Dr Wayne Dyer More Words Of Wisdom From The Father Of Motivation

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The Father Of Motivation: Healthy body, healthy mind. Balance your mind and care for your body:

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YING HO says:

Why do we need to be awaken? Awaken from what?
Life is an illusion, because it is temporary; It is not rocket science, it is common sense. Awaken from the illusion of life helps us to see the “true self” and returning to our real home, the home of “eternity”. Once you are awaken, you no longer caught up by the illusion, you are free from the suffering of the endless “birth & death” in the six illusion cycles of rebirth.  Death is not the end; No birth, no death is. 
Awakening is your own choice, no one can give it to you nor take it away from you, including buddha, he was one of the living proof as the awaken one, he was here to show the path to enlightenment. Everyone has to follow and walk on the path for their own liberation, because it requires huge “positive karma energy” to grow your compassion & wisdom to the awakening level, and the “positive karma energy” can only be created by “YOU” through your good thoughts, kind speeches & actions towards all living beings. 
Everyone has the same potential, same compassionate buddha nature, same opportunity to attain Nirvana (Free from all sufferings and endless reborn). In order to see the true nature of us, we must find out what “CAUSED” the illusion to happen and the truth of how life & nature works based on the universal law of “cause & effect” instead of how we think it should works.
Dharma (how life & nature works), the teachings of the buddha had covered all aspects of life, it is the instruction for a happy life and achieving nirvana. 
Here is the link for those who would like to find out more: http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/various/wheel294.html

Ying Ho says:

If you never want to know what life is, you never lived. 
Human life is a gift, a gift from ourselves; A gift from the good causes that we made in our past lives since beginless time. Without certain level of positive karma energy, human body would not be obtained. Without human life, nirvana is just a dream. Suffering is a gift, a gift to pay off our negative karma energy that we created since beglinless time. FYI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhru36ZBNWI

Tally Koren says:

For many years I've been listening to your videos daily and I thank you! They inspired my music so much. Here you have the first few lines of a song that that I'd love to share the video with you "Do you know that you alone can light the universe with a thought with the power of your will there’s nothing that you cannot do."


digidgetnation says:

He's turning into a soft, decrepit old man. I no longer want to emulate him. HE SHOULD HAVE STOOD UP!!!! Surrendering to being an old man is NOT THE WAY!!!!


Don't surrender to being an old man! Go down fighting, not sitting!!!

Dmitry Tamoikin says:

Dr. Wayne Dyer "Be Free From The Good Opinion Of Other People" 

I encourage everyone to watch this video:

David Ulmer says:

awsome!! thank you so much for this :)

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