Dr. Wayne Dyer: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

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Dr. Wayne Dyer is interviewed by Mark Victor Hansen (co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul). Dr. Dyer gives his advice on how to stop sabotaging yourself.


Vincent campbell says:

It's so amazing how you find what you need at the time you need it

Susan Long says:

Thank you. again.I need to hear this a few more time's so it sinks in!!!

Willow Clay says:

This is what God is trying to teach me now.

Willow Clay says:

Thank you! I have to let go of my resentments towards my ex. Let go and let God!

Asanda Solomon says:

RIP Dr. Wayne and thank you. This is just what I need right now!

dez brouwer says:

life is hard

Cuentos de Terror, Misterio, Paranormal says:

love this guy

mynameisbeula says:

Dr Dyer is amazing! I'm so thankful I continue to learn from his wisdom☺

Beth Bartlett says:

There are times – when we don't control our own destiny – our own reality,…they are few …….

Peace be with you, in you, and about you –


Jim's picks says:

Great as always.

Annette Szklowin says:

I love this.

Pat Rainville says:

always a great reminder

Deacon L Stone says:

Great Stuff

Peter Taíno says:

Loved it!! Life changing if it's taken to heart!! I will definitely look at things differently now!! 🙂

tony alva says:

This is great

Avinash Mishra says:

I liked the lines "If you don't have a personal history, you don't have to live up to it". If one can implement this, this will give immense freedom and daring to do new things and excel.

Joey McNew says:

Makes absolutely no sense.

Laurel Haug says:

Sounds great and much wisdom, thanks Wayne.  The truth shall set us free.

gert selmer jensen says:

This is wisdom.!! And besides, i like Wayne Dyer a lot.!.

Lucette Lulu says:

By letting the past go, he means to stop retelling the story over and over again.  I understand this because I had to do it. It works, one cannot forget, but one can move forward.   No one has the truth, but bits of it helps.  

Bikewithlove says:

Nothing comes for free. We self sabotage because we're rewarded for it by our egos. You can't really drop your personal history, nor would you want to, but you can grieve, and forgive yourself and others while you work. You either do or you don't. There need not be a 'why.'

Amabel Romney says:

I think Dr. Wayne Dyer should take a look at "The Truth Contest". He most definitely should send an entry there.
 I personally think that "The Present"-entry is better than his books, but he could make it to the top entries. You guys should take a look at it! Amazing spiritual knowledge back there.

Catherine Prather says:

Great.  I know a few friends who need to hear this.

Tanya Hathaway says:

I'm fine with this advice. I think this is just wonderful…. we don't need to qualify what matters and we would never give up in our past.. but; for what doesn't do any justice holding onto…  leave it behind… yes!

Kirsten Johnson says:

Love that. Give up your personal history.

Mick Shield says:

Good old Dyer, sitting in his plush house in Hawaii counting the millions he's made from exploiting vulnerable people who need hope and instead they get a snake oil salesman

iPodhumanify says:

It all makes sense….I'm still waiting for that epiphany to make it real to me

Etienne Schwarz says:

Dr. Dyer should definitely submit an entry to The Truth Contest. If you don't know this amazing website yet, check it out as soon as you can (read the current first entry: The Present).

Rose Ismail says:

The explanation by Dr Dyer makes perfect sense. I tend to indulge in negative self-talk — a form of self-sabotage — and am only now aware of how damaging this has been in my life.

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