Deepak Chopra Rips ‘Fundamentalist’ Richard Dawkins

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In an interview with HuffPost Live on Tuesday, author and self-proclaimed spiritual leader Deepak Chopra attacked atheist Richard Dawkins for being an “adolescent” in debates about spirituality…

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Clip from the Wednesday, November 12th 2014 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday – friday 4-6pm Eastern.

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Slim Jim says:

The ‘atheist community’ need to ditch these fucking figure heads like
Dawkins and Harris, both arrogant and smug cunts with huge victim

TheColorblindpony says:

athiests on the large are arrogant cunts, but not all of them. just most.
still have t say rather be friends with an arrogant atheist cunt than an
arrogant christian cunt

Amelia Bee says:

You’re wrong, he IS nefarious. He runs a pyramid scheme and makes money
hand over fist spouting this crap. I firmly believe he KNOWS he’s full of
crap, but why jump off the gravy train?

Alex g greenfurt says:

these two morons are trolls or just morons, i think theyre morons. one is a
pussy communist who wants to ban porn and skimpy clothes and that not
married people deserve less rights than married people. wander is a moron
pagan, do i even need to say anymore.

devourerofbabies says:

I’m not defending Deepak, but he does have a point about Dawkins. The “new
atheists” are really just fundamentalists of a different stripe.

They’ve replaced the altar with a microscope and deified “reason”.

The problem with that is that human beings are inherently irrational. All
of us are, no matter how much we love reason. I find that the people who
trumpet reason most loudly are often quite irrational themselves, and they
make the mistake of thinking that their beliefs must be rational because
they believe them.

In this way, Maher is wrong when he says “atheism is a religion like
abstinence is a sex position”. It is not entirely neutral, it seems to
take as an article of faith that science and reason can address most, if
not every, problem. There’s a danger of having an unshakeable faith in
your own convictions because “reason” led you there, and “reason” is

Science can tell you how things work but it can’t tell you how to live, and
reason is only as good as its premises. Even if your premises are sound,
reason can only shine a light on so much. People have needs that reason
alone cannot address. That’s what these “new atheists” don’t seem to

John Smith says:

Atheism is not a religion (and it’s so moronic that rightists think that),
HOWEVER, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and their fanboys have practically
turned into a cult. They say they support rational thinking, yet most of
their supporters are closed minded morons who just believe everything these
guys say, just like religious fundamentalists believe everything their
priest/rabbi/mullah says. If these dudes were infact so rational, than how
comes Christopher Hitchens foreign policy positions are practically
identical to those of John Bolton? 

Filthtrooper says:

God forbid Deepak Chopra have non scientific views. What the fuck did this
guy do to you or anyone? It’s not like there’s going to be a “new age” war
or anything like that. By your definition Chopra’s new age beliefs,
although not scientific, still line up with the atheism. By being
exclusionary to those beliefs and requiring a strict adherence to science,
you are being a fundamentalist. The whole point of atheism is to
counteract fundamentalism and religious dogma, not to rob people of their
spirituality. By doing so you are just as big a smug prick fuck as Dawkins.

iHatebologna59 says:

I actually agree Dawkins can be a bit much at times. A guy like
Christopher Hitchens was able to be both angry and witty at the same time.
Dawkins doesn’t have the same charming wit, so he just comes off as a
bitter person at times. Then again, if I had his intellect and had to deal
with utter morons on a regular basis, I’m sure I’d be just as bitter. 

G. Whistler says:

Chopra is an exploitative cunt who sells bulltshit to gullible insecure
people. He has the right to criticise the ethics of noone.

yootoob1958 says:

If Oprah Winfrey married Deepak Chora she would become Oprah Chopra.

KingLink95 says:

While I don’t know if I agree with Chopra, Dawkins is the atheist version
of a fundamentalist. People often try to divorce atheism from the
theological-philosophical debate like it isn’t a position but when it comes
to this stuff, people do have positions-even atheists. When people say
someone is an “atheist fundamentalist” they mean an anti-religious
extremists. They are almost dogmatically anti-religion and are dicks to
people who disagree-much like religious extremists. Also, you say Chopra
pretends to know more than he does-so does Dawkins. 

WisemanTimes says:

I am so fucking tired of religious morons thinking they have all the
answers… Guess what fucking retards… those answers might have been good
2000 years ago if you wanted to own a slave girl but its 2014.. Grow the
fuck up already.

Blargh Blah says:

Deepak Chopra is a man who claims the moon doesn’t exist as a definite,
certain object until a person looks at it. Stop. Read that first sentence
again. Wallow in for a few seconds, let it sink in.


No one should listen to Chopra about anything, ever.

nytehawx says:

Logic can be subjective, sadly. I disagree with Deepak Chopra as a whole,
but in terms of logic, there is subjectivity.

E.G.: Handling societal issues: One person’s logic says we must have
equality in all board. Another’s logic says that we must have equal
opportunities. Both of them see logic in their point of view, but both may
or may not be correct. Weird, eh?

The reality is that logic is rigid, but humans are not logical.

jenny mcdermott says:

Love this dudes diamond studded glasses. Real humble guy. Really close to
the lord. I mean someone in sierra leone probably lost an arm over those
specs, but hey god likes chopra better.

James Stewart says:

I keep hearing about these militant atheist. Is there a sign up sheet for
the atheist militia ? 

The Undefeated God of the Internet says:

What are the fundamentals of atheism? Nothing?

Ultra80s says:

Ha, I got called a “militant atheist” not too long ago.

I thought that was awesome. 

Sensei Rich says:

I’m glad that people are finally realizing that Depak Chopra is a brown
skinned douche bag full of shit.

WildwoodClaire1 says:

No, Dipshit, if there’s NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE for something, there’s no
rational basis for believing it exists.

Nicholas Sabater says:

He says we can’t see emotions but isn’t that incorrect, can’t we do brain
scans that see how were feeling? 

Johan Hjalmarsson says:

I agree with pretty much everything Richard Dawkins has to say. That being
said, he IS a fundamentalist. Definition of fundamentalism: “Strict
adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles”. I believe that he only
takes this “militant approach” because America NEEDS it. If he would live
in, say, secular scandinavia, he probably wouldn’t be very militant because
there is no need for it there.

Katjo Kiro says:

Kyle the humble atheist LMAO, such a good example of humility mixed with
atheism here on this channel 😛

Buddhism is an atheistic religion so atheist cannot be a religion, but some
atheist people are militant just like religious people and they blurry the
lines because they act mostly the same as Buddhist, but they never get to
know it.
Also Atheism is often link to Freedom especially in Murica, and people in
murica care about freedom religiously and shove it in the throat of others
religious group. That’s why it’s view as religion, because it defy other
religious system.

Also in Buddhism the ultimate creator is the mind, Kyle don’t you agree
with that ? That would explain a lot to you that you often don’t seem to
That’s why Santa Claus and dragons “exist” just like God, and all these
crazy things, even though we never saw them.
So if the mind is the ultimate creator we should believe in what we want
rather than in what we know, as long as we stay rational and humble when
the situation ask for it. That’s the difference between beliefs and facts
and as human we have the chance to enjoy the best of both worlds.

I hope I won’t be hated by you only because I say I’m Buddhist 🙁
Peace Kyle and please educate yourself more about Buddhism, it’s a main
religion that you often seem to misjudge, it’s very different than other
mainstream religion on many level.
Anyways, you are still young and your hearth is as the right place, you
only miss the right target sometimes and dangerously put everyone on the
same boat.

the laughingman says:

Deepthroat Caca is a fool. Who really gives a fuck what this guy says?

ChristianIce says:

What is this “new atheists” label ?
Nietzsche doesn’t approve :)

UncleAL says:

I feel sorry for you dumb fuks that buy into his bullshit.

Able D-G says:

Deepak has been *completely ridiculed* by Richard Dawkins on the *Dangerous
Ideas* debate, it was almost embarrassing.

MrOttopants says:

If I didn’t know that the stupid fuck Chopra had gotten rich doing this,
then I think I would laugh my ass off at him. Otherwise, he just makes me
angry, because he’s duping a bunch of lost people out of their money.

Kenneth McCormick says:

The very fucking opening quote “Faith is supported by logic.”
Plus Dawkins “Belief System”??
“…Who Share HIS atheism…”.
His “belief system” is *militant* because it antagonizes people???
Dawkins never pushes the thoughts on Reality the way Dick Chopra is
portraying it.
“Thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, imagination, creativity, choice are
real.” *Yes they are real AS a PART of ones SUBJECTIVE REALITY. They can be
cause / effect of objective reality. The day every single person cries or
laughs for a common reason, come & make this argument.*
There is a “Non Local Domain. Which is the source.”
“He has no Idea of what reality is”

*Should this be enough to get an insight into this guys agenda?*

Sadaf Ahmadzai says:

At least Dawkins has a patent on getting his concepts right, i’ve read
Chopra’s books and he doesn’t make any sense, as he misuses terms all the

JE Hoyes says:

I’m sorry but, all I hear when Chopra talks is waffle… He’s such a

Arcturusalt says:

It’s funny, I’ve had this epiphony on 2C-I before that basically was a
battle between my spirituality and reality. I came to the conclusion that
absolute knowledge is idealistic. I kept having looping thoughts in my head
where I’d just keep repeating “I don’t know” like I just found out a new
universal equation. That feeling is what makes spirituality, and the
thought is what makes reality.

Anton Hill says:

I’ve attempted to have the “spiritual” conversation all the time. Those who
profess can’t defend so they become defensive.

Aaron Faso says:

“There’s not a single document that lays out the tenets of atheism.” Kyle,
that’s a really lazy argument. I get what you’re saying, but that’s way too
simplistic. Under that logic, most major religions aren’t inherently
fundamentalist or even “religious” by that standard. For example,
Christianity has the “New Testament” as its “document.” But considering
that Christianity is split into three major subsystems of belief
(Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodoxy) and each of these three
subsystems accepts different books into their version of the Bible, can you
honestly call that a coherent document? Buddhism, Islam (believe it or
not), and Judaism are the same way. They all have different subgroups under
an umbrella “religion.” So, technically what you’re saying about atheism is
true, Kyle. It doesn’t have a single document outlining the tenets of
atheism. But, I’m getting the sense that you’re using that little fact as
an excuse to completely invalidate anything outside of atheistic belief.
Maybe I’m wrong. But the way you vehemently attacked those who dared to
rail against Sam Harris or Bill Maher does come off on your end as a bit
childish. That’s not say that Deepak is right. Not even close (he’s a
fucking idiot and is indeed a scam artist). But to completely invalidate
all religious or spiritual belief is quite adolescent on your end.

dionstrezlecki says:

Dawkins would move to North Korea if he really thought atheism was good but
he lives in britian which is christian he knows atheist societys are brutal
so he speaks out both sides of his mouth.

H5N1justacold says:

There is only one logic, logic is logic, that’s why it’s logic. 

The Progressive Cynic says:

The thing is, we CAN see thoughts using an MRI. They are electrical
impulses carried through the immensely complex biocomputer we have evolved
with called a brain. Unfortunately, many people refuse to use their brains.

AM0mentOfScience says:

Finally able to sit after that ass reaming Harris & Shermer gave you all
those years ago?? Glad to see that healed… seems tho it is time for

zanzibawrr says:

people like deepak chopra SHOULD be antagonized and alienated. they have no
place in modern society

8-Bit Victim says:

These atheists and rationalists, antagonizing loony idiots with the truth 

Ben Unru says:

Holy shit everything that comes out of this guys mouth is nonsense…

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