Deepak Chopra on the Secrets to becoming Metahuman

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Secrets to becoming Metahuman

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Rusty Covey says:

Ok, once, you achieve this meta human state, you will no longer have self awareness. The self awareness is used to arrive at this state, to fully detach from yourself, means their will no longer be an awareness of yourself. For example, now, when you experience pain, you are aware of what you're experiencing, when, you are fully in the meta human state, there isn't awareness of the pain you are experiencing. You will be able to move through that moment that brought on the physical pain without knowing the pain is there. The non-meta human will say, Its because, you were in shock, is the reason you didn't experience the pain.
Also, in the meta human state, there is no fight or flight. I think this is an evolutionary condition. How many 10 of 1000s of years has humans lived in a state of violence? Forget the 10,000 bc theory,, the saber tooth tiger analogy. How humans treated each for 1000s of years developed this condition.

Rusty Covey says:

There are two conversations going on in the world. One is that which Deepak is talking about. Which is a life I'm very familiar with, the meta human state. The other conversation is that which people and I'll just relate it to the people in America. Americans want to talk about feelings and emotions, hope, they want to discuss life in a dramatic sense.
Over the last eleven years, I have been tossed back and forth between these two different worlds. So, its easy for me to see whats causing Americans to live in misery most of the time or to live in an up and down state, one moment, life is great, the next its not great. I've listened many public speakers who play to the listeners emotions, their vulnerable state. All this does is strengthen this state of weakness, confirming this is how humans really are and its the farthest from the truth.
In the meta human state. You will not experience loneliness, because, you're always around people. If, you're lonely, remove judgement fro your life and see how quick you get back to socializing with people. To understand the meta human state, observe a one years old who has parents who are loving, caring and are a perfect couple. Who are always opening their arms to strangers, moved by compassion. You will see a child thats in the meta human state.

Eric wong says:

The biggest enemy is your knowledge. The more you know It, the more you
do not have it . Knowledge replace the true clarity. All knowledge is trash.All explanations are useless.All understandings are futile. Only true understanding happens when true clarity appears.True clarity comes when all knowledge fades. True understanding comes out of non-knowledge, but petty understanding comes with knowledge. True clarity comes out of non-knowledge but petty clarity comes through knowledge. Petty knowledge and petty understanding is food for mind but heart remain always thirsty. Quench the thirst of heart but not the greed of mind. Mind is greedy for knowledge , it makes its survival , it gives it safety , power, control , dominance ,satisfactions, relaxation,this in turn gives some good feeling and some happiness which is mistaken to true experience. These petty happiness and good feelings always leave pain behind.
Heart is thirsty of experience.Heart is not interested into knowing but having it , heart is not interested in observing of ocean but to dive into it. Heart is not the viewer or watcher but it is mirror where everything reflects. Heart is not interested in gaining or achieving . This is not an emotional heart which is extension of mind. The language of heart is neither win nor loss, neither happiness nor sadness , whatever comes in its way is its way. It does not know what is choosing, it does not know what is fear , it does not know what is knowing. The heart neither stops nor becomes tired . Do not seek experience but be it. So throw away the bags of burden and mountains of knowledge from your shoulders.

You do not have to travel thousands miles tough journey and crossing all oceans and mountains to reach at where you are standing now.

When you are healthy , you do not know your body .You do not know about your head until it gets headache. You do not know about your mind until it does not have thoughts.You only get to know about your ignorance but you will never know about the Truth.
There is nothing known that should to know. So approach the Unknown by being unknown.

Hanna RAOUL says:

Thank you. Much love 🙂

Chander Singh A says:

I have seen this man in person…..An obese with a bulging belling and handles and unwell looking man… talking about being metahuman!!!

Mark Rudis says:

Victory and defeat are the same, there is another intelligence beyond the mind…Lord Krishna to Arjuna. 🙏

Zealea Zealeaphoric! says:

smart and beautiful …reminds me of T refreshing choice to the show. Dr. C

Jack Frishert says:

We are nerve cels of the universal body.

tHE wHITE hOT mA mA'SS says:

💋's from kk

arjun 8879233251 Amrahs says:

As is always… Excellent, Excellent Excellent… thanks 🙏🙏 🙏 Dr Satish Sharma, Mumbai India

TheJooberjones says:

Deepak responds to the first question from an absolute standpoint, which is accurate but not terribly helpful for someone stuck in the relative. The pain of this addiction to the self, which is what she is referring to, is very “real” for a time, and must be taken on courageously and headlong until it dissipates.

This is why meditation is seen and often described by “gurus” as this flowery peaceful process, which could not be further from the truth for most people. Or in deepaks case it is dismissed entirely as non existent “cuz oneness”, which sidesteps the issue. It is only once the ego has matured and seen this ugly and futile mess it has made that it can begin the process of unraveling.

I recommend Osho for the true seekers out there.

Msgoody 2shoes says:

The negative thing with this kind of teaching is, apathy. All religions and cults teach apathy. Just "live in the now", and "offer it up" and "suffer it quietly"…No people, this is how abuse lives on.

Chris Carter says:


About Creativity says:

Very good, ´´Wake up from the conditioned mind´´. ´´Projection of the conditioned mind´´. Meta-Human = infinite possibility. ´´Meta-Human = Creativity´´
Action is important.
My wants/needs come from the inside of me, and my willingness to ask. I love yes´s, no´s are ok and I am not afraid to ask for what I want and need.
´´I am not my thoughts I am the thinker of my thoughts´´ = 9:10
Creative thoughts have value.
´´Biological robots´´

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