Eckhart Tolle on Being Yourself

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From The Flowering of Human Consciousness:

Come face to face with Eckhart Tolle, for a transformational meeting with this respected teacher and influential author. In clear language, Eckhart explains the process of entering the “miraculous” state of presence that is always available to us. We are lost, he says, in the maze of our own compulsive thoughts.

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joseph82069 says:

@Slimarus Wow that’s great word gymnastics. The word of God is eternal and
true. The words of Christ and the gospel are very clear. Repent and trust
in Christ, who is God incarnate, the Savior and Lord, the only way of
salvation. Those that don’t like that put their spin on it, but it’s quite
clear. The fact that God even allowed us to have a chance to be forgiven is
very gracious and loving, in fact the most loving thing ever…

petuniamighty says:

@Lee222222 yes but that makes sense a job defines us in many many ways ,
and rep income which also fills the ego it is so understandble but it is
this fear and not understanding how this works , and thats why we have help
now we always new it but now its here halalullah !!!

12o1 says:

you Are delusional.. who said that ego was a bad thing .. :]

Sri Maya Sof says:

If you seek the truth, join my channel, and you will learn the keys to

joseph82069 says:

@MaffyMoose The big point I’m always driving at is Christ, He is the true
Light, He is the Son of God, God with us. He made everything, aliens or
whatever people think might be out there is not real, yet another way to
draw people away from Christ and His salvation.The scriptures say the
demons believe in Christ and tremble, but they won’t be in heaven. First
you must believe in the correct Jesus of scripture and not just
intelectually but savingly. Repentance and total trust in Him to save you

joseph82069 says:

@InnSewerAnts I mean macro evolution, not micro evolution. There is no
evidence of one species(kind) changing to another. There are definately
changes in the same species(kind). But a chihuahua is still a dog. Apes and
people are not related..this is the lie that is taught, yet there is more
evidence for creation, but schools won’t allow that, because people don’t
want there to be a God that they have to be accountable to.

mehole yyvdchek says:

anyone can change their life, be the best person you possibly can, aside
from all religion if you are the best you, yourself can be, there is
nothing left to do. once you do die at least it can be peaceful. happy
month of December fellow humans communicating on computers 🙂

naughtmoses says:

End the UNconscious attachment to beliefs, values, idea(l)s, assumptions,
convictions, presumptions and attitudes and find conscious or “mindful”
=connection= to what your values really are. (Which is about the way Steven
Hayes would put it.) We give up the filtrations of reality we have adopted
from our cultural norms and connect directly to wordless, non-verbal,
=actual= truth. (“No thoughts will go with you…” — Justin Hayward.) It’s
no big “juju” thing. It just is. sighkoblahgrr

JeanneKenneyHere says:

@haldor72 good question….i think it’s because of fear, yes. Imagine the
fear of those who have nothing to eat, nothing to buy anything with for
their children…you have to wonder where the hell a “god” is in all this.

JazzyKat2009 says:

@DrShorting A lot of what he teaches comes straight from Jiddu
Krishnamurti. The Power of Now and Jiddu’s Book the Future is now is based
on the same principle. I like Tolle also because he is a bit more
accessible than Jiddu, but Jiddu’s teachings are infinitely more profound
and describes exactly what thought does to you and how it works in the mind
and brain. I actually found Jiddu by searching Tolle.

selvmordspilot says:

“The canvas on which our phenomenal existence is painted.” hmmm

MaffyMoose says:

@NoahR190 who does?

John B says:

great video. I like doing light axis healing and some reiki. namaste.

Kroaky Liam says:

“It is like a finger pointing to the moon!…. DONT concentrate on the
finger, or you will miss all that heavenly glory!”

joseph82069 says:

@fuzzjunky As it is told in the New Testament….absolutely..

Slimarus says:

@joseph82069 you can google: osho Ego The False Center, and read the first
article that comes. This is about realizing the illusion of the ego.
Another research topic is the story of the missionary who went to Amazons
to teach Christianity to a native tribe called the Pirahas. If you would do
only one of them, just do the Lefkoe Belief Process and you will begin to
understand why we can keep discussing forever.

FungWake says:

@musicPMA Yes there are many ways to expand one’s awareness, like
meditating or taking drugs. The latter way won’t last long and comes with
tons of side effects.

JeanneKenneyHere says:

Welcome to the NWO-approved secular humanism; designed to maintain the
status quo so no one ever wakes up and asks why HALF the WORLD is starving.
Just keep everyone busy contemplating their specialness, maintaining their
secret minds, never standing, never loving our neighbor as ourself , as our
FIRST priority. Nope, we’ve got our priorities completely ass backwards.

Slimarus says:

@joseph82069 Reality doesn’t change from one person to the next. But the
interpretations of reality change. This means, the interpretations are just
interpretations. One of them need not be correct. Maybe all of them are
valid at the moment they are made, to the makers. Human beings have one …
flaw in their thinking. Once they believe an interpretation is the only
truth, they mistake it as the reality itself. All their thoughts then have
to be consistent with the accepted interpretation.

MaffyMoose says:

@joseph82069 i gotta be honest…you keep replying the way you do as though
you think im not hearing you. Kindly turn the page on the subject, you
don’t need to convince me of what you are saying. Like seriously, have you
ever stepped back for a sec and listened to yourself?

joseph82069 says:

@MaffyMoose lol oops…..aliens not included, since there are none…

joseph82069 says:

@MaffyMoose The kingdom of God is within believers, I know it’s not popular
but it’s exclusive, you must repent and have faith in Christ alone. Jesus
said those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth, this
cannot be done without being saved by Christ, a believer. Man worships what
man wants, their own idols/gods.

pasha747 says:

This teaching first came from Jean-Pierre Caussa book, “The Sacrament of
the Moment”, 1675-1751.

Leen V says:

@leoz67 We just think too much in our society. He wants to help us to throw
away all the unnecessary balast.

musicPMA says:

Eckhart tolle really keeps it true, simple and from the heart. This isn’t
an organized process in reaching enlightenment. He points, to you.

partypants99 says:

What makes him more right than any religious prophet is the fact that he
doesn’t speak out against religion, since he has understood that that would
just be his mind and ego wanting to be correct – he understands that the
“Christ” of everyday religion is just a mental concept, and that the real
Christ is the formless consciousness that is behind all thinking. He would
just be amused at the comments here – they’re attempting to put him down,
while proving exactly what he says in the video.

MaffyMoose says:

@joseph82069 Some say “God” Which i am inclined to agree with but light
exists everywhere in the universe, not just Earth or the milky way! Do you
think Christians are ready to hear the real truth that we are not alone,
and “powerful” people are aware of this? I belive in Jesus and that he was
here. But i ask myself this…a virgin birth(IVF) and was it really a star
the 3 wise men/kings followed?

Leen V says:

I think that we have too much impulses today (tv, internet, phones, Ipads,
advertising, noise, trafic), and too much bad influences (tv, internet)
which makes it more of a challenge to stay in your feelings, and not in
your brain. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to switch off tv for a week or

Jesse Arvizu says:

He smoked a fat ass blunt before he gave this speech I was there we blazed

MsDezzyzRayz says:

@mcb3946 Oh, did you know that there are people starving to death in the
world? Can they just think or meditate it away? Just Curious.

petuniamighty says:

@douglasmacjames i am so relaxed as soon as i see him , then listen he is
the real thing and rite on it !!!

Leen V says:

@12o1 Uhm, some books, teaching and ideas can develop in your head and will
help you to rebecome yourself, they put you on the right track again…. So
I don’t agree. It simply helps you to find yourself again.

Maha Ishvar says:

I was walking along a winding road called ‘Life’, baffled and unclear of
which direction I should take… Then, suddenly… …I stumbled upon a
sign by the road side that said “Simply Be”… …at which point the jagged
path turned into a meadow. The Befuddled Humanoid

joseph82069 says:

@MaffyMoose There is a way that sems right to a man, but the end is the way
of death. Where do love and light come from??

Slimarus says:

@joseph82069 I agree that what I say is also only word gymnastics. The only
real thing is the experience. It is much clear that we are both somehow
experiencing the divine. You are currently interpreting it as you have been
most probably indoctrinated as a child, or as a young person. Or at the
time you formed your beliefs about religion, you couldn’t see another
possible interpretation to what you felt to be divine. All those
scriptures, all the organization surrounding you..

Leen V says:

I’m glad I read his book. It is really helping.

MaffyMoose says:

Which is what Jesus wanted to get across at the end of the day.. haha “end
of day” kinda has a funny ring to it huh? 🙂

12o1 says:

@douglasmacjames brighten up man. All cant be done at one time but at one
time all can be done. had to peep at your writing and i gotta say, dont
rush yourself, the truth wont be found if you search for it under a table
or a rock. There is no goal out there to be the fastest achieving, all this
stuff just comes nowadays, which is a little ironic, but im sure its for
the better. we all have our own demons we battle, and sometimes we gotta
take more time. its not where you start, but when u finish

Akeyami says:

Wow I have to watch this video like 10 times to even begin to wrap my mind
about it. But what’s even more amazing is that I know my heart identifies
with these teachings despite the fact that my mind doesn’t understand.
Eckhart Tolle is truly an inspiration.

joseph82069 says:

@MaffyMoose Glorifying God is what Jesus wants, but that can never be done
unless you come to God on His terms, which is the only way He allows anyone
to come to Him, through Christ alone for salvation….

leon zach says:

silent space of stillness…wow, how enlightening

MaffyMoose says:

maybe not you…but a lot of Christians give themselves a bad wrap by doing
so…wouldn’t you agree?

JeanneKenneyHere says:

@haldor72 Who cares about “concern”? We need a complete revolution. The
cause of suffering is NOT unconscious behavior patterns. You have been
brainwashed. The vast majority of beings suffering in the world today are
suffering due to lack of food, clean water, sanitary living conditions.
Don’t blame the gov’t or the “masses” blame yourself and then let’s do
something about it. An new equal money system is a good start.

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