Don’t get disturbed by any event! Eckhart Tolle

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Don’t get disturbed by any event! Eckhart Tolle


Elizabeth James says:

To me it is much more productive to look at narcissism or ANY OTHER EMOTIONAL PATTERN in terms of what happened when
a person was growing up. NO one was born with any kind of emotional disorder or LABEL that they must wear
the rest of their life! It was all due to impressions and patterns received by others on ones environment! Have a look
at Robert Smith's Faster EFT on You Tube as to how this and any or negative patterning can be released!! It really helped me
and I recommend it. It takes two or more to have a conflict! Healing and change starts with oneself, and is much more productive than simply labeling, analyzing and judging someone. That only perpetuates the them- verses- me perception
and does not bring about healing!

sol rayz says:

11:35 "… if there's acute suffering in your life… greatest limitation can become the opening… may be.. you don't need that much suffering anymore… you've had enough." ET's "awakening" may have come from an encounter with death… which is a way to end suffering, but, perhaps better for some mental/emotional anguish sufferings is relief by surrender to and acceptance of life/"reality" here and now. We all drop into the void, "might as well enjoy the ride" -James Taylor

Synchronistic Observer 11:11 says:

You don't own your posessions.
Your posessions own you, they posess you.
That's why they're called posessions.

Posession is 9/10ths of the law.

Synchronistic Observer 11:11 says:

Life is continually dying.
Death is continual life.

Jeff Kelly says:

try "living in the now" "accepting what is" if you live in gaza watching your family butchered in front of you. this man is stinking rich and still charging a fortune to the "unenlightened" you don't need these self proclaimed "guru's" this man teaches the exposing and expulsion of the ego, the same man who says "i have become a spiritual teacher, note the identity. and changes his name to eckhart aftet the german mystic meister eckhart!!! new nerve!! imagine the likes of j krishnamurti doing something like that! save your money folks and leave eckhart or whatever his name is to snuggle up to oprah to bask in the mighty dollor and tell us all whats wrong with us and how to be happy!! yeah rite!!..

Jackie Benson says:

Thank you for sharing. Such a beautiful message.


Change the Cross to Stake as that is what Yahshua Mashiach ACTUALLY suffered and died on when he was impaled. The Cross actually comes from the symbol of the Sun, hence SUNday worship and not the Sabbath. ……..Like most people, I grew up as a Roman Catholic Child, wearing the cross and thinking the Cross reminded me of what our Messiah (Mashiach) suffered on but he was NOT Crucified, it was just another evil form of tortured death used by the Romans.


Talking about Abundance (Jesus Army called their home, an old Dormitory "Abundant Grace" where the love is.) Yahshua is talking about giving attention to, as Eckhart says. David Icke said that energy goes to where the attention is focused.

PeaceMan 19.33 says:

Thank you 're- affirmed my faith in islam…the word itself from the root word salaam…peace…but meaning submission to the will of God…like Jesus peace upon him saying not his will but the will of God the metaphoric father….we need trust faith n hope like little birds going empty stomach in the morning and return stomach full….glory be to the Creator…Creator of Jesus n Mohammed peace upon them both n Creator of All…..thank you for the upload….peace

micky hilton says:

An innocent child is in the now , its ok sometimes though , to want to be somewhere else . Why not sometimes go 'there' , otherwise we cannot fully grow . Becoming , is nice. Sometimes words words words … can be anathomas . Yes stop the flow , and get into mental silence,… and sometimes , yes , float on the stream of consciousness . Then graduate , or return as a child , to the blessed stream of unconsciousness , ha ha .

Julia T says:

THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART for posting such an important video of his. It's wonderful <3

Alessandra Mariano says:

Beautiful and profound talk calming and replenishing. Not so much disrupting with advertising which are momentum and depth killers…

wenzoe dx says:

always medicinal when thrown off for short moments still

Gravitating says:

The thoughts really are like the langoliers.. Always out there chomping, waiting to get in..

Gravitating says:

5:01 blows my mind.. When all the atoms in your body relax as one..

CosmicUndeadElf says:

For a moment I thought "ET" was the alien from the movie of that name.

CouldLiveOnYouTube says:

Thank you so much. So perfectly and clearly expressed – I felt your words. Thank you. Very helpful!

Paul A Goetz says:

Namaste , Thank you

Bella Krinkle says:

Surrendering brought me consciousness; listening to Tolle is the best way to grow my (and your) consciousness. It comes and goes depending on the crisis at hand.

TheKstuart says:

A very good Tolle talk segment. But please don't put words on the screen at the same time as he is talking. It just distracts people and they miss part of what he is saying because they are reading at the same time.

Robert Mitchell says:

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to the father… Repent of your sins!!

Daniela Dea says:

I wish beauty and abundance for all <3

Todd Sloan says:

The little me says, "don't surrender… you will get swallowed"!

jasmin kish says:

Lieber Eckart, vielen Dank für all diese wundervollen Worte. Es hilft mir immer wieder aufzustehen und weiter zu gehen. Pease be with you

Teresa TK says:

"Maybe you don't need that suffering anymore, you've had enough"

Shreyansh Mangla says:

wanna colllab @maanvendra singh

Oberon Pan says:

And, of course, the ad for that interrupted his beautiful talk was very annoyingly disruptive and only served to prove Eckhart absolutely correct.

Simon0 says:

ET! ET phone home.

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