Eckhart Tolle Omega 2001 Session 4 End Self-Seeking

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End Self-Seeking. Eckhart Tolle at the Omega Institute 2001, one week after 9/11. –


Dana Sloan says:

55:00 Steven Hawkings…?

Vardhanam Daga says:

what music did he talk about at the beginning of this video?

phoenix rising says:

What Eckhart says a18:27 is shown in a YT video called Time Is The Enemy.

The conceptualized idea of me: the story of how my life should unfold (expectations = fantasy).

Stephen Gilbert says:

Oh , sweet bliss and joy . Enjoying life in the now .

ActiveCare In-Home Services says:

I wonder iif he is aware that his initials are ET.🍒🍒🍓🍒🍒🍒🍒🍅🍌🍍

Paul G. says:

I know what he means by listening to the silence. I have to "listen" through my tinnitus though. The constant ringing in both of my ears doesn't allow me to be aware of absolute quiet, but this one can still "sense" the silence through the noise. 🙂

gorgeousgeorge705 says:

What kind of flute is he talking about in the beginning? "stabanese" or something?

erneez pix says:

Listen Alan Watts

Shannon Phillips says:

When you don't take the world seriously, when you observe it without judgment or agenda, it does seem funny.

just wondering says:

I wonder if any of Eckert's followers can answer a question for me. When I try to listen to silence I hear the ringing in my ears caused by tinnitus. I have listened to Eckhart enough to understand the importance of listening to silence and although I've come along way because of eckhart's teachings, I would like to know if there's a way I can ignore the ringing sound in my head… any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Lyn Cook says:

what can one do to stop a song from playing in the mind continually? when trying to quiet the monkey mind, it will begin to comply, and then the insidious song, whatever the song, begins playing in the mind, over and over in a loop. How does one stop the mind music?

Jan Mortensen says:

I love you Tolle. You saved my life.

Janice Shelton says:

This is what Jesus spoke of the GOOD NEWS

Major Grubert says:

Thank you Eckhart!

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