Deepak Chopra – The Real Law of Attraction.

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romel salazar says:

hi everyone ,if anyone else wants to learn about how to attract abundance and prosperity try Panlarko Instant Abundance Planner(should be on google have a look ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my colleague got cool success with it.

Myriam Colon says:

Deepack chapra

McKarmo Petala says:

You are amazing

Robert Shannon says:

the king of woofuckery!

Sonia Nilsen says:

excellant explanation

Taylor Rose says:

I am glad I "stumbled upon" this now. It has been on my mind lately that this is what many of those who speak about the law of attraction seem to be missing. I find that letting go always gives me what I want because I know what I want on that deeper level, and these intentions are more powerful. What I think I want and what I do want are actually usually the same, even though it seems scary to ask the universe because I'm so afraid of incongruity, but the uncertain space is a space for tremendous opportunity. I find that when I'm swept up in ego, I don't even notice intention, but when I let go and tune in, the patterns that come from intention are so clear–especially in my relationships lately.

suresh kumar says:

I've been spending time with the help of my son studying abundance and discovered a fantastic resource at Makale magic method (check it out on google)

galaxyhood says:

This clown🤣lots of words zero meanings

Love Believe Become says:

Beautiful !!💕💕💕💕💕💕

Danielle Marin says:

4 minutes into this video and does he REALLY use moving your bowels as an example of something one may have the intention of doing? he really does go there and actually says you sit on toilet with intention of moving your bowels until "evacuation" happens. i almost gagged. he has gotten so rich peddling his CRAP ( no pun intended) that he no longer even cares what he says. i haven't listened to him in a long time and between charlie brown's comment and now hearing his POTTY MOUTH (again no pun intended) i am reminded of why i stopped listening to this man.

Charlie Brown says:

Another of a long line of dodger Indians selling bullshit to gullible housewives.

Rodolph Micheil says:

Has anyone tried Mofedest Miracle? (google it) We've heard many amazing things about this popular self-development techniques that designed by famous motivator.

Ashish Khattri says:

The power of human mind is such that you can believe whatever you want to believe. Why do I need a trip across the universe to understand the difference between what is in my control and what is not. It is not like nothing unpleasant will ever happen if I ask the universe the questions suggested in this video. Think keeping eyes and ears open, having humility and observant attitude towards life will work as well as believing in any "pitta" / "chitta". Sanskrit is the most misused language for pseudo mystic purposes. Words that were perhaps used to describe mundane events have in the modern times been interpreted out worldly and our if context.

Alida Glendon says:

Has anyone used the Mofedest Miracle to learning the complete secrets to happiness, health, and success? Simply just do a google search. On there you will discover an awesome suggestions about how you can understanding making a difference in your quality life. Why don't you give it a chance? perhaps it'll work for you too.

towelheaded sandmonkey says:

Our consciousness is inextricably connected to the doorway of subjective molecular phenomena through universal belonging and quantum progressive expansion which is modulated by our existential perception of intrinsic reality

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