Deepak Chopra: Trump Is ‘Emotionally Retarded, Maybe Mentally Retarded’

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Deepak Chopra: Trump Is ‘Emotionally Retarded, Maybe Mentally Retarded’

Fox News Radio host Alan Colmes interviews Deepak Chopra

The political rise of Donald Trump is so disturbing, even New Age guru Deepak Chopra has lost his good vibes.

In an interview Tuesday with Fox News Radio host Alan Colmes, the famed preacher of Transcendental Meditation and alternative medicine unleashed on the presumptive Republican nominee, using a pejorative to describe his mental capacities.

“I would never say this unless I believed it was 100% true, but he represents the racist, the bigot, the one who’s prejudiced, the one who is full of fear and hatred, the one who represents emotional retardation of a three-year old,” he said Tuesday. “And yet he’s so popular because he’s given permission to our collective psyche to express their darkest demons.”

Video Courtesy of Fox News Radio


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