Deepak Chopra – The Most Powerful 12 Minutes Ever! WITHOUT BACKGROUND MUSIC!!!!!

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Deepak Chopra – The Most Powerful 12 Minutes Ever!

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Deepak Chopra – The Most Powerful 12 Minutes Ever!


Aurelio Valente says:

Well to protect yourself from all outside energy just do daily your tube of light protection.

A Zomber says:

Take your thoughts captive! 🙂
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things and the God of peace will be with you! It's all in the Bible, …..Truth is eternal!  the Truth will set you free! Thank you Deepak, love your work so much …… break free from the prison of social conditioning! find the true mind! be free…. find the source, "who am I in the middle of this thought traffic"??? Rumi is the best! "Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open!"

Hilde Gebhardt says:

Thanks from Namibia

elmarko52 says:

Thank you Deepak!

Luciana Speranza says:

some times I just want  run to you and to hug your soul!!!!… thanks for so much!

Filomena Day says:

thank you for removing the music for us HSP's (Highly Sensitive People)
I appreciate reducing an overstimulated environment which adds to more of society's conditioning to create a more pleasant experience for those who do not tolerate silence very well.

Dharma0911 says:

thank you for this very informative and inspirational video…helped me much

All44 says:

Only 5 adverts during this – More please !

Panna CD says:

Thank you – very much

Ulrike Selleck says:

So true. The "bars"are the veil. Once you are aware of the illusion of the veil — there You are.

Angom Nongsha Singh says:

thanks so much..

cck says:

The mind is a beautiful thing. Use it wisely and it will become wise. Trust yourself. Never, ever trust anyone else, in fact. You and only you know what you need to know. Seek inspiration and information everywhere. Cultivate your own thoughts out of your own experiences and acquired knowledge and, honestly, just listening to trees or playing tennis. It's also interesting to think about our larger consciousness and our place in the universe but that is no substitute for doing many other things with the mind. Ask yourself any question about yourself and if you ask a well formed question and sit quietly until your mind answers you you will have a very good answer. Never fails. What fails is the courage to accept the answer and live with it. Conflict and misery come from arguing with the voices in our heads. If the voices in your head are arguing with each other, hash it out until they are in agreement. Namaste.

David Lees says:

Keeping it simple: The voices in my head come from my programmed and programmable brain, programmed by evolution, genetics, and from what I have learned from my life's experiences.

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