Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey: First Talk! (Full version/2007)

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“This had been one of the great joys of my career, to be able to sit down and talking with you Eckhart.”
All three parts in one video. First and second part: Interview, third part: (57:07) Eckhart Tolle answers questions from the audience (Soul Series with Oprah, 2007).

0:00 – Introduction of Tolle
3:57 – Who is the I, Who is the Self (Recognition of Ego)
7:35 – Recognition of Awareness (Discovery of Your True Self)
8:55 – You and the Present Moment are One
9:32 – The effects of Enlightenment
10:50 – Why Thinking can be Harmful
12:40 – How can Awareness Change Your Relationships
14:26 – The Role of Pets in our Lives
15:55 – How Can You Live in the Space of Presence
18:45 – Why is There No Past or Future
21:00 – Stress and Problems Cant Exist in The Now
23:40 – Is Tolle Always in the Now
24:32 – Does The State of Presence Leave You Passionless for Life
25:40 – How do we Plan For the Future
27:12 – The Balance Between Time and Stillness
28:31 – End of Part One
28:50 – Start of Part Two
30:00 – Why Did Tolle Write His Second Book
31:10 – What is the Human Ego
34:50 – Evil Deeds Are Born From an Unawareness of a Shared Aliveness
36:46 – If You Are Not Your Story, Then Who Are You
38:32 – Why Ego Loves Exclusivity
39:29 – Patterns of the Ego
41:10 – The Start of Ego and Different Identifications to Form
42:22 – What is the Purpose of Ego
43:30 – Are We At The Evolve or Die Point
45:00 – Are Things Getting Better or Worse
46:30 – A New Earth From a New Internal State
48:26 – How Can Nature Help us Connect with Stillness
49:41 – How Can we Prevent Being Dominated by Ego
53:10 – Being Aware of Stillness
54:00 – Is Tolle Free of Domination of Ego
55:20 – How Spirituality and Belief Systems Are Different
56:20 – Heaven is Within You
56:40 – End of Part Two
57:10 – Start of Part Three
58:10 – What Does it Feel Like to Transform Millions of Lives
1:00:06 – How do You Embody the Philosophy Of Living in the Present
1:08:34 – How to Interact with Highly Unconscious People
1:14:50 – What Does Life Look Like When You Are Fully Engaged in the Present
1:20:09 – Will I Always Go Into a Pain Body At Times or Can Live In Presence For My Whole Life
1:25:11 – Closing Comments and End of Part Three


Jimmy S. says:

You are wasted on this money-obsessed bitch

Emmanuel Walker says:

Oprah seems to be very possessed by her ego and own mind. Still fighting to break through and realize there is no self, just an illusion. All there is, is now. Elkhart seems to be a much better listener here than her. Just calling it as it is but he seems to stop think then answer her because he’s listening where as she seems to already have things she wants to say irregardless of of what he is saying.

The past is in the mind. All things are in the mind, the mind poses the mind so it’s hard for YOU to break free from the mind. Because the mind tricks itself, as the godhead does into believing the part it’s playing is real.


Bryan Leovy says:

Is this guy for real? Well at least he's not pushing religion. What he's trying to say is what Ramana Maharshi lived.

Ruth Butler says:

22:30 for a problem to exist you need time and mind activity, repetitive mind activity.

D says:

Eckhart Tolle has helped me immensely. One of the best things he says "Make me the person, my dog thinks I am" I've always love dogs bc they love wothout judgement. Imagine if people were more like animals. Btw Thanks for the time stamps…in the description.

Ronald Queevinen says:

The Way, the Truth, and the Life
5“Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” 6Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”…
Berean Study Bible

Debbie Philburn says:

I really love and want to accept what he says… but I just had the love of my life of 32 years (been together since 13 and 14) 1986 commit suicide. Left me buried in debt that I knew nothing about. I’m on SSD I have a broken back and neck. I’ve lost everything my daughter is a senior and has worked her but off for 12 years for this. They were twins clones of each other. He left our son and our grandson we have been planning for, our whole life since 1986. So how do I not think 24/7 and worry and cry. I’m literally sinking. I’m in pain all the time, he promised he’d always take care of me. He promised my dad, whose gone. Now this is my MOM all the way, but I just can’t shut this stuff off I do have problems. I have so many I’d love to turn them off. 🙁

90's kid says:

Thanks Oprah

Renee janes says:

My thinking brain loves when he laughs to himself about the absurdity of what he just said.

Jane Hoffman says:

Wow!! the Ego is amplified .. this is mind blowing!

Maytane Winner says:

0:00 – Introduction of Tolle
3:57 – Who is the I, Who is the Self (Recognition of Ego)
7:35 – Recognition of Awareness (Discovery of Your True Self)
8:55 – You and the Present Moment are One
9:32 – The effects of Enlightenment
10:50 – Why Thinking can be Harmful
12:40 – How can Awareness Change Your Relationships
14:26 – The Role of Pets in our Lives
15:55 – How Can You Live in the Space of Presence
18:45 – Why is There No Past or Future
21:00 – Stress and Problems Cant Exist in The Now
23:40 – Is Tolle Always in the Now
24:32 – Does The State of Presence Leave You Passionless for Life
25:40 – How do we Plan For the Future
27:12 – The Balance Between Time and Stillness
28:31 – End of Part One
28:50 – Start of Part Two
30:00 – Why Did Tolle Write His Second Book
31:10 – What is the Human Ego
34:50 – Evil Deeds Are Born From an Unawareness of a Shared Aliveness
36:46 – If You Are Not Your Story, Then Who Are You
38:32 – Why Ego Loves Exclusivity
39:29 – Patterns of the Ego
41:10 – The Start of Ego and Different Identifications to Form
42:22 – What is the Purpose of Ego
43:30 – Are We At The Evolve or Die Point
45:00 – Are Things Getting Better or Worse
46:30 – A New Earth From a New Internal State
48:26 – How Can Nature Help us Connect with Stillness
49:41 – How Can we Prevent Being Dominated by Ego
53:10 – Being Aware of Stillness
54:00 – Is Tolle Free of Domination of Ego
55:20 – How Spirituality and Belief Systems Are Different
56:20 – Heaven is Within You
56:40 – End of Part Two
57:10 – Start of Part Three
58:10 – What Does it Feel Like to Transform Millions of Lives
1:00:06 – How do You Embody the Philosophy Of Living in the Present
1:08:34 – How to Interact with Highly Unconscious People
1:14:50 – What Does Life Look Like When You Are Fully Engaged in the Present
1:20:09 – Will I Always Go Into a Pain Body At Times or Can Live In Presence For My Whole Life
1:25:11 – Closing Comments and End of Part Three

aregahegn bekele says:

OMG! I couldn't say nothing. I just started to know I for the first time in my life. And that is making me feeling start living again!

Qqq Qqqq says:

OMG seems like oprah really is on the way of waking up

No Labels says:

I love this video. Thank you for posting this. I am sharing it with my father who is really suffering right now.

Hallo says:

he is the best

FOUNDATION .8427 says:


Dom Rocco says:

how was this disliked even once

Sandra says:

he blinks much with his eyes. I wonder why 😛 (im not judging im just curious hehe).
for example at 32:10

Sheila Ashcroft says:

OMG, I literally just bought The Power of Now! Two of my most inspirational teachers together…amazing!

Liz Gichora says:

As always; Mr Eckhart Tolle, fascinating insights. The ability to be present and eliminating labels, judging on another as we connect with each other. Such helpful information. Thank you both.

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