Deepak Chopra on Secrets to Happiness

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Dr Deepak Chopra sits with Soul Sessions founder Eloise King to discuss the nature of technology and how it’s effecting our consciousness; who or what God is; and your place in it all.


Tokyo Monsta says:

This guy is total BS I hope he gets put on South Park one day.

sigmiami says:

Michael myers is funny

Open-minded Skeptic says:

Excellent, excellent talk. Cheers.

rhonda meier-kohler says:

I never would of looked at it that way before, but it all makes perfect
sense everyone is begging for love just in the wrong way;)

Yrgen2 says:

did he seriously say that in 10 years we will have nano robots? If I
understood him correctly he is fucking lost. If that will ever be developed
it would more likely be like 80 years or more..

YOKE magazine says:

Technology and God .. how fabulous

erik. achad says:

If you want to be really inspired check out Paul Stanley’s single greatest
stage rap ever.

Richard Stapleton says:

Again, why don’t this man show India the secrets of happiness? 

pablo escoberg says:
twinboost says:

This man oozes with truth and honesty , 

Clyde Ward says:

It is true that yous subjective state effects how your body responds to
injury and disease. I am just concerned about the state of our
understanding. Learn about the multitude of spiritual healing practices in
the world. Listen to the varying and contradictory explanations for how it
supposedly works. Learn about how flexible the human mind is. The truth
is not easily found. Their is one truth, and in principle and infinite
amount of false understanding. Keep an open mind, but remain skeptical of
peoples claims. Listen to the other sides experience. He is not educated
in physics, and even those who have honestly tried to find truth physics
don’t make claims with as much certainty as Depok does. Intellectual
honesty is a virtue beyond all the others. The truth will set you free.

Lungile Moloi says:

and Take it easy he says. :)

johnyboy6405 says:

The friends part…

Missy Lynn Charles says:


Robert ananda says:

Thanks insightful. way too loud..and distracting. .

The English Sisters says:

Lovely! Smiles from The English Sisters 

Mosh Reyes says:

The difference between illness and wellness: Illness starts with I;
Wellness starts with we.

Henrik Kjær Hansen says:
Elan Star says:



Ten years? A bit optimistic; I think the technology will be there but due
to economic latency and stalled infrastructures, we could add another ten
or twenty years to that estimate. Then who knows what curved balls natures
will throw at us.

TY says:

Just finished listening to Reinventing the body, Resurrecting the Soul.
Wonderful spiritual insight coming from Deepak. Thanks for posting this

Susanne Kratz says:
Praveen Gajjala says:

Just Awesome!

Anoop Krishnan says:

The secrets are for business.. the truth is that there no secrets..

Ted Crilly says:

Ill stop taking on sentient lives.

FerrisPermentoe says:

Im sorry… did you say we have no choice whether we merge with robotics?
To try and deny others that choice is a violation of free will and nothing
to smile warmly about. Technology is a shabby replacement for sleeping
abilities humans naturally possess. If only more people knew this and tried
to develop them. Much better than having to rely on something that needs
batteries. Telepathy or cells phones? Who the fuck would choose cell

shiv kumar sharma says:

inspiring this vedio and useful

Carlos Santiago Scott Larrazábal says:

Do never miss this… Enjoy!

jody emmer says:

Deepak Chopra on Secrets to Happiness

Mimi imiM says:

wow God bless him

TheLoserKingdom says:

I am right though.

Peter Kimble says:

I had no idea, but its good to see people who get wealth from the world
putting it back positively. Like the Gates foundation. Good job Deepak. We
are all One, yet many do not come close to the realization and so those who
do must look after those who dont. Blessings and love to all beings.

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