Do We Really Have Free Will? – Feat. Neale Donald Walsch

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Do we truly possess free will or is our world completely dictated by a deterministic universe? This is the great question philosophers have been wrestling with down through the centuries. We would like to believe that we are making free will decisions in every part of our lives. But from a larger perspective, if time is just an illusion, which Einstein proved is true, then everything that can happen has already occurred. Which is true? Watch the video to find out.

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Seen in this light, there is nothing we can really do to change the course of the future. In effect, the efforts which we make to escape from our destiny our serve to lead us into it. Many of you believe that our world is just this, a deterministic one that is playing out much like a record plays on a turntable. However, others of you believe we are cocreators of this universe, able to make free will decisions at every moment and the future is just a blank slate. But which philosophy is correct? This is the very question I posed to New York Time best selling author Neale Donald Walsch when I had him on my show in early September of 2022. The answer may surprise you.

So as you can see, Neale Donald Walsch believes that in essence we have free will but we can only choose from a finite number of decisions. This is somewhat in contrast to the philosophy of someone like Tom Campbell, who believes that we all have free will and can choose whatever decision we want within our given decision space. It is important to define free will as being that – meaning choosing what we wish to do within our decision space. For example, a person in jail will still have free will, but their decision space will be a lot smaller than a person who is not in jail. It is also important to note that having free will does not mean you can be whatever you want. So we can see free will does not mean you have the power to do whatever you want. It is the ability to make a decision from within your given decision space. Tom believes that life would be pointless if the universe were deterministic and all of our choices were unconsciously being made for us by a greater power. Of course, we believe that we are the ones making all the decisions, as Tom says. However, there is another theory which states that nobody actually ever makes a free will choice. And that is because in fact, there is no self to make the choice. It is a complicated philosophy, but at heart, nobody is in control of their lives because the ego is not real. This philosophy says that all the decisions we make are dictated by our biology and chemistry. And since we have no control over it, we have no control over the decisions we make either. Our nature is simply programmed into us. If you’ve ever tried to meditate you can see this because it’s nearly impossible to stop thoughts from entering your mind. One after another, like clouds forming and passing in the sky above you, your mind creates thoughts. But where do these thoughts come from? If you are truly in control of your life, then why can’t you simply stop these thoughts from entering your mind? Could it be that these thoughts arise from the same power that created us? If so, does that mean the thoughts we have are coming from a source other than ourselves? The surprising answer is yes. There is a whole branch of philosophy that believes none of us ever make a free will decision. Everything we think, do and say is being prompted from this unknown source. This is the source of all creation and what many would consider God. If this philosophy is true, then that means all of us have no real control over our individual nature and life. These monks and ascetics have realized that there is no true self and all thoughts and actions are being prompted by the divine source itself. But if this philosophy is correct, then it’s kind of as Neale Donald Walsch said.

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@kjbrocky says:

Walsch has no proof or credibility whatsoever.

@SpiritualReform says:

The one thing Neale Walsch forgot to say is that we are also the very computer which programs the game. We may not be in control of our lives from our limited human view point and understanding of who we are. This, however, doesn't mean that we, as we are in our Essence, are not in control. Now, although it isn't really about control (for the idea of control is an illusion in itself), we are in control – as we think of the control, that is. We have always been in control. In fact, we are that very source we believe is in control of us. To understand this fact, one must go deep, and deeper, so to make the connection and see that we are indeed this very source that we believe is in control.

@greedyready1 says:

The last “no self” explanation is fine and I understand the “resignation” of “it’s all Gods plan and I am observing”. The most empowering is the acknowledgment that there is only THE SELF and take full responsibility as the only Self for which thoughts (which are largely automated) that we engage with and the words spoken and action taken. If one can take this responsibility and still be without suffering then perhaps this is full mastery? The evasion of such responsibility to avoid suffering is motivated by the desire to avoid suffering and avoiding the true full on responsibility that the divine will respond to every situation just as you do is denying our true existence and empowerment?

@RealiTEAwithKristaMarie says:

Subscribed also to your other channtel

@benguay7985 says:

We are all on our own journey and we are all going to make….so relax and enjoy your journey….

@carmenballantyne8941 says:

Try telling Targeted Individuals they have Freewill and the freedom of choice lol. THEY DON'T !!!

@tracemagace8434 says:

Intention yes. Freewill no.

@goodsoul978 says:

It will be big waist of divine intelligence to bring us here for rehearsal , we have free well and I believe anyone can be anything they want to be big or small . Thanks ma man for the good video 🤟

@cellphone6482 says:


@voodoochile7581 says:

Dictated by Christian’s. The praying is got out of hand thus making the world evil.

@BeeFresh91 says:

Liked the vid but can't tell if I chose to or not.

@heartpeter says:

That was a very special video on free will and the different perspectives. Congratulations and thank you! As all time is now, the present future and past are always continuously changing. The base program in every time is always been updated and upgraded, both for us as individuals and for the world community as a whole. Hence the Mandela effect, and also the fact that the chess game itself will ultimately change, everything changes,… So free will adjust with these changes, and I believe is, in fact, a creative force that we share with our creator, and we find that link to our creator in this particular life when we choose to act from unconditional love, because this opens all the doors. Why does that open the doors? Simply because we are unconditional love in our fundamental nature, which simply means we are part of and connected to everything. So when we act from this place, we connect with everything bit by bit, and the divine nature begins to flow through us, and all the doors open. Thank you again for a brilliant summary.❤

@WeAreAwake23 says:

This world is free wills clashing together. The parts of you you give up control of will be used to affect others.

@casualgamervibes says:

Those spiritual monks are very close to the truth, and we should integrate the possibility that we don't make any choices at all, then life becomes an enjoyable ride.

@No2AI says:

Yes – you have free thought and that is it – free will is simply a motivation but sadly deceptive too!

@SimonDaumMusic says:

Well, if time does not exist in reality, then why create time to bring up this illusion? Mayby a reason could be that we are already perfect in our true estate, but have developed ways to create realities in which are are not perfect, mayby with the purpose to learn how to remember and reconnect to our true nature in a much harder environment.. In that sense it mayby was our own choice to create the illusion of choice to be able to redefine who and what we truely are…

I personally believe there is a selfe. I would see no point in creating a selfe, if its all just one higher thing… Mayby the goal is to be self, but selfless, which I cant see it being possible without a self… But I guess in the end, noone really knows 😀

@caricue says:

It's also possible that there are no gods, no spirits and nothing but the physical world that we see every day. I get that it makes no sense to the human mind, and inside ourselves we feel like there is something more, but the most obvious and compelling truth is that we are solid evolved creatures whose "self" is the living tissue of the brain, and nothing more. Accepting this requires a certain amount of faith and is full of mysteries in itself, so why the need to make up things that you can't see to wonder about?

@elizabethgrynevich65 says:

Hi Chad I agree with Neal Donald Walsch 100 procent: look what the Bible said in Ecclesiastes "There is nothing new under the sun. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again."

@lukedarsey4134 says:

How effective would some constructive feedback actually be,.. little feelings get hurt and nothing changes. . . .

@possner5302 says:

Thanks Chad 🙂 Chad what's your option about my idea of freewill? Yes, you have freewill in this Universe however sense there are Beings outside Space and times they can see everything that going to happen despite there being freewill part the reason you can remote view the future etc. This will also give credence to the idea we plan our lives before coming here.

@aaronjclarke1973 says:

Thanks 🙏

@Pontiacman1964 says:

Yes, I believe that we have free will. The more knowledge you have, the more you're able to use that free will. Without knowledge of how the matrix is, works, and where you fit, you'll be just like a feather in the wind, going in every direction that life takes you. Using free will, you forge your own path.

An example would be, when I was young, I would just indulge myself in whatever the matrix threw at me. Racing cars, drinking, spending time with other men's wives, etc. Ignorant as all get out to what can happen. Although I never got in trouble, if I remained that ignorant, I'd wind up dead or in jail. Later in life, and learning to exercise my free will, I could say no to such things that the matrix set me up with.

@mysteriousmoonbases2424 says:

I Miss the Longer Videos.

@sarahcooke8522 says:

Thanks Chad for such a great summation of the different schools of thought between Free Will, Determinism and the philosophy of no self. I love the way you explain things in simple, easy to digest terms, posing much food for thought without claiming one or the other is more right or true than the other. It keeps the conversation open, always for further discussion and I look forward to the next mind expanding ideas that are revealed on your channel!

@doritgersh8432 says:

Love this video. so interesting. Can life be easy with no glitches?

@MichaelSmith420fu says:

Do you think that there is a specific / correct philosophy, belief system, religion, perspective, ect or any…thing?

@badmotorbreath5206 says:

So much to ponder from a short, sharp video…you’ve done it again my friend! 😊 I personally connect most with the last theory of absolute determinism, as I think it aligns with the Law of One. While I agree it’s very difficult to accept in practice, I think the key question is who is the ‘I’ that is claiming free will? If you realise ‘I am’ …not an individual being, rather an integral part of the Universe (or source), stripping away the ego, then it starts to become clearer. In short, Non-duality. Further, our true essence is divine and pure, so there’s nothing to control or lose by not exercising free will.

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