Deepak Chopra On Synchronicity And Coincidence

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What’s the deeper meaning when you experience synchronicity or coincidence? Deepak and Darrah explain.


markrudis1 says:

Brilliant explanation guruji!

BarbaraMerry Geng says:

Hi guys, nice talk. I am reading Chopra’s book on “spontaneous manifestation”’s more about the latest findings in quantum physics, which I love studying about. It’s a shame that the majority of people are stuck in the old Newtonian ideology .. I gave up trying to move that mindset in others .. I just go ahead on my own…it’s a beautiful way to live & understand life.. bit by bit.. quantum creates EVERYTHING. ✨🤩✨

Lixa Pixa says:

Anyone in Houston, TX want to talk synchronicity and multidimensional beings. My friends don't get me. 😏

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