Dr. Wayne Dyer – Live flowing with the Tao

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Jean-Yves Woestyn says:

This Dr Wayne Dyer is just a new age kind of spiritual guru, nothing to do with Daoism and the Daoist tradition…

Jean-Yves Woestyn says:

The so called difference between religious and philosophical Daoism is just a modern invention created by western people and chinese reformists and communists to serve their political agenda. The very words philosophy Zhexue 哲學 and religion Zongjiao 宗教 did not exist in traditional Chinese culture. The Chinese people were traditionnally very devotional, therefore it is only normal that the Daoist tradition has a very strong religious aspect (ceremonies, clergy, temples, …). A big part of the Daoist canon is devoted to religious ceremonies, praying, gods, immortals, heaven, hell, … That is the reality of the Daoist tradition, other thing is just new age approach.

Michele Zampillo Voxson says:

love <3

Hiram Salinas says:

I can say very happily, that Taoism changed the way I see life.

Steven L says:

I used to be really into Wayne Dyer, The Secret, Astral Projection, and all this metaphysical self-help material. However, ten years after the release of The Secret, it is interesting to look at the results. All the people I know who were into the law of attraction still don't have the lives they want. On the other hand, my friends who said, "the law of attraction is bullshit" and went out and worked hard … now have the lives they want! As for me, getting away from the self-help spiritual industry was the best move I ever made in my life! My life has improved drastically since I left all of this material behind! Most people here will disagree with me, but that is ok. The people who follow the crowd only go as far as the crowd. Love yourself enough to be brutally honest about the results you are getting in your life. Don't settle for less just because you want to cling to a belief! Pride is a wonderful thing, but when it keeps us from learning and convinces us that we know things we don't … well that is what the self-help industry is. Love yourself enough to let go of this material. Go out and have fun working hard! :)

Mauro Gentile says:

Doesn't seem complete… Where was this extracted from?
Very good! Thank you for charing :)

Delores Monk says:

Thank you creative spirit for sending us Wayne Dyer!!

Ying Ho says:

God is love, love is god; Love is in all beings, all beings are god. Universe is you, you are the universe. Universe is formed by the energy of all beings, all beings are part of the creator of the universe. Human life is a gift, a gift from ourselves; A gift from the good causes that we made in our past lives since beginless time. Without certain level of positive karma energy, human body would not be obtained. Without human life, nirvana is just a dream. Suffering is a gift, a gift to pay off our negative karma energy that we created since beglinless time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhru36ZBNWI

DocDecDun says:

Amazing soul that helping me thank u Josephine Rooney 

LUA D'AMOR says:

Very well narrated

mrnewball says:

I had all the verses uploaded and Hay House got them pulled on copyright.

robert smalley says:

This is good. I have a 64 point test to know thyself. robertsmalleyorg

surrected4526 says:

It can be spelled both ways!

Mimi imiM says:

I send love and peace and harmony and happiness to the Universe 🙂 <3

AshleyEmanuel1 says:

because the west is the source of many manipulations especially of ancient teachings and keeping the people from them.

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