Eckhart Tolle – Enlightenment

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Eckhart talks about the concept of enlightenment.

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NsJ says:

For a very long time, I felt inwardly that Eckhart Tolle held the answers
to all the spiritual, deeper questions we all held about ourselves and our
nature to this universe. But after reading Swami Vivekananda’s books, I’ve
come to the conclusion that life (in our present state) is simply too
minuscule a time in the universal scale of consciousness, that the only
thing worth doing is being as good as possible and living true to
ourselves. Love humanity, live with fullness towards a noble purpose, and
just help everyone be a better version of themselves. Our lives can be VERY
spiritual if we just make a decision to do exactly that. Try and be
vegetarian. Practice non-violence. Love thy neighbors. And live with
PURPOSE. KNOW that you WILL DIE one day and nothing will stop the
inevitable. The ONLY thing left to do then, is to make others realize that
they are YOU in essence and EVERYONE is a child of cosmic consciousness
(aka God). 

eurus pulsare says:

hello, well i just find your teaching a few days ago and i see many of your
vdos, i understand everything you teaching and explaining to us but i find
it so hard to focuse in the moment when i do it is just like maybe 2 second
before a thought came to my mind! but thank you because i never knew that i
was thinking so much. :)

Bob Bing says:

it’s nice to read comments from many people here who are genuinely
interested in the topic. You know, not many snarky, flippant remarks. I
think he’s the real thing, i feel it. When i can sit back, get out of my
head and just be, i really feel the peace he’s talking about. But my petty
worries and imagined need to be ready with a comment or reply take me out
of that again. Letting go, letting be (^_^)..

Khanh Do says:

scary girl at 2:08 on the screen lol .

Primeiro Último says:

This is the problem of language, duality… Tolle in the moment of paradox
puts you in the way to realize ego less, I agree, if you want, you old the
oposit and blok the “goal” the goal concept creates this problem, but at
the same time Tolle makes description like the presente was something and
to be there is the goal so in that moment he is doing precisely wath he is
criticising, I think he is not so serious because if I listen to him and
think he is awaken in this momments that he contradicts himself crearing
the presente as goal and dont go really to the botton he is confusing
people and his smile looks more like ego then ego less… love to all

Nemir Adjina says:

Enlightenment is when the mind recognises/experiences the existence of the
Self or Soul. Although the Soul is always perfect and timeless and
constant, it is not enlightened in that sense, although it is illumined.
Each person is not enlightened, enlightenment is an realisation that has to
happen in time before a person can be enlightened. Part of that realisation
is that there is no such thing as here and now, as all concepts derive
their meaning/existence from their opposites, no now without then and no
here without there. The domain of the soul or Atman is of course outside of
time and space. With all respect to Mr Tolle, it seems he is either
confused or I have not understood him.

lovelyregardsConny says:

Eckhart, du bist der Beste!!!!!!! ♥♥♥ Dankeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lamar Rayfield says:

Maybe I should just read his books, cause i dont find him a charismatic
influential speaker. I cant really understand what he’s saying. I love him
though. I love his intention, and energy. 

Teresa Roberts says:

I find enlightenment in stillness, a space inside of me. Sometimes the ego
will appear and then I come back to the present moment.

James Charles says:

Interesting the ego less state

optizap says:

Yes an Enlightened person is in Samhadi Union. However, someone maybe in
Samadi Union without being Enlightened– like ravers on one for a night

Douglas Bailey says:


Open-minded Skeptic says:

There is no enlightenment, only awareness. Cheers.

Kieran Wilson says:

this guy needs a beard…

Anna Jaleitor says:

I found this article that actually describes what enlightement really is;
in a clear and precise way.

Constantin Gabor says:
MrCooldude987 says:

just try to be ‘blank’ or have no thoughts for 5 minutes and u will get a
slight taste of enlightenment!

bassax7045 says:

enlightenment is when we realise our body and ego are an empty tower
and we are the etherial intelligence housing there,,so switch perspective.
then the tower of babel that kept us confused with all beings can fall

Robbie Rees says:

Eckhart; Man…”I love your vibes”

efearfull says:

You can escape Earth’s bounds on your mind.
The ability of the brain to synchronize with external stimuli such as
pulsed light or sound is called Entrainment.
I’ve experienced OBEs, astral projection, and other phenomena over the
I’ve owned many Light & Sound machines and light Entrainment is 10 times
more powerful than sound Entrainment.
For the last two years I’ve used a L&S unit called the Procyon from
They seem to have the best built in programs and own the most patents in
their unique field.
I’m not selling anything but information that has changed my life

IcarusFlying says:

the idea is to get rid of stress in your mind and your body that you
already have, and to prevent future stress from arising. when the stress
disappears and skillful qualities arise, this leads to joy to rapture to
serenity to pleasure to concentration to knowledge and insight to
dispassion to cessation. concentration is a prerequisite to enlightenment.
right view. this is stress. this is the cause of stress. this is the path
leading to the end of stress. this is the end of stress. @ zielin
concentration with directed thought and evaluation, then when you remove
and keep removed the stress, assurance and composure remains. look up
jhana. directed thought and evaluation is there for a reason. …sounds
like eckhart toll has developed a degree of concentration which is great.

Krystle Champagne says:

LOL so true I;m so in love with xxx:) But what if i use clock time so i
do it in the moment but i set myself clock time also 🙂 ? I love him x

Simon0 says:

enlightenment isgood.. but cookies are better.

Ukelectrica says:

what is enlightenment to you? please if you dont mind explaining it

robert marley says:

the present moment is the key my Friend …but in a healthy
body.magnanimity is another key factor.

szczurolak says:

I’m scared. Every time I get a glimpse of something that confuses me,
because it isn’t something that I know of, it isn’t something at all, it’s
just nothing, nothing else than what is around me, I’m starting to feel
something inside me, something that I think may be life changing – but I’m
scared and I let it go, don’t focus on it. I just, can’t let go of my ego
and follow the mystery… I don’t have the guts to do it… I feel so sad I
think that I need help, but I know only I can help myself.

balzerly says:

how do you mean that? I’m muslim born too.

Ryan Lundelius says:

We spend too much time trying to figure out who we are instead of just
being who we are!

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