deepak chopra – Internal Dialogue and the Manifestation of Desire

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Leahcim Semaj says:

Thanks for this posting. More fuel for me as I grow on the path – understanding The Laws of The Universe.

Melissa B says:

Mirror technique:  Say this to yourself every time you look in the mirror.
1.) I'm totally independent of the good or bad opinion of others
2.) I'm beneath no one and superior to no one
3.) I'm fearless in the face of all challenges

Jose A Beaton says:

Thanks you for allowing me to be able to lean form you.

IsabelsBeautyBlog says:

Thank you for your generosity I use this very day

Abdul Ghafoor says:

thank you much.A beautiful and fruitful service to the humanity,please keep up and you are blessed,

Ramon Solis says:


Carol Lackhansingh says:

Thank you Paul! My life has changed in so many positive levels and I'm so grateful to all of you!

Angelica Diaz says:

Aham! i am one with the universe, thank you Paul!!!

Daniela Daogaru says:

I tahk you for answering to me; I am also utterly helped by Dr Chopra's work, I find his work extremely precious to everybody, and watch vidoes on a regulary basis. Again, thank you, Paul. Namaste

Thomas Beaudry says:

Good one Paul! Thank you!👍

Daniela Daogaru says:

Thank you very much Paul, it has been a real help and pleasure to listen to dr Chopra again. Namaste.

hina riya says:

thank you..paul

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