Eckhart Tolle – Enjoying Life (A Audiobook)

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DESCRIPTION: – Eckhart Tolle – Enjoying Life (A Audiobook)
Chapter #01 –
Chapter #02 – It’s Much More Simple…
Chapter #03 – First A Joke…
Chapter #04 – Story
Chapter #05 – The Park Bench
Chapter #06 – Entering The Now
Chapter #07 – MindLESSness
Chapter #08 – Judging
Chapter #09 – Relationships
Chapter #10 – Pain
Chapter #11 – Reactions
Chapter #12 – Resistance
Chapter #13 – Enemy Or Friend?
Chapter #14 – Purpose
Chapter #15 – Credits
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Elaine Mae Luta says:

Hello wonderful people! Experience a Sustainable Lifestyle in the Middle of Paradise. We will show you beautiful villages in Costa Rica where you can enjoy the rest of the beauty of its creation where you can smell fresh air, birds chirping, and most of all living in peace and serenity. A best place to have vacation! You can even retire and start a new life here. Only in Costa Rica! JOIN US! Feel free to contact me at elainetdsi at gmail. Have a good one! Ciao!

Andrew Hibberd says:

dear sons five be the revolution

sirstratocaster says:

Not an audiobook. Just the audio from other videos.

Yemi Shodipo says:

Thank you

Andrew Hibberd says:

which one is first the chicken or the egg or the dog or the bone ? stop thinking too much the world is so beautifull look at everyone allow this moment to be , the next moment may be worse my dear sons five

Andrew Hibberd says:

what about the search for meaning ? be present do what is required now let go now for this moment if you believe understanding is the answer perhaps you are the center of all that will evolve in the future this is the truth

Andrew Hibberd says:

an alertness is required to do this dont think be now be present do not miss anything cold is not cold hot is not hot

Andrew Hibberd says:

are you the wider space and awareness that enables this place to be for your people the actual realistation the phenomenal world to be as it is takes you deeper into your self

Andrew Hibberd says:

as you sit here is it possible for you to watch everything around you without the desire to add to the perfection of all that is going on around you its a question

Andrew Hibberd says:

in japanese we have the saying kooki toy , suffering is a choice and lots of people choose to continue doing this

Andrew Hibberd says:

the truth requires no comment

Andrew Hibberd says:

sons history is just one teacher the now is the best life you can live my dear precious ones 
when you get this i will be old and gone

Andrew Hibberd says:

dear sons five the only noise you need to hear is the cockatoo in the tree and the mudcrab in the pot

Andrew Hibberd says:

fundamental invitation is simple maybe there is a deeper level to who you are , the reclamation of indigenous voice and vision is part of understanding all of the suffering the cyclical thinking of the past is getting lost be present

Andrew Hibberd says:

wow busy

Asgeir Bragason says:


Roberta Smith says:

lol the profound DEVIANCE  of trying to describe awareness from one who will never be aware to those who will never be aware, to describe enjoyment by one who will never know joy to those who will never know joy, to talk about love from one who will never be beloved or loving or know himself as love itself to those who are the same, is amazing.    Sit a child down the describe what walking is.  Kindness is, love is, awareness is, joy is,  unless it has all been torqued and perverted by an ego. And it has and the ego's  law is "seek and NEVER find" carry on.

GyzelFilmz says:

Loved the ideas shared in this video, Found this so relaxing thank you! I find that a lower profile bed helps me meditate and do some yoga, it is definitley a better zen. I found this pretty nice looking one on etsy. Just thought I'd Share thanks!

Average Joe Likes Pink says:

To add what Eckhart was trying to say to the listener: asking him/her to have a sort of "open mind".
I believe,unless you have an "open mind" to the present, you will not be getting ANYTHING out of his words. From another standpoint, I think you have to be able to imagine yourself, to some degree,that maybe what you know could actually be nothing or what you know may be entirely unessary information(such as percieved lies)………. If you think on it further, unless you ever truly ask that question to yourself "What memories do i really know and which are false?" We wouldn't even be able to come to the conclusions and affirmations we settle with in our lives without this simple consideration in the first place. 

La Rosa Jolie says:

great vid thank you

Joshi2014 says:

very good to be in present

David Ratkai says:

This is so great,,,,, love it. Thanks!!!

Search Light says:

Beware of Sophists:  Philosophy and rhetoric at your expense. 
New Age Universal Religion
If you subscribe to this, you believe you are immortal having a human experience.  Comparison of Scripture and New Age:
Bible says, Jesus is the son of God.
New Age says, Jesus is one of the Masters.
Bible says, saved by grace.
New Age says, Achieve godhood through works.
Bible says, Jesus is the only way, salvation outside of oneself.
New Age says, Awake Christ consciousness within.
Bible says, Lucifer is the devil.
New Age says, Lucifer is the true son of God.
Bible says, worship God.
New Age says, worship Creation.
Bible says, man was created.
New Age says, physical man evolved, spiritual man has always existed.
Bible says, God is not part of creation, he is a personal God.
New Age says, God is part of creation (pantheism)
Bible says, teachings of resurrection.
New Age says, teachings of reincarnation.
Bible says, the word is truth.
New Age says, truth is within.
Bible says, Teaches us to wait for the second coming of Christ which WILL BE VISIBLE TO ALL. His coming in glory is the “blessed hope.”
New Age says, Waits for the Maitreya who will assist with the establishment of a one world government, monetary system and religion; visible to many, but not all. (exclusivity)
Bible says, turn from sin.
New Age says, turn from ignorance for there is no sin.
Bible says, become Christ-like through sanctification.
New Age says, discover your own divinity.

Aaron Davison says:

Amazing wisdom! A few years ago I had a profound awakening after reading the power of now. I was so moved by that book that I wrote a song inspired by the book called "All Things Subside". It's on my channel if you want to check it out. says:

1:42:29 – Credits says:

1:28:40 – Purpose

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