Deepak Chopra on Donald Trump

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Chopra on Donald Trump


Will Power says:

Hahahahahahahahaha. Everything Deepak Chopra says here about Trump is false, and the exact opposite of reality. We will all know this after 8 years of a Trump presidency. We will elect Trumps vice in a land slide for 8 more after Trumps magnificent leadership. Chopra said the world looks to America for leadership, that's the case because of American ingenuity given it through the long period of being relatively free, especially compared to the rest of the world, and by gifted wealth creators like Trump, a few personality quarks are meaningless in comparison to what America has had for leadership up to now. We're extremely lucky Trump is even running for president, & it's probably our last chance to remain a relatively free nation. … Michael Shermer said that Chopra is "the very definition of what we mean by pseudoscience", boy is't that the truth.

Sarah Nolt says:

emotionally retarded

Adj. used to describe someone who is incapable of understanding or communicating their true feelings or emotions.

1. Emotionally ignorant to the various levels of emotion. Only
expresses emotion in black or white – angry or happy. Doesn’t know how
to differentiate the emotional shades of gray in between.

Masimba Musodza says:

Waiting for the outrage over the use of the word "retarded."

vpost1x1 says:

You sound foolish speaking of another human being in such negative terms. I don't think you know much. You insult us all. We support Trump.

James Bolger says:

I can see Deepak's shadow on the wall.

Caroline Baptista Axelsson says:

Sorry, l did not mean "indian" of any kind, l meant a disgusting person.

Caroline Baptista Axelsson says:

This indian is a disgrace, well a good businessman that will profit on the stupidity and lack of perception of people. Dr Dawkins is the one that can force this man to show his real face….

Farmer James says:

go back to what ever hindu asshole you climbed out of fucktard

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