Eckhart Tolle in Conversation with Bradley Horowitz | Talks at Google

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Eckhart Tolle stops by Google for a fireside chat with Bradley Horowitz. The subject is: “Living with Meaning, Purpose and Wisdom in the Digital Age.”

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Audrey Angelov says:

*Enlightenment is a tricky subject when perceived from the eyes of a
prophet. However, the truth of life is very simple and enlightenment is not
that tricky.*

*If you want to know the truth of life that will let you get **complete
control of your thoughts,** go and read “The Present” on TruthContest►Com*

Joseph Taggart says:

1:02:16 – Epic left nipple

Matt Petersen says:

Chopra 2.0. This time he is white so he is more popular even if they talk
the same crap.

muaythaiguy6669 says:

The amazing thing about all this is that by becoming the magical leader
that everyone here has decided to follow, based on the comments below,
Eckhart actually becomes the EGO that he is professing to absolve.
In fact he is the ultimate expression of EGO, just look at his website! He
is the center of attention, yet he dares talk about getting rid of the ego?
When you open the site the first thing you see is a massive picture of HIS
EGO. What a bullshit artist. He has the ultimate ego. He is the magical
leader that has the knowledge for us common folk who haven’t figured our
lives out yet.
Ego is the very thing that makes you YOU.
And he has all you people fooled into worshipping his lying get rich off
his book sales ass. Amazing. Wake up and stop following these fucking
people. How about being your own leaders?

Kristin Tran says:

I try to listen to one Eckhart talk every morning. It really starts my day
off in the right direction!

Yuriy Demenko says:
rawzone1 says:

No matter how hard I try, I can’t help but hearing Rowan Atkinson’s voice,
better known as BEAN, everytime I see this guys lips move. They both have
similar intelligence

TerrorJesus says:

If only our world leaders were as wise as him.

Minh Tran says:

Eckhart loves to talk. You ask him ONE question and he talks forever, and
it ISN’T even about the question! Imagine trying to get him to do a
project or ask him where a pencil is? He’ll take or talk forever. A
person who loves to talk this much spends a really long time alone! I’ll
answer the 1st question for all of you guys. Information is data, rules,
thoughts and the likes recorded in whatever forms, books, talks, etc.
Knowledge is the awareness of what the information is saying or conveying.
Wisdom is discerning that’s useful and what’s not. I’ll add in genius.
It’s taking the information, organizing/classification, and phyiscally
executing it. That was easy.

Desalegn Abebaw says:

A good lesson

Khin Win says:

Now is the only moment to lead the ultimate wisdom, peace and happiness….

TommyLikeTom says:

This guy is for real. The real deal. He’s like a comedian that spends most
of his time saying important stuff, and that comes to punch line every 20
Sometimes he seems like an imp that is surprised at what his amazing voice
is doing

TheMonkini says:

Not sure Eckhart remembers the question. Neither do I.

ken rodway says:

These verses say it all…
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after
their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching
ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be
turned unto fables…” (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

A perfect Biblical summation for the multitudes of lost souls seeking
guidance from an endless array of self-styled, self-help, media-friendly
gurus, who in turn have been glowingly endorsed by many of today’s leading
Talk-Show hosts.
New Age poster boys like Eckhart Tolle are currently seducing the
gullible with soothing and deceptive lullabies such as, “God is All ~ and
All is One ~ so we all share the Divine ~ and the Oneness that is God.” ~~
“There are so many ways to God.” ~~ “All faiths are valid.” Etc., etc.,
(Spiritual garbage is like the mail: it just never stops coming.)
However, if Tolle ever declares that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD – the ONLY WAY to
salvation and to the Father in Heaven; (John 14:6) he might actually be
worth listening to. Until then, move over Nhat Hanh, Chopra, Dyer, Winfrey,
Keating et al; it seems Satan has a new sheriff in town!

“The victory of deception is the unawareness of our
(Kole Eremos)

abcdef says:

that is new to me that google is interested in the essence of life, I
always thought that they are interested only in collecting data of every
people, but maybe google calls this collecting wisdom.. i do not believe
that google is really interested in eckhart tolle, if they would be, google
would have to change their politics and be a different company. one which
does not egoistically kicks out every competitor. so this interest of
google in eckhart is not real, only a show. 

luca marco says:

It would be better to say that if one desire to be in this State of
Consciousness MUST live properly, like any other ‘profession’, like a true
athlet do.
Diet, excercises, moral code, good friends, meditation, rest.
No tv, no pc, no horrible things and so on.
No at the beginning, then moderate use.

Rafael Estrada Gomez says:

A new era has emerged and as human beings we need to understand the balance
between our inner world and our external world and more than ever its
coming the paradigm that we are all and all is one and all is connected or
connecting for a new and great purpose. Congratulations to Echart and
Google. For the Conference. (Redking&Corporation.)

rawzone1 says:

No matter how hard I try, I can’t help but hearing Rowan Atkinson’s voice,
better known as BEAN, everytime I see this guys lips move. They both have
similar intelligence

Colleen Sikel says:


Rick Kemp says:


oke dan says:

In spite of all of his talk, how many people are really enlightened after
listening to Eckhart Tolle? The most ironic part is that mr Tolle sells
seats on some of his talks with golden/silver/bronze seats, the closer to
Tolle, the more you pay. Sounds like capitalising on people.

Also appearing on Oprah is ironic. One moment Oprah says don’t be
materialistic, next moment, everybody in the audience gets the book of the
week or some random beauty product, how materialistic can you get Oprah? 

Tehbearz says:

19:25 “Other people have to take acid to get there” Yup. And the second he
talked about the texture of the couch, I knew he either has taken acid or
is familiar with it’s effects. I’d really like to hear Eckhart’s thoughts
on the use of psychedelics (not chronically, maybe a couple uses per year,
if not a single use only) to be able to feel and learn about the present
moment as well as the loss of ego.

Rick Anderson says:

terrific interview…

dbmarquand says:

Eckhart tolles writings are clear but ineffective. I believe John Sherman’s
“look at yourself” method is the only hope for us, bc it’s a practical
method that directly destroys the Grand Delusion. I’ve seen it work on
myself and many others. Look him up he’s on YouTube!

4tops says:

He is repetitive which has it merits in order to lead to the basic truth
and experience. yet i don’t think he is with his both feet in modern
reality. When retracting yourself it is certainly easier to find yourself
in nature or in a peacefull setting. Like so many gurus or monks have done
before him. I find the research on flow more relevant for being present AND
experiencing life in all it’s action and excitement. I don’t understand why
someone with high awareness would choose to stay in a stooped over position
like he is (altough he seems to have improved it).

Jonathan Rios says:

Eckhart Tolle is Satan the Anti-Christ

Ryan Robertson says:

He speaks of the depth of the now, and only touches on its possibilities.
The Now has INFINITE depth, much much than that which is described here.
Life can be a waking miracle, unfolding with every breath, and more, ever

Alfred Nagl says:

The other conversation at Google – Talks at Google:

Mit Jae says:

I believe the internet is an illusion -

Philip Durden says:

I think the problem is people associate the greater truth – living in the
now, presence, and awareness behind thought with Eckhart – and it is
like some cultural wave. But it is the truth, that is why we point people
in the direction of awareness behind thought, and being present – but not
to Tolle, as they develope mental judgements and ego around it. But it is
clear – that we must spread presence – it is our purpose – not
just Tolle’s, Eckhart will come to pass, and still isn’t in the public eye
as he once was – but these teaching are the fundamental truth and the
answer to building a better world for all of us. If Eckhart just studied
presence of other mentors, but didn’t spread that knowledge – a lot less
people would have experienced awareness behind thought and know about
presence. We are the seeds to plant the trees, and build our world. Which
is why we must aim big and higher, and not reject ‘the system’ based on
some ego held cognition and thoughts around it. Screw that – it won’t
change anything rejecting an exponentially growing system, we change by
using it – money and businessess are necessary for the functioning and
growth of the human race, and we as people with the potential to spread
presence – that is where we should aim to be and effecting the decisions
of. Imagine a leading global coorperation with a workforce who were
present, that power they hold could shift weight not only in paradigms
people hold, but also the decisions that shape our future and our world. It
is time to use our human capabilities, and mental processes to good use,
rather than retreating and being present in some cave for the rest of your
lives, we could be present through a path, a path to greatness for us all.

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