Don't Forget the Breath with Ram Dass – Here and Now Ep. 201

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This time on the Here and Now Podcast, Ram Dass explores how spiritual practice helps us escape the prison of our egos, then leads a 20-minute practice with the breath as the primary object of meditation.

Explore the intersection of Buddhism & Bhakti with Be Here Now Network teachers and guests at the inaugural Love Serve Remember Summer Mountain Retreat August 25th – 29th in Boone, NC:

The Trap of Your Own Finite Self (9:20)
Samadhi Practice (27:40)
Don’t Forget the Breath (39:05)

“Any model of whether this is hard or easy is just another thought. All the metaphors I suggest are just more thoughts. Let them arise, notice them, go back to the breath.” – Ram Dass

Don’t Forget the Breath with Ram Dass – Here and Now Ep. 201 –
Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 201 – Don’t Forget the Breath –

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Karel Hoogendoorn says:

Beautiful. Thank you ❤️

Anirudh S says:

A thought to meditate is still a thought.

Tye Johnson says:

I discovered Ram Dass on the eve of his transition to the “ah so…” and have been a devotee ever since. Longing to one day meet Him until I soon realized He has been within me and without me the whole damn time. Just understand that you are loved beyond whatever you think think you are could ever imagined because we are one in the same. 🙏🏾

Mike R says:

Less intro and more Ram Dass

Ken Cavender says:

I love my breath and cherish every in and out breath I take. Alas, some day it will be gone.

Millennially Challenged says:

I have this dilemma where no matter what I seemingly do other than sleep I am unable to forget that i am breathing.. I think it's a somatic obsession. It is very distressing and I find myself wanting often nothing more than for it to go on unconsciously as It used to.

Dayamay says:

Meditation is a spiritual exchange between the mind and the body; and breath is the currency.

James Q says:

I started at Ram Dass and now Jurgen Ziewe and his book Multidimensional Man goes to the issue of experience. His tip meditation and becoming lucid in dreams. He has videos on youtube too. Without OBE experiences how can we really know?

D M says:

Always in our hearts, Ram Dass. Much love for you!

Rylie Coyote says:

9:19 💓

William Alston says:

Wow, right to the point!

Seaweed Hero says:

Where & When Ram Dass Wisdom?

Grn Tvjn says:

Don't forget to forget your problems

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