dr. David R Hawkins on the power of devotion, divine grace, music, addiction to drugs, victimhood

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Enjoy the most beautiful 20 minutes you can spend with this incredibly kind and spiritual man. These moments of lecture are so exquisite that it could’ve been possible he’d die there and then (9:30).

Doc talks about the innate power of devotion and divine grace that can accomplish anything, the nonlinear function of music, addiction to drugs, and the will to return to God, the error of ascribing mistaken powers to the drug, the high level of consciousness of the support system that is needed to overcome addiction, the traps and power of victimhood.


Charlie Parlie says:

the music is so awesome

Aaron Ander says:

Which lecture is this clip from?

Ela Contis says:

I love this lecture! Love David! Grateful like anything for the knowledge he shared with us!

Mana Araújo says:

Gostaria que fosse traduzido para o Português

Sally Herr says:

Can anyone tell me the performers, the composer and the name of the music played? Thanks

demetrius gibson says:

Thanks, thanks, thanks, a breath of fresh air.

gempassion says:

Just wake up and drink it in. Everything you need is already there! Drink in that beautiful blissful self that is you. Drugs just keep us asleep. Wake up. You will see and feel it. Oh. Did I meant ion it's free! Because you are free! Wow what a discount! Love you!

Omar Elsahn says:

Wonderful insight on the ego. Just marvelous. Well done may future generations who have earned the karma to run in his teachings apply it

clayton davies says:

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Al Capone Muhammad says:

Thank you a lot. World will be better place if a lot of people will know the messages of Dr. David Hawkins. May God bless you author of this video.

cynthia Lee says:

Thankyou so much.

Pedro Zaragoza says:

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
God Bless you beloved Dr. Hawkins.

gempassion says:

As far as drugs and addictions. What are we TRUELY craving? What do we we TRUELY want? The answer is LIFE. The natural law of life is LIFE BEGETS LIFE. You want to get high. Go head take the drug. But if you want LIFE. IF YOU WANT TO COME ALIVE you must feed from the nourishment of the soul. Addiction is an inner calling to come to LIFE. You want to come to life. Try this! Go on a service trip to help those in need. Give someone you love a hug. Say I love you and really mean it. Do something really kind for yourself or another. Share something you love. Plant a garden. Forgive yourself and others. Reach out for real live help when you need it. It will be there. Get down on your knees and pray. watch the grace of the Angels take you much much higher then any drug can ever take you. Be still and let peace soak into you. Life life life. This is our craving. When we are caught in addition. Drop the drugs go for the life instead.

Perfect Balance says:

anyone knows the name of the Song that was being played at around the 3:30 mark

james g says:

I feel this in my whole being, these words are ringing the song that sings in all of what my life has been, in wondering wonderful way I feel, unexplained thoughts of emotion and sober thoughtfulness.. Fabulous.. truly Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Tim Larlee says:

this man is pure love

Rama Prasad says:

Powerful Intense and Addicted to this..

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