Eckhart tolle – the end of ego morning star

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Eckhart tolle wake up for who you are


Yolanda Arzate says:

I just want to give Eckhart a big hug! lol

jamisonwalkertenor says:

Making negative comments about a video like this is like watching Aerosmith videos and complaining about Tyler's voice. If it's not for you, move on. If the audience enjoying his humor bothers you, move on. If you find the "sycophantic worshipper vibe" not to your liking, move on. I, for one, find his humor endearing. I also truly love the message that speaks, soul to soul, within, around and through that humor. While we are all given agency, and are entitled, even encouraged, to express our own opinions, I think you will find that those of us who are glad this material is here, will generally feel disinclined to come to your house and criticize your furniture. Have a great day.

Jordan Coughenour says:

God he is hilarious


He’s a bumbaclaart comedian as well as a teacher

Pierre emile Gadoury says:

Enjoy life,

Malin Lundblad says:


Penny Sisson says:

I listen to you every day Eckhart. You have transformed my life. Thank you!

SocSla says:

One of the many myriads of master Yoda.

David Reynolds says:

anyone know how he ate when he was homeless?

Don Podlas says:

I have been a follower of this wonderful man for over 20 years. I have a great respect and a deep love for this individual. Eckhart Tolle has helped me understand myself in this physical world over and over again….listen to all this Buddah has to say and your life will become understandable…..Namaste


When i need to ground myself and I have once again lost my inner peace, I listen to Eckhart . 🙂 Great sense of humour too 🙂



F. LaMotte says:

Improved his wardrobe.

Charles Traphagan says:

Thank you God for Eckhart Tolle, whom without him, might we all be lost.

Lin Diane says:

i like gary zukav a lot too. he and tolle are quite the same in most of the thoughts. i like tolle better because he is more practical to me.

First Last says:

Again, why are people acting like this is a stand up show? It's that kind of sycophantic worshipper vibe that makes one question its sincerity.

jasmine mobley says:

I love you so……………..

Jennifer Stubbington says:

Thank you very much for this video🙏🏼

Germanus McGrinder says:

ahead of his time

Pascal Peeters says:

Thank you for teaching & reminding us of the present moment. For a month, i was almost lost… and now i hear your voice again, i realise i forgot to look into myself.

Speakers of Wisdom says:

Eckhart has the ability to explain things in a simple, clear and unambiguous way!

Aidan Bucker fan says:

Beautiful. Thank you so much!

Purple says:

I can't believe he's 70! He looks much younger

Kasia P. says:

Thank you "no name" ..

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