Dr. Wayne Dyer Interviewed By Oprah Pt.1

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Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about his best selling book, “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living The Way of The Tao


Joseph Gelb says:

Never knew Oprah was a radio host

tcochran42 says:

Dr. Dyer was a true seeker. RIP

Gibborim Black says:

I'm pretty sure that's what this entire cosmic experience is all about…LOVE. God created us so that He can love, and be loved in return. Religion is a vehicle… No different than a Ford or a Honda… But, we all know how some people hate American, other hate Japanese made cars…God has to juggle all of us jerks… Poor guy… Imagine how He shakes His head in disgust …

stephanie andre says:

Mskekemichel I couldn't agree more. I've never been comfortable with any religion as far back as a child until l read Dr.Wayne Dyer say in his book The Power of Intention, how religion divides us spirituality connects us as one. That was my big light bulb moment. What makes one religion right and another wrong?

Adrian Pena says:

you guys should check out the 11 principles of the rich by michael hill. its not about the "rich" but the real rich in mind,health, and spiritual

loverainthunder says:

I'd like to see Wayne Dyer interview Oprah.

MissDistarr60 says:

I understand what your saying. Maybe I just see things differently then most, but I think if I were closed minded, I simply wouldn't argue my point. I mean, why would I believe that someone else would even consider my point of view, if I were not going to give them the same consideration. Do you know what I mean? I'm not sure if I got my point across. Tough to do on these pages sometimes.

Carlyle's Picks says:

"Love" Leads people to Allah and Buddha and Mohammad and Tao too. What makes your experience so special? It's like in sports, everybody's team is the best, but only one can win the game.

Godis NOTDead says:

Love will lead you. "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." (1 John 4:7)

Carlyle's Picks says:

In their defense, the bible makes it a very scary thought to even THINK certain thoughts. So listening to you could be very terrifying. What if they start to even ponder your words? Will they be damned to hell? Hell is scary place so I can see why they may be closed minded.

Carlyle's Picks says:

WHICH false religion? Yours? Mine? his? Say who? Which one is right? Why is it so hard to tell?

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