Do You Get Angry?

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A young girl asks His Holiness the Dalai Lama if he ever gets angry during his meeting with friends from around the world at his residence in Dharamsala, HP, India on April 11, 2022.

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Cjay Eyzees says:

The The natural lord given praise 2 rise above the students of stupidity 😂🦄❤️

Wangchin Gombu says:

Long life his holiness

Tara says:


AK Facts says:

I am already watch 3 times but youTube recomand this to me everytime why

prashant bhardwaj says:

Heartiest respect to his holiness Dalai Lama Ji

CARLIE says:

When I see His Holiness recent pictures, I feel overwhelmed with light and life energy both in the pictures and in my inner self. Appreciate His Holiness the Dalai Lama 🙏🏻


We are lucky to have spiritual leader like him in this world. May he live eternal 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

It is my Pride says:

Your Holiness, could you, please, pay your attention to genocide of Ukrainian people caused by a bloody maniac putin and russian army.
Please put spell on that mass murderers who enjoy killing and rape children and women in Ukraine and did the same crimes Syria recently.
I know you got that power.
Please stop this hell and those demons.

1457 YASH CHORAGE says:


Do or Die says:

Long live your holiness

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