DIVINITY or BLASPHEMY!? God CHANNEL: Neale Donald Walsch's Astonishing REVELATIONS! How GOD TALKS!

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01:27 – Is it blasphemous for the average man to contact God?
03:58 – Why is it important to develop a dialogue with God?
12:44 – Empower yourself to connect to a higher power
15:13 – This is why we suffer
19:50 – The formula to connect with God
25:59 – Step 1
26:58 – Step 2
32:23 – Step 4
33:06 – Step 5
34:07 – Step 6
39:22 – How to tune into the frequency of God
46:37 – Do you need a firm belief in God to connect?
48:47 – You are worthy to connect with God
51:07 – Is the divine within us yearning to know itself?
55:35 – How to Discern God’s Voice From Your Personal Intuition
57:00 – The deep knowing, Neale’s first meeting with wife
1:06:27 – Is the deep knowing intimate expressions of God?
1:08:03 – Neil as a radio DJ
1:09:49 – Rapid fire questions
1:13:44 – Connect with Neil


📖 Check out Neale Donald Walsch’s book, GodTalk: Experiences of Humanity’s Connections with a Higher Power: 13: https://www.amazon.com.au/GodTalk-Experiences-Humanitys-Connections-Higher/dp/1958921270?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=V5fcK&content-id=amzn1.sym.3d6c6878-a04d-4b91-ba39-79050b3d3bb8&pf_rd_p=3d6c6878-a04d-4b91-ba39-79050b3d3bb8&pf_rd_r=357-0776243-8822740&pd_rd_wg=7hl6l&pd_rd_r=4364bdca-cd32-4995-b507-fb2496a18264&linkCode=ll1&tag=inspired0b-22&linkId=5051809a5fba0d947d8eeaf821ef0d15&language=en_AU&ref_=as_li_ss_tl


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🙌 YEW !

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@InspiredEvolution says:

Neale really showed up to empower our connection to the Divine 🙏🏻 Share your thoughts in the comments, spread the word around if it moved you, and SUBSCRIBE for more heartfelt and inspiring conversations! Thanks in Advance 💛🙏🏻🚀


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@dollyvandenbrink5211 says:

U R very WRONG CUZ there is Only ONE GOD OF Jesus Christ!

@abeerabdo1010 says:

Love your show, is there a way you can reduce ads ? I think one through the show should be enough. Thank you

@dimitrishow_D says:

First book was great…then downhill

@tinapoucher7406 says:

“WE are ALL the fingers ✋🏼on the
Hands of God!” Beautiful!!!!!

@tinapoucher7406 says:

Wow! I was flipping channels… stubbed my toe and stopped to listen….then this very handsome young man …popped up on screen…remarking….with a mocking smile???
And then I thought….
Who is this young,ego-filled lil ROOSTER who laughs at the feet of one of God’s serious messengers!?!?
What are you doing ?Trying to turn people away from God?????

@jakihall7015 says:

Wow the best! Love you both! Thank you 😊

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

Is a very evil person an individuation of divinity? And if they are, does that mean that divinity has an evil part to it?

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

A spiritual evolutionary process won't necessarily ensure an optimal outcome for this world. Evolution is a word that originally was defined by a process of random improvements surviving. We can't rely on randomness to insure that we control our ultimate outcome. We must intentionally put all available energy into determining our own destiny in order to overcome random destructive tendencies. If anything bad can happen it will. We can't passively hope that spiritual evolution will save us.

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

Around 6:50 it is stated that religions are systems that were designed to bring us closer to God and therefore hopefully closer to each other. I don't doubt that there was some benevolent intent to the creation of some religions, but there seems to have been other intentions and goals also. To some degree religions may have been designed to ensure that power was concentrated into leaders of nations. Religions can have both a very benevolent and sinister aspect to them. If we assume that there is exclusively one intent or the other, we might be deceiving ourselves. Have religions failed to bring peace on earth? Yes. If the message is that we should focus on generic and timeless principles that transcend religion then I agree.

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

The very high occurrence of death in children of 653 dying of starvation every hour is a tragic and horrific situation. What is the solution to the problem? A combination of things need to happen. Who is responsible for the starving children? Can people control their own destiny? What would cause a population that is balanced? If religious leaders are telling their followers to have lots of children should you listen to them? Unless people are smart enough to answer those questions, then don't expect the situation to change.

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

It was stated around 4:35 that our economic systems were designed to created equal economic opportunity. I disagree. It's true that our economic systems have resulted in both good and bad outcomes. Our standard of living went up in some aspects, and went down in other aspects. The history of money and economics entails more than the intent of creating economic opportunity. Banking, money and economics are systems that can do good, bad or both good and bad. Regardless of the system, the outcome is driven by human behavior, and human behavior is driven by human nature. How did humans get their nature? Evolution? God? A little of both? Regardless of the cause, human nature is fatally flawed, and we are experiencing the probable outcome. Can we overcome the odds that are against us? I hope so. But don't blame the creation for what was caused by the Creator.

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

At 3:35 it is stated that political systems where designed in the hope that it would bring people and nations closer together in a cooperative venture, but that our political systems have done exactly the opposite. My comment to that message is that our political and government systems have done both. They have both brought us together and torn us apart. It's not strictly an "either/or" outcome. Our political systems are driven by human behavior, and human behavior is driven by the design, configuration, and programming of the brain/mind. Is there freewill? Yes. We can make choices. But our nature is to be biased, selfish, defensive, fearful, arrogant, greedy and easily prone to temptation. It's extremely difficult to overcome those built-in flaws. We didn't choose those built-in flaws. Those flaws were perpetrated onto us involuntarily. Did you ask God to be flawed and biased before you were created?

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

It's important to develop a dialog with God. But there is a problem. Many people who will tell you that they have received a communication from God do really bad things in the name of God. This is a problem. If a person believes that they have a dialog with God, but they are self-deceived, then the advice to have a dialog with God did more harm than good. It would have been better for the person to develop a sense of empathy than pursue a dialogue with God. What is the intention of having a dialogue with God? To gain power? For some selfish reason? To win a war with your enemy? For your team to win the sports game? The intent is more important.

@FairnessIsTheAnswer says:

Quote: "As long as we can disagree agreeably and not be verbally or physically violent with each other, we will always get along well." I agree with the intent and sentiment of this statement. We should definitely state this. To achieve peace, it's critical for us to be committed to non-violent behavior.  However, I feel like there is something missing from this statement. How can we be persuaded and motivated to pursue non-violent resolutions? It seems like physical conflict is "built-in" to the brains of people. I hope that the brains and minds of all beings in all of existence will be designed, configured, and programmed to value non-violent resolutions.

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