Dr Wayne Dyer — A Tribute

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find out about Raymond at www.aaron.com.


Jennifer Mistsoftime says:

Thank you for your words Raymond. Dr Dyer stated he had trouble with the feelings of failed relationships. It seems in his 60's he suffered & he shared that he was not immune from being human, from human, psychological pain. I find that so comparable to other spiritual legends. He suffered, but he would work his way through that. So many times he had to put his own beliefs & knowings to the test. My life was turned around by adsorbing the words he wrote so eloquently. So many lives enriched & transformed by his astounding talent. He had a gift that he had the courage to use & share with us all.

Jannie Langeveld says:

One of the most precious things I learned from Wayne Dyer, is just to "BE". Manifesting what is already deposited in us in a loving, caring and gracious way. Thank you for reminding us to be Christlike and live a life full of compassion.

lulolancy says:

"He ate super well, he exercised, He suffered a heart attack, and he suffered from leukemia. I don't even want t get into why his last wife walked out on him. Here's a man who suffered illnesses at the height of the master teachings that he taught. Why is this? Was he really a master of his own teaching? Why couldn't he stop the heart attack, and the leukemia from entering his life being that he had the wisdom to avoid becoming a victim of these diseases? I believe that he wasn't in control of his life as people thought that he was–even after writing best selling self improvement books.

Barry J KOPULOS says:

I watched Wayne on PBS too so sad he wasa great pilospher and teacher so muchwisdom he shared. Condolences to the family

Hollow Logs says:

Thank you Raymond for sharing with us…

Hector Meillon says:

Gracias al Dr. Dyer, RIP, en nombre de todos a los que nos apoyo con sus libros en el mundo entero. Exelente tu tributo al Dr. Wayne Dyer, Raymond.(Thank's to you to}

Jeffrey C. McAndrew says:

Love The Prophet!

Jeffrey C. McAndrew says:

What an interesting man. A great tribute!

Val Johnson says:

I am reminded to embrace the life of freedom. It is easier than we imagine…

Here are some thoughts from which to live a powerful, victorious life…

Live with no guilt, no shame, no judgment, no condemnation – loving, forgiving, and accepting yourself. For you are exactly where you need to be right this moment. Everything you have decided and experienced has brought you to this place. It has all unfolded to get you here so you can move to the next place. It is ALL for your good!

You have fantastic opportunities right in this moment that you never had before. Open your heart to them. Receive and embrace them. Don't look at what you can't do or the seeming obstacles in your way. They are really stair steps to take you to the next level. Focus on what you CAN do with what you have and where you are now.

Transform your vision by realizing you are loved just as you are. There is no performance level required for you to be more loved. Stand under the endless waterfall of God's unconditional love for you. Drink it in! Splash around in it and enjoy it lavishly!

Understand the power in the fact that in every moment you can have a clean slate to move forward – without frustration or disappointment, without regrets, trusting that everything is unfolding as it should. Nothing about you or your choices in life or what has happened to you is a surprise to God. You are exactly where and who you need to be – right this minute…

Note: I just had to be me and express myself through writing and teachable moments! If you would like to read more of the flow that was inspired by this video and reflecting on Dr. Wayne Dyer's teachings (and others), I've posted this and more at http://thedreamconnector.com/

Wendy Firmin says:

beautiful tribute, Raymond. Totally agree with everything you have said. Thank you. x

Jeff Woods says:

Very Kind words Raymond. Thanks for sharing. I had the privilege of hearing him speak and teach live in New York city. I will remember his message always!

Angela Graham says:

My gratitude and love goes to the Spirit of my long long time teacher Dr Wayne Dyer who left his mortal coil but left us with such uplifting teachings. He touched millions of hearts and will continue to do so for many years to come through his legacy. Your journey continues dear friend…


When I was 22 my mother gave me a book by Wayne Dyer called Pulling Your Own Strings. That was a focal point on my path. I loved his work and story and will miss his great teachings. My heartfelt condolences goes out to his immediate family and  world family. He inspired all of us.

umerath hassan says:

Thank you for sharing ! His light will continue to shine

Jean L Price (The DIVA Coach) says:

Very heartfelt Raymond. Thank you for sharing. Wayne was instrumental in my seeking a better path. He was a leader of leaders and will always be remembered for his greatness.

Heather Edgington says:

Thank you, Raymond, for this- a wonderful man is gone physically but his teachings will stay on

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