DUNCAN TRUSSELL'S Stories of Ram Dass & Spiritual Love!

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Edited by Koki Miyazaki

About The Jimmy Dore Show:
#TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country.

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Dawson Houser says:

Duncan looks like the guy you see driving a semi in North Dakota

Greg Nazar says:

If you see this, go buy a copy of Be Here Now. Read it and then pass it along.

Napkins Unite says:

When did jimmy doore get hold of the acid

Leo Alexander says:

Maybe it's me connecting dots to justify or instil reason in dumb, brute determinism, but regardless, I see a deep sort of beauty in Ram Dass' loss of speaking ability for a significant portion of his last years. Of course he fell into a depression: the ability to express the very thing he seems to have been born to do was suddenly torn from him. But in that very deprivation is the beauty. He passed on what he'd learned through his voice in the most literal way possible: through retreats where people would gather to listen to his voice. Then that is the very thing stripped from him. Why? How dare the universe, fate, whatever? Of all the people… Now what?! "Now figure out how to pass on what you've been passing on! What now GURU!?" Duncan didn't meet Ram Dass until after his stroke. Many didn't learn what they needed from him until after that point. After his period of deep depression, he got on with the work at hand. He did what he had to do. What he did in the decades prior to his stroke equipped him with just enough of what he needed in order to continue with what he could. His talks during the earlier period were his most easily digestible and proliferated. But my deepest love for the man comes from those years he had to endure the loss and relearning of the very medium through which he did his work; the very medium that had been brutally, ironically, and almost proverbially yanked from him. To me, I guess without any legitimate right to assume such things, it seems as if it was his final hurdle to overcome. That last attachment: his own charismatic voice. "You're not a snake charmer! You've said these things before! Well, try this on for size and we'll see what you're really made of!" I think it's clear he arose to the occasion.

that guy down the street says:

I subbed from Jimmy a while ago.. hes to angry for me, kinda misinforming sometimes. But Mushrooms and family conversations about DMT, I found Joe Rogan, through joe Rogan I found Duncan Trussel, all the while I'm into people like sadh Guru, Russell Brand, eckhart tolled, and Terrence makena. From time to time I enjoy the talks. All within the last 3 years. They all start coming together, anyways through Duncan Trussel I find Ram Dass, and I think hes the best I've seen so far. 2 weeks before the 22nd of October I order the book "Be Here Now". On the 22nd, the 22nd is a significant date in my life everything seems to change for me on the 22nd of a given month, I'm in the coffee shop and my book has come. I start reading it same day, I cry uncontrollably for a but while reading the book, feels like I'm tripping. Validates alot of knowledge and experiences I've had blows my mind. Still reading it and trying to put into application. Anyway, today I'm chilling Duncan trussel podcast is live, I'm watching it's weird as usual. Someone comments hes On Jimmy Dore so I watch and where they talking about but Ram Dass and spirituality. I've had some crazy experiences recently, while trusting the void… or myself, or everything, whatever you'd like, and now but another sign of two people one who I enjoy one who I used to enjoy talking about a topic that I enjoy very much.

FenixDown147 says:

@ 7:45

FenixDown147 says:

@ 12:00

OPERATOR8696 says:

Being hard on others is because you're hard on yourself, great insight.

Archaic Revival says:

It is very disappointing that so many pundits on the "left" have towed the MSM line on Covid19. They are doing an excellent job manufacturing consent for the World Economic Forum's Great Reset, the upwards redistribution of wealth & authoritarianism! Awesome!πŸ˜†

JJ Against says:

I really do love this spiritual talking! It remembers me how human we are and how we are all the same … alleluia!

Paradise Care Giving says:

(I Am)
"We" are Immortal Beingness. Nothing in life can harm what "we" Are. Life is Maya, God's Divine Play. That, I Am. Tat tvam asi. That, Thou Art.

"I Am" is ParaBrahman…Sat Chit Ananda, Absolute. We already Are what we are looking for. Timeless, Eternal, Unborn and without boundary. Pure Subject. All are objects in I Am (πŸ•‰οΈ), Supreme Awareness.

Desire, Aversion and Ignorance are what keep "us" on the wheel of samsara (reincarnation) but this is dream. Waking, dreaming and deep sleep are states. We are stateless…the 4th, Turiya. Pointers are Silence…Stillness…Space.

Absolute Consciousness is Primary. One without a second.

Remember God (Dharma)
Love All (as Bill Hicks' book suggests)
Serve All
Be truthful

Shanti πŸ•ŠοΈ Shanti πŸ•ŠοΈ Shantih πŸ•ŠοΈ
Hari πŸ•‰οΈ
tat sat
Bhagavan Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar 🦒
Arpanam Astu πŸ™

Dickbeard the Merciless says:

Keep it up man. Best YouTube show ever.

Rene Sonse says:

JFC! I can't stand listening to Trussell trying to formulate his thoughts. Dennis Hopper tripping did better.

lawton gore says:

Really folks??? Rammed Ass…

Kurt Kish says:

Damn, what bs.
re-hashed bs


B Jones says:

Really would like to see a couple hours of this a month. Watching Jimmy I’m usually pretty pissed off and worked up. It’s nice to come down from all of that.

CAY says:

Jimmy should have on John Perkins (famous for Confessions of an Economic Hitman) to talk about his latest book, Touching the Jaguar. His new emphasis is on spirituality, in particular, shamanism.

Luka Soc says:

You know whats fantastical? That Jimmy Dore is holding the "Miracle of Love" book with Neem Karoli Baba's picture ❀😁

Bronson Herr says:

These videos make me smile so much πŸ™‚

Keep em coming Jimmy! <3

evonline says:

Jimmy Dore's facial expressions during this podcast show that he is caught up in the "miracle shit." He has a cult following that believes in miracles like, Tulsi Gabbard is a saint. And, Jimmy Dore is a wise man.

evonline says:

Near the end of his life, Ram Dass said that what he had said about how easy dying would be was not correct. Ram Dass said he was feeling uncomfortable about dying. All the talk about achieving the ability to develop a capacity for an easy death was incorrect.

evonline says:

Dore is caught up in "that miracle shit". You can see it in Dore's triumphant look when his guests says a synchronicity occured. I also see that Dore got caught up in "miracle shit" when he perceived Tulsi Gabbard was a saint.

YouTube Inc says:

You have got beautiful soul Jimmy. No one is like you on youtube. I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Jay 2 says:

38:43 this was heartbreaking, I hope Jimmy gets that experience someday, there’s teachers out there. His regret that he missed-out on his favorite teacher was intense, but I am thankful that he was being vulnerable and honest about how much he wants that experience.

Mack McCurry says:

I'm from Arkansas, and I know more about this than you seam 2.Yes.Liked it Baba? Alpert?Albert Hoffman. I had fun.

J C says:

Krishnamurti always warned us about gurus. If they are wearing a uniform and asking for money they aren't enlightened. Then i read " A course in miracles" experienced the holy instant and understood Krishnamurti fully.

Adam Vaughn says:

This is awesome

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