Deepak Chopra- Who is God & Life After Death

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Deepak Chopra Interview – Patrick Bet-David asks about Deepak’s life growing up, his life purpose, his self healing mindset, alternative medicine, world peace and who is God?

Order Deepak’s Book – The Healing Self:

About Deepak Chopra:

Deepak Chopra is an American author, public speaker, alternative medicine advocate, and a prominent figure in the New Age movement. Through his books and videos, he has become one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine.

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Founded in 2012 by Patrick Bet-David, our goal is to impact entrepreneurs around the world through value and entertainment. We are the #1 channel for entrepreneurs because of the best interviews, best how to videos, best case studies and because we defend capitalism and educate entrepreneurs.

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Miss Risher says:

There is some truth to what Deepak Chopra is saying, but at the end of the day we all are given free will to make our own decisions, but as for me and my house, We Will Serve the Lord and acknowledge that Jesus Is Lord and King of Kings. Thanks for the video.

Kevin Clayton says:

No disrespect at all, but this guy looks fake to me, don't know why. I don't believe (or know) what Chopra is saying; I just don't buy it. Personal opinion

manny castro says:

That's a lie people use to life longer look at history and bible …before everything was more organic more pure…

manny castro says:

My friends with out Jesus with have no eternal life…

Adam Horyna says:

what a fucking retard…

Malaika says:

So many people will not understand what Deepak talks about. Hence the negative comments. If you don't get it, well, that's on you, not Deepak. He is one of the most transformational folks in existence. Long live DC!

Amervim Bonano says:

Patrick, do a business interview with Naveen Jain. We’ll learn a lot from him as well.

Dimetil Triptaminoski says:

Please Invite Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev he is amazing I know we will learn a lot from both of you in a conversation he speaks at Harward And Global Economic Gatherings

Ricardo Koanuka - Mental tränare - says:

Outstanding !

jerel gutter says:

I would definitely pay money to send my kids to your school

Anthony Butler says:

Why would you interview this fraud; a child could give you better answers than he can… He makes a fortune writing nonsense and he talks nonsense.

Jared Williams says:

On doctor Phil he implied he might be enlightened and I disagree he said you can tell someone is enlightened by there relationships and life but many enlightened people don’t speak and don’t have any interest in life and just meditate until they die.

Fouad FARJANI says:

Amazing discussion, I enjoyed every second of it

Akeem Gooden says:

great interview

Maka Velli says:

Deepak Shakur… Tupac Chopra.

RJZII says:

The Dawkins/Harris/Chopra debates on religion are a must watch.

Awaken The Greatness Within says:

Good interview.
Peace to all. There's a lot of lies going around in the world. If we do not find out the truth we will take other people's opinions as the truth.
Islam gives you all the answers @Patrick to the questions you were asking Deepak at 42:00 and so on.
There is a Hereafter, there is one God, there will be a Judgment Day, and there is a Heaven & Hell.
The messengers Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (peace be upon them) and so forth had one message and they were sent by God (Allah), to preach that God is one.
This life is a test, we are spiritual beings having a human experience atm when the time is up, our Soul leaves this body and goes to the life in between – (Barzakh in Arabic) and we will wait there until the day of judgment.

If you want to find out the truth read the Quran:
& the way of the Prophet:

Most of these people who talk as though they know about the secrets of the universe, were not living on this earth 100 years ago but think they know it all, interesting.

Synergy Yoga Hallandale says:

You do need a part 2 of this! Thank you! Excellent interview Pat 👍🏼

sychophantt says:

God is the world's biggest ponzi scheme

hubris says:

I appreciate your depth of conversation in this one Pat, most people wouldn't have the confidence to question some of the points Deepak is making because they haven't really had a spiritual experience and have a greater understanding of what it means to them. I believe that being humble and serving a higher purpose is far more beneficial than believing that you are a god and trying to make the world bend to you.

podcastbard says:

check out my Twitter feed for short poetic images of me trying to understand my experiences as I move though time.

podcastbard says:

Source's light is like the Sun's Light, we are like the Moon's Light. We are reflections of the Source that flows through all creation.

podcastbard says:

there are those who live for 300, not the average person though, according to some spiritual thought. Also according to that same spiritual thought its how we accept change.

crypto dude says:

What a great interview!

Freezing Trap says:

Patrick, you have too much energy for Deepak… You gotta chill, man!

Global One says:

What makes you so certain and you ascertain the uncertain @ Deepack ?

bigcitiloops says:

Deepak's God has become his mind…

bigcitiloops says:

The part that Deepak is missing as it relates to the consciousness – (Is the HUMAN Eternal Spirit) Consciousness has to have a ORGIN…..The mind or consciousness receives stimulus from the human spirit….they both work together….

bigcitiloops says:

Death is a reality, not a religion….When Deepak find's out there is a spirit world, he is going to have a complete stroke!!!

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