Dr Wayne Dyer ~ You Are Not Your Ego

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Dr Wayne Dyer ~ You Are Not Your Ego


J.C Ravani says:

That is the prayer os Saint Francis the most beutiful I know, it resumes the doutrine of
Jesus, wich was love, and now we are involved in the doutrine of hate, competition, in our evereday life, in traffic, get out of my way, or else, we have become worst than animals money is our god, and this is the result of this materialistic society, what a pitty

Violetta Egorova says:

thanks so much for this…perfect timing.

Ciara Butler says:

life changing

Michele Zampillo Voxson says:

<3 This is everything.

Michael DeTorrice says:

Thank you Dr Dyer, Thank you, Thank you. R.I.P.


I cannot begin to describe it

bipolardiscussions says:

Me and my ego went round and round yesterday. Good times…… UGH. 


Darlene Robbins (Mastering Today) says:

Let your ego go!

Amaru Cohen says:

The ego has infinite amounts of ways to trick us and distract and tempt us off the path to our own awakening. You need to pay attention at all times, to overcome it.

Do you think you're living without it? No. It truly needs the truth of life to do it.
However, it has been revealed. *You guys, take a look at "The Present" at TruthContest♦Com.

Rita Papadopoulou says:

Dr Wayne Dyer ~ You Are Not Your Ego

Jimmy Winn says:

When i'm having a bad day and I hear Waynes voice, it puts my thinking back in my frontal lobes of my brain  and out of the amygdala.

adrian peirson says:

Very disarming, is that the idea ?

TheVintageMe says:

I continue to come back to this time and time again. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not my ego.

d0nj03 says:

Started out so well and then went on to promote "Mother" Theresa as an example of enlightenment and benevolence. A woman who accumulated millions of dollars and instead of using it to physically help the poor, sick and dying used it to propagandize for her bigoted religion's hateful concepts like anti-contraception and other anti-woman policies and to build more churches.


Reem Aljber says:

Love you from Kuwait

Haley Sabai says:

yes, well put – yet ,consciousness is the domain of the ego….and those "thoughts" have only one purpose(in content),to make you believe the body and the world are real.
"You Are Not Your Ego" – ultimately that is true.

MOUTcertified says:

Thats completely untrue, the ego is your subconscious thoughts that come into conscious awareness. YOU are that awareness receiving those thoughts. You can choose to accept those thoughts or realize what they really are….electrical impulses designed to keep humans alive during the evolutionary transitional process from animal kingdom to our human existence. If you believe your thoughts, beliefs, or perceptions are real, then your still asleep.

Mayra Sosa says:

By visualizing and FEEling yourself being in a whole and complete state. You focus on what you do want, NOT what you want to get away from.

Salvadore Liberto says:

Great insights here. Thank you, Dr. Dyer.

Allen Peter Bentsen says:

that may be true…however your judging of him does nothing positive to serve you

Amelie Caulhoun says:

How I can connect to my sources? I have several health problems, and I know it's an illusion, like the reality we see every day, but not how to make it disappear. Thank you!

Amelie Caulhoun says:

Hola, es muy interesante lo que dice este hombre. Alguien me podría recomendar un libro de él en español para comenzar que hable sobre este tema del ego? Thank you! Big hug!

emmas816 says:

In this clip ego is talking about ego. Obviously Wayne Dyer still has a big ego.

allen morgan says:

the EGO is a head game we play on ourselves.

allen morgan says:

we overcome our dependency on "EGO" when we stop believing in it. when we let go of the story we tell ourselves about ourselves. when we stop the behaviors that reinforce the idea of we have of ourselves. the truth is there is no "EGO", there is nothing to resist.

Lewis Almeida says:

This is really good stuff. Dr. Dyer discription of our ego is excellent. However, how does one overcome our dependence on "EGO?" lewis at LivingSpinoza

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