Eckhart Tolle Reveals Why Science Can't Fully Explain Consciousness

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Eckhart Tolle explores the nature of consciousness beyond scientific explanations. He shares a simple yet transformative exercise to help you experience your true self beyond your personal story. Whether you’re curious about spirituality or seeking inner peace, Eckhart’s insights offer a fresh perspective on who you really are beneath your thoughts and emotions.

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About Eckhart:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today. With his international bestsellers, _The Power of Now_ and _A New Earth_ —translated into more than 50 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and in 2011, Watkins Review (now Watkins Mind Body Spirit) named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.


@leonachanning says:

To evolve we need to sacrifice our low vibrational identities not our ego because our ego is just the survival brain it will always be there but we can operate from the right hemisphere of our brain instead which means the spirit is in control rather than the ego basically

@joannagiblin5964 says:

Ahhhh….. Freedom from my story .. thank God !! And thanks be to beautiful ET, God’s angel, one who brings light into a dark and fearful world 🙏🙏🙏

@ghanem.sbaih87 says:


@astroarunshah says:

Love you Eckhart ❤❤❤

@Golden.Love.Cultivator says:

Fantastic ✨

@CadeCYC says:

I’ve been down every spiritual rabbit hole and thought possible — trust me when i echo that this awakening to simple self-awareness is everything!❤

@Bull-In-A-Bear-Suit says:

There is no definitive way to interpret this but here’s my best shot.

It should be clear to the outer self that ‘he’ is not Eckhart but a bridge to consciousness. On the other side of that bridge is consciousness communicating thru a channel of pure presence.

Eventually we all get there but what a gift it is to recognize this alive. ❤️

@lancejones4636 says:

In some ways, it would seem that people with advanced Alzheimer's achieve this "story-less" state. No thoughts of time, space, the past, future, people's names, ego, etc. It feels odd to type this, but I can't help but feel this might be the case. A blessing disguised as a horrible disease (I lost my dad to Alzheimer's). ❤

@ralf.starke says:

This is an important video for all who want to wake up.

@logos2395 says:

a typical psychiatric patient diagnosed with oligophrenia. A harmless fool replicating absolute nonsense.

@anngerrard6364 says:

Wonderful thank you Eckhart.
There is a scientist, Professor Donald Hoffman who is studying consciousness and he has reached the conclusion that consciousness is fundamental and outside space and time, and it gives rise to the material world, and not the other way round.
In other words consciousness does not arise from our physical brain but our brain and everything else in the universe arises from consciousness and exists only when observed.
It’s pretty mind blowing but confirms much of what Eckhart talks about and in fact when Dr Hoffman was asked about his favourite book his reply was A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.
It would be wonderful and I think the start of something extraordinary if they could have a dialogue.🙏🙏🙏

@loveis1878 says:

Lieber Eckhart! Immer wenn ich dir zuhöre, geht es mir gleich besser. Du bist ein Segen für uns alle. Danke von Herzen für Alles , was du für uns tust. Licht und Liebe! Sigrid ♥️

@ay8987 says:

Eckhart Tolle should have a chat with Richard Dawkins. That would be interesting

@markusgrylla8654 says:

Dringdring Dringdring Dringdring …..- Fliegen Sau Vicky Embrica – Der Zerstörer : " Sie wünschen " ?

@skpince says:

Being a scientist does not make one exempt from being in the dream state. So they're not the ones to ask about consciousness as Eckhart says. Ask them how to send a rocket to the moon.

@EmpoweringSexualConfidence says:

Eckhart, this wasn't just a peek behind the curtain of consciousness, it was a wide-open window. You paint a picture of the vastness within us, urging us to step outside the confines of the ego and into the light of Being. Thank you for reminding us that the greatest awakening isn't a destination, but a homecoming.

@rundix3351 says:

Simply allow yourself to be without judgement. Sit still; look at your human conditioning from life awareness let go.

@ReikiMasterCarlie says:

You are the light of the world. You are the consciousness.🌟🙏🏻 I am the being. No need to find it later.

@محمدعلي-غ7غ1ك says:

شكرا ايكارت انت جزء من هذا النور. 🤍

@pierrefiliatrault6167 says:

Thank you so much Eckhart

@h2_kumar says:

Thank you, Eckhart. Peace and love.☮💌🙏

@Mars13153 says:

"Science" has not said that it understands the nature of consciousness. Eckhart Tolle here seems to suggest that it does. And then tell us for himself, without qualification, what it is and where it comes from. On what basis?

@jonboltz says:

The spirit of the single electron theory

@slavicaklancnik3441 says:

All we need is Ekart Toll.
Thank you.❤

@rajsharma-mr2mc says:

Pls use subtitles

@markusgrylla8654 says:

Gute Seuche Voll Pfosten – ENGO oder was ? Uund dann ihr : " Ich Bin Aba " Ja : " Lakken Golf Findel Kind Fich " Und Jetzt " Due", oder was ??? Ey wie Notgeil muss man Eigentlich sein ? Ja Herr " Ickard Plaziwje, keine Ahnung wie das ausgesprochen wird auf Kanadisch, aber " Tolle nachgiebig" kenne wir ja schon. Ist doch so, oder Nicht ? Wenn man : " Nachgiebig in der Nähe von……..wohnt " !ENGO / ENGOZ Bedeutung kennt wohl ein jeder. Aber " Ickard Nachgiebig " bedeutet dann wohl " Verstoß gegen Betäubungsmittel Gesetz. Dann kann ich auch zu kleinen Kinder sagen: " Nein, due niecht. Iech bin, due muss due. Hö hö pö pö pö pö. Dörröööö, äh, " Törrööö möp möp !

@chiptowers1 says:

Let me break this down as I see it, logically.
Quote; " consciousness is the essence of the universe", wow! that was so easy to say and without proof. Thats right, so called teachers and gurus can just say things without proof because it's all in the realm of Harry Potter stuff. quote; " you are the manifestation off". Well for something to be a manifestation , it must have manifested from some thing and a thing is an object. So according to the so called teacher, consciousness must be an object because consciousness manifested from some thing and a thing is an object and then you manifested from the some thing object of consciousness. Do prey tell how consciousness formed your physical body and brain considering the so called teacher knows how you manifested. Oh!, quote: "Jesus said" and eventually God, Well I guess that will do.

So dont ask a scientist who wouldn't give the so called teacher the satisfaction of an answer because the so called teacher already knows a god is the answer and without proof of the existence of a god.
I mean the teacher has not even answered the question, " when did a god first come to the realisation he? is a god". Except for analogies conjured up. Yep, that will do, he can bamboozle the people with his analogies of mumbo jumbo.
You your lineage inception was manifested from the elements of the universe which fused your formulae of and into existence. No god had a hand it that process. You are FORMED ( elements) not BORN ( biology) which both are in a symbiotic relationship. The so called teacher and Aninma Mundi confuses the spark of the formulae as the god factor. And yet the so called teacher does an experiment.
May I say, Buddha is better that Margarine. Scientifically speaking of course.

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