Dying To Know Ram Dass & Timothy Leary Documentary

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Meserbee Chek says:

Very helpful. I think the reacreational part is what throws things off. It takes seriousness, honesty with self, and a passion to learn to earn the right to explore. That is what I have learned. Don't doubt and of course — believe in the hype. It is sensationalized to no end. We need to break from the standard to find out what deviating really is. Our interest is there. It stays too. But it is nobodies business but your own what makes you do things or decide against it.

18thsfsquadron says:

Wow. This was so good

Donald Turner says:

<3 May All Sentient Beings Be Released From Suffering <3

Sarah says:

This was such a good documentary. So happy I got to watch!

delerium2k says:

35:45 looks like the guy from Office Space

fmach12 says:

Loved every moment of this film

Jaski Singh says:

Fellow psychonauts! Check this out.I managed to have a riveting chat with someone who knows a lot about psychedelics and plant medicines.. and do subscribe please/ will help me a great deal. 🙂


TenThumbs Productions says:

Come together, right now…..

James Mhango says:

Drop out and tune in.

Flex Piper says:

Incredible 🍄🙏 Thank you for this.

Devaang Dev says:

Fucking beautiful

susan smiles says:

Stunningly and sweetly done. I worked with Timothy to help him produce his first Computer Workshop back in the mid-70's in Santa Monica. He popped in and into my life over the next decade or so and he was ALWAYS the same, optimistic, charming, captivating, almost Mythic Leprechaun….such a genius and NEVER a victim! What a privilege to have known him..

Carl Pounds says:

This is an incredibly beautiful, wise, loving.video! I lovingly recommend this to everyone!

Mike Hill says:

Why is there a picture of JP Morgan when the narrator says, “his paternal grandfather” ? Is JP Morgan Timothy Leary’s grandfather? @7:30

Sunny Bunny says:

This was such a wonderful documentary. Love dass.

shaun hamer says:

these guys were central players for the C.i.A. in the creation of the drug culture and the war against the civil rights/anti vietnam war movement,, all on the record now.. they were selling theosophy via popular culture just like david icke is today

A B says:

Love you ram dass

Bill Kinsman says:

It is interesting that humans discovered atomic fission and LSD right around the same time. On one hand, 1 gram of substance can enlighten 10,000 people, on the other hand, one gram of substance can kill 10,000 people! The choice is ours to make.

Jay Umble says:

This is the quintessential documentary. It is indeed an education.

Jimmy LightShow says:

Mind blowing and interesting!

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