Deepak Chopra Higher States of Consciousness

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Deepak Chopra Higher States of Consciousness

Deepak Chopra is the Founder and Chairman of the Chopra Foundation, and Founder and Co-Chairman of the Chopra Center for Well Being. Known as the prolific author of over 55 books with eighteen New York Times best sellers on mind-body health, spirituality, and peace, Times Magazine heralds Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of this century. A global force in the field of human empowerment, Dr. Chopra’s books have been published in more than thirty five languages in both fiction and non fiction. His book, Peace Is the Way (Harmony Books) won a Quill award, and The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life was given a Nautilus award.


abigael Gibendi says:

I'm just wondering how log can someone meditate to reach to the seventh state.

PeacePlease! says:

Very interesting! Thanks for posting. This man knows what he's talking about & he's a good man.

Katherine Okinga says:

you are such a blessing to us thank you

Alali Patti says:

"The self is transcendent. Water cannot wet it, wind cannot dry it, weapons cannot shatter it and fire cannot burn it." How beautiful.

phil larkin says:

Wow I could listen to deepak all day,night x namaste

Mrpike91 says:

all i can say is "woo woo"

jasmine lee says:

Thank you so much for your teaching, truly great and deep wisdom.
What is the name of the book of the 6000 poems coming out of Krishna at the cosmic dance?

eL3ctr1c4L says:

For those who have doubts, please do try DMT. It's harmless and you will know the truth pure and so simple.

zoz0boy says:

When i was 16 in 2012, i reached transcended consciousness and in 2014/15 christ consciousness and i started feeling isolated, so i got back to regular waking consciousness , only to figure that i should keep going, and i started believing in god and christ as a result of combination of life signs, people coming into my life and a salvationary terms from demon encounter, i thought that demon was ocd , but i defeated it. Peace, ask for more info

Ram Maydini says:

I love you man, Thank you so much for uploading this eye-opening video. Namaste!!!!!
I love you all
I just love you I feel amazing wow!!!!

Diana Roberts says:

An absolutely amazing person, your knowledge is grately respected…

Ricardo X says:

To recap:
1. Deep sleep
2. Dream
3. Waking
4, Transcendental consciousness: transcends space-time
5. Cosmic/Christ Consciousness
6. Divine/God Consciousness
7. 43:20 witness in the subject and the witness in the object merge

kashsoldier says:

so called images of god (gods) of Hindu/vedic culture of India also came from higher levels of consciousness of hindu/vedic seers. Images of gods of hinduism were then mapped on to laws of nature.

kashsoldier says:

Good that he acknowledged hindu/vedic seers of India. in the beginning of his speech. It proves that so called science, laws of nature (aka hindu/vedic high philosophies) came from higher levels of consciousness of hindu/vedic seers of India or then hindu civilization

Joseph De Vito says:

Thank you :)

Eli Consoli says:

1. Wakeful 2. Asleep/astral 3. Dream state 4. Transcendental/meditative 5. Afterlife
Holy Crap!! I just got it… Just like when we dream, everything in the dream is really part of us. So everything around us and everything in the world is not separate, it's all part of the same thing…God/the divine consciousness or whatever!!


Namaste, incredible educational information, thanks for sharing  your  great wisdom…deeply appreciated, be blessed in love and peace …



Pramod Kumar Aggarwal says:

Really superb description of consciousness!
Can I ask you a personal question?
How far you have travelled on this map? Is all you telling is based on your experience or some of it is based on the scriptures?
Another question? In all these states of consciousness, is body necessary or at some stage consciousness can be aware of itself without a brain? And also how does reincarnation fits into the above map?

balancing rock says:

God and Divine spark are in an eternal state of separatism.  We are part and parcel, one of the same but separate. When we say we are God, this is the last snare of the religious mind. I prefer my no idea.

trueit says:

The explanation of is existence is separate from existence for it has no name. . The one with out passion for the name. Will embrace existence.. 

Larry Shekels says:

Such wisdom

Jolanta Poland says:

A superb way of telling complicated things simply. My regards.

Aida Farhat says:

I thank you for all of your amazing work, it would be an honor and a dream come true to meet you April 1st in Washington DC where I will be coming to one of your lectures/ events, thank you so much, you helped me understand that I had a near death experience , I'm too excited to share my experience with the world, I remember you saying in one of your videos, we all have a story & we should share it, That I Am! "

Stephanie Brown says:


Roger Clough says:

So far, you can only understand consciousness through Leibniz
If anyone wants to understand consciousness, there is IMHO only one way,
that being through Plato-Leibniz, because only Plato has the universe's singular
Perceiver, and perception must be from a singular point.  So from the top
point, topdown, with nothing behind it, The One (Mind).

Continuing, Leibniz has what seems at first to be an overly complicated explanation of perception
and consciousness, but I go along with him because Leibniz's universe is inside of Plato's,
where all causation, including perception and consciousness,  is topdown from the top (Mind
with a capital M).  So our own minds  (small m) are puppets of Mind (the One, capital M).
Thus Mind (the One, the singular point that is monarch of the universe) controls all

Thus when we "see" something in our minds (small m), it is actually a report of what
Mind sees, the universe of other monads with their individual perceptions,
but from our own perspectives.  The report is given to us as an ordered  sequence, a series of
updates to our perceptions, of the universe of monads,  since we ourselves, necessarily
being individuals, cannot see (monads are windowless) be directly influenced by our environment. And time is not
a variable in plato's tmeless, spaceless Mind.  Each update is like a separate frame of a movie
but like a movie we experience our perceptions as if continuous and from our own eyes.

Moreover, because of plato's topdown, cybernetic causation by thought, our minds play our
brains like a violin, not the reverse. Dennett and others who view causation as bottom up
from the brain to mind, have got it backwards. Our minds play  our brains like
a violin.

Accordingly, when (as caused by Mind) our brains, in perception send sensory nerve signals
from our senses, Mind (the only operator) converts these physical sensory signals
into mental experiences by perceving them and transmitting them back to our individual
minds in the above movie-like process.

These are called perceptions. But perceptions are only made conscious by our individual
minds indirectly reflecting on them, that is to say, by thinking them–intending them.
Leibniz called this action apperception. Apperception is awareness or consciousness.
Consciousness is thus experiences which are thought on.

Beware of trying to understand Leibniz from the Stanford site on Leibniz, which
refuses to include Mind (capital M) in its explanations of Leibniz..

Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).
See my Leibniz site:
For personal messages use

MsFuturemillionaire says:

I love how Deepak so eloquently explains how I am feeling. 

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