Eckhart Tolle – Let The MIRACLE Happen

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Eckhart Tolle is a famous self help spiritual author. Eckhart Tolle has written the book The Power of Now. Eckhart Tolle teaches meditation, and talks a lot about the pain body and the ego. Eckhart Tolle also preaches being in the moment, something that can help better your life in every aspect, such as relationships with other people, and as a cure for all mental issues such as depression and anxiety. Eckhart Tolle has been interviewed by celebrities such as Oprah, teaching the general public to be present to the moment and let go of the ego and the pain body.


Fernando Henriquez says:


Matthew Becket says:

I really needed to hear that.

Doriesep6622 says:

I wouldn't use the word "preaches" concerning Eckhart Tolle. He imparts information. "Extolls" maybe? Or just "advises"  Many of us are running from preachers. LOL  Thanks for the posting this video.

Wideolink says:

Thank U !

john jay says:

Life is beautiful when one remains and continues in a state of awakening. That is being in a second dimension of being conscious that you are conscious. Humans are tend to be forgetful. However, in the presence of this second degree of consciousness, that makes the challenge of everyday living more enjoyable. Associating it with a smile while practicing that second dimension puts me in a high. Life is indeed beautiful on this 'pale blue dot'. Miracles all around… for one living awakened… including all those mind created 'problems'. Precious is life. Making it more enjoyable every day, every hour and every minute is all worth going for it. Salute to all those who posted here and good luck on your journey, fellow humans. We all are one race- the human race!

SCOD says:

Tolle is moving so slow, it barely looks like he is moving….

Dalomatic Gaming says:

Ive just started listening to the audio book, it has blown my mind comes back to the now

valérie Oualidi says:

Merci ECkart pour ton enseignement si lumineux et si simple à comprendre (mais assez difficile à pratiquer pour moi)

John silva says:

It's not many times Ive been impressed however watching this really made me say wow
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carolhinch says:

Thank you…

Justin Duncan says:

The strangest thing is that I came to this realisation last night. I've been trying to accumulate knowledge and so I've been downloading book after book and the more I read, even though I keep learning, I feel like I'm adding information that I somehow already know. All the lessons I'm still looking to learn I have already encountered. But my ego tells me, ironically, that I need to keep absorbing knowledge if I want to break free from my mind identification. Yesterday I went out and bought Wayne Dyer's A New Way of Thinking, A New Way of Being. I'd been searching for some literature on the Tao Te Ching and so was excited when I found this book. It was only when I got home and I paged through the book that I realised it was a collection of verses and not an elaborate script. I was somewhat let down. In my disappointment, I set down to read it and that's when I felt my disappointment begin to fade. Each page has a verse that is no longer than a few words but those words taught me a greater lesson than I had expected. Stop looking for answers you already have. The emphasis you are seeking will only put more words in your mind and thus make it harder to find the true lesson. I am so thankful that I watched this video today.

vashmeister says:

Dimitri, what is the source of this clip? Which event is it from, I mean. It's brilliant, thanks so much!

Billy Devon says:

For me Eckhart is the most articulate of all. His explanations are clear, logical and humorous. Thank you.

francesca hamilton says:

This video is a revalation. What a gifted & perceptive human being. So spot on. Thanku Eikart. Thanku.

2JOHNNYT says:

Excellent Eckhart – Thanks

Firdaus Bilimoria says:

Thanks v much for the awesome Eckhart video!!

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