bordeaux.

Fortunately, they're all so intrinsically bitter and miserable that they're either already dead or well on their way to self-destruction. In the eternal question of "Would you rather be right than happy?" they chose "I'm so certain that I'd rather be right that I will be unhappy just to spite your irrational air-whispering ass."

Stephanie Campbell says:

Sam is buried.

He is entirely rude. It's 2 against one, and Deepak uses calm and knowledge to diffuse it. Slandering and jealousy (apparently Sam is far less studied) is all you hear from his side. Likely, he's too busy talking and writing nonsense than actually making his "spirituality" accessible. He's so offensive and boring. He lacks depth, understanding, ideals, and vision.

He mentions that Deepak is credentialed in everything BUT Theoretical Physics– yet, Deepak touts the necessary accreditation in order to probe that ground if he chooses.Why is he stopping him from breaking in to new thought? I'm sure his meditations have enlightened him on much of our physical world as well.

I feel deeeply connected to Dr. Chopra, and feel safe there.

Vice81 says:

I wouldn't say they destroyed him.

rdkin says:

the map is not the territory!! these guys are debating on linguistics basically!!

h.thomas ackermann says:

no one destroyed anybody on stage – they have not been born yet !!!
P.S. the Harris science guy is the archetype of the Oppenheimers, Fermis or Strassmann – Hahn & Co. who brought us nuclear fission and unleashed the greatest threat to all of life in the history of humanity. A rotten loveless bunch – all of them

h.thomas ackermann says:

the science based view of ETERNITY is dead and over. IT HAS FAILED HUMANITY in the same way that the dogmatic (boys club) of all religions have failed us. Millions of toxic chemicals, atom bombs, nuclear plants, Inquisitions, flexible moral laws, Monsanto, medical pharma…etc. Both of these world views/practices are complete and utter failures. This bunch of hostile "stage" performers, self-promoting wannabes fail to recognize their common ground, that, if embraced would make our world a paradise. That common ground is not science, religion or consciousness but our ability to CARE. It is called CONSCIENCE. It is a wonderful ability that has been drowned by self-serving blustering windbags such as all of these meaningless brains on legs. I can be the stupidest person ever but if i act my conscience committed to doing the right thing, (do no harm) I am expressing/living my essence inside the mystery we call life.

AmerginMacEccit says:

I have to agree with Sam Harris here. People who take a leap towards spirituality connected with some factual knowledge often get entangled with yet another cultlike thinking. I do not understand why a scientist of all people needs a "conscious being"
to understand the existence and effects of the moon. That of course would raise a long list of other questions regarding responsibilities of that "conscious being".
What is our moon to Mr. Chopra besides a gigantic rock hurling through space around our beautiful planet? What mythological functions and meanings does he have to attach to it just to fully accept its existence? Would he expand this line of thinking towards other planets, nebulas, galaxies or maybe natural phenomena?
 My favourite quote about quantum physics is "If you think you understand quantum physics, you don't understand quantum physics". People often misuse those terms and get into a hole of psychobabble. I think we've entered a new age in some way where there is an attempt to reconcile science with religion and somehow connect the two (funny, that was the idea of many mystics before and one was even labelled "the most evil man alive"). It's an attempt to explain religious ideas and experiences with scientific understanding. We know morality doesn't come from Big Brother or the state but spirituality. The state can make the most abhorrent acts legal, but never right or moral.

jim mcguiggan says:

I love to see these juveniles trying to impress. So smug. So self satisfied. So limited scientifically.

Deepak CERTAINLY wasn't destroyed.

Debbie Cottrell says:

Literally nothing Chopra says ever comes close to making sense, and he has no fucking clue what quantum even means.

Penelope says:

Wow. These people just don"t get it! Have to feel sorry for them.

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