deepak chopra sleep meditation

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deepak chopra sleep meditation

Deepak Chopra is an Indian American public speaker, and writer on Ayurveda,
spirituality and mind-body medicine. Chopra began his career as an endocrinologist and later shifted his focus to alternative medicine. Chopra was a top assistant to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi before launching his own career in the late 1980s by publishing self-help books on New Age spirituality and alternative medicine.


EmmieDam says:

<3. Always a life and Soul enhancement! Thank you! Deepak! <3

Dark Starr says:

For me, talk helps–like a guided storyteller–I read–Ialk –and for this, it was the best bedtime story ever. But I understand others are aore somatic (hugsters) and so I send you my silent (?!) hug now.

Lillian Walker says:

got it, talk less hug more :)

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