Depression and spiritual awakening — two sides of one door | Lisa Miller | TEDxTeachersCollege

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Is depression, as most of us experience it, meaningless suffering? Dr. Lisa Miller presents research that lends meaning to the experience of depression and to our experience on planet Earth.

Dr. Lisa Miller is perhaps the world’s foremost expert in the relative study of psychology and spirituality. Dr. Miller is Professor and Director of Clinical Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she founded and currently directs the Spirituality and Mind-Body Institute, to innovate, disseminate, and train healers in foundationally spiritual treatments. Dr. Miller solo-edited the Oxford University Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality (2012) and has published over seventy articles and chapters on spirituality in mental health and wellness. She has acted as Principle Investigator on several million dollars-worth of grants from corporate and family foundations as well as the National Institutes of Mental Health. Dr. Miller is Co-Founder and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the new APA publication, Spirituality in Clinical Practice, and also serves as associate editor of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, the official journal of APA Division 36, Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, for which Dr. Miller has served as President and is now APA Council Representative. Dr. Miller has been elected to Fellow of the American Psychological Association and awarded the Virginia Sexton Mentoring Award. She is a graduate of Yale University, Columbia University, and University of Pennsylvania, where she studied under Martin Seligman, Ph. D.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

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  • Categories: Spirituality


Marina Toshkovska says:

I needed to hear all that! We are going though the same thing! 4 years of
pills, one surgery, tons of money .. we are wrecked! “Would you adopt if
you are pregnant?” – I thought “No.” I asked myself whether I could love an
adopted child as my own… I started to question the importance of having a
child but this only brought more emptiness. Thank you, Lisa! Now I know –
one should find one’s spiritual path firs. What make us human, our
connection to all living things and our planet. God, Mother Earth, Nature.
Whatever the name of that great force is, the first step towards the light
behind the door is being in peace with the great spirit.

Nurse Grace says:

wut? delusions of magic gobbledygook. can’t finish. (tho if she and her
husband feel “hollow and meaningless” without children, isn’t it time to
discuss separation?? WTF??)

Heitor Alvito says:

Your speech was at first very promissing. You can talk about depression,
and know your stuff and gonna mix it with science and I was
amazed. But then I see you totally lost in a spiritual vibe that hold’s
you’r argument back. This however, is when I saw that you are just like any
depressed, such as me. In the border to crazyness, stunned by a thousand of
thougs that actually make you feel empty. Even after the fight and the
found of a journey that leaves a scar. Any other critic on your speech is
nonsense. Just had to realize that no light is gonna come to us, or magical
spirutual lightining, we are gonna have to work for it. As individual and
as society, and learn to understand life and existence, resisting the
pressures and becaming more by working hard to be great at what you truly
belive and want.

Rochell Louise says:

This was a great talk. When God is trying to awaken some of us, there is a
great deal of “turbulence”. This is often in the form of anxiety and/or
depression. For some its months, years, or generations of suffering. Its
great to see you as a scientist with an open enough mind and heart to
receive what God wanted to show you and ultimately give you.

God bless you Lisa and and anyone struggling with depression, you are not

Tina Ptah says:

Interesting Presentation!

stateofmind111 says:

I loved it! Thank You 

NinjaAttacks says:

Wow, that was a great speech. I enjoyed it very much. What interests me is
the alpha waves that a monk has while meditating and how we can transform
the world depression with this type of knowledge. I used to suffer from
depression long ago (I’m 21 now but roughly when I was 19 my depressed
flee’d) but because I became spiritual and opened a door in my life that
allowed healers And higher forces that cared for me. I meditate quite often
and even know I’m new it meditation, it’s helping me transform my life in
many other was especially anxiety and fear. Once again, i enjoyed your

Beth Hawkes says:

Great Force…Love it!! Beautiful story, thank you so much for sharing!! <3

Kevin Moreau says:

What a speech. I’m glad to see you happy. Your strength has become my

Suzette M Lindo says:


souldesire1111 says:

Amazing!! Your story brought tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful story! 

Awareness Healing - Hypnotherapy says:

Depression and spiritual awakening — two sides of one door.

BoredGirl11 says:

I have lived on the lip of insanity,
wanting to know reasons,
knocking on a door. It opens.
I have been knocking from the inside.

– Rumi

shamassive says:

Please don’t further injure the word “spirituality” by associating it with
this, she is talking rubbish. I’d blaze 420 if I was her son too

Odalis Robles says:

A great reminder that we are not the body nor the mind. Through
surrendering who we think we are and accepting that we are spiritual beings
we can experience miracles. Depression was also my portal to
spirituality…after losing my brother to suicide, my job and five
surgeries all within 2 years. Thank you. 

Awareness Healing - Hypnotherapy says:

Depression and Spiritual Awakening. One in the same thing. Depression can
be a pathway to spiritual growth. Enjoy.

Rosey Pearly Angel says:
C C-Tylee says:

Wow! What an incredible punch line!!! 

Shyaam Menon says:

Best wishes

Keith Wommack says:

By the way, You gotta love it when ducks share!

G Imrie says:

Your going out on a limb will save some lives

samkurz says:

I feel the deepest level of lose is the lose of a child.
The depression goes so long and take a part of your life away
for years for some. If you get through it and become aware again,
you are I feel on the highest level of awareness.

Jane Ajaya says:


Thalita Zanetti says:
Dan Kurleone says:

Brilliant…thank you.

Sylvain Lapierre says:
Keith Wommack says:

Thanks you for sharing this talk with the world, Lisa. It will bless many.
Love is certainly the fabric of your relationships and all existence.

stateofmind111 says:
Suzette M Lindo says:


mastertheillusion says:

Total crap. Religion in all its disguises is total lies. What is real is

Mary L says:

Oh how I can relate to your speech ! Thank you so much. depression was wild
and out of control in my family, my mother was unable to raise her 4
children due to her depression , my sister killed her self, depression was
one of the main contributing factors. I had dealt with the depression for
almost 30 years , until I seen it as a spiritual wake up call. Thank you
for putting your truth out there !

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