Eckhart Tolle – The Enjoyment of Beign FULL

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Eckhart explains how the full scope of life’s richness is ours to enjoy when we learn to relate to the our world and people from awareness rather than only through conceptual thought. The Enjoyment of Beign is from the author of Power of Now Eckhart tolle.


The joy of Being is the joy of being conscious.

Awakened consciousness then takes over from ego and begins to run your life. You may then find that an activity that you have been engaged in for a long time naturally begins to expand into something much bigger when it becomes empowered by consciousness. Some of those people who, through creative action, enrich the lives of many others simply do what they enjoy doing most without wanting to achieve or become anything through that activity. They may be musicians, artists, writers, scientists, teachers, or builders, or they may bring into manifestation new social or business structures (enlightened businesses). Sometimes for a few years their sphere of influence remains small; and then it can happen that suddenly or gradually a wave of creative empowerment flows into what they do, and their activity expands beyond anything they could have imagined and touches countless others. In addition to enjoyment, an intensity is now added to what they do and with it comes a creativity that goes beyond anything an ordinary human could accomplish.

But don’t let it go to your head, because up there is where a remnant of ego may be hiding. You are still an ordinary human. What is extraordinary is what comes through you into this world. But that essence you share with all beings. The fourteenth-century Persian poet and Sufi master Hafiz expresses this truth beautifully: “I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through. Listen to this music.”


Yi Ling says:

I love him, he is so great. His power of now will be reading in the next few hundred years! His devotion to the world similar as the prophets in different religions.

Arsan Jones says:

This guy is amazing!!

Firdaus Bilimoria says:

Awesome! he makes enlightenment so light & humourous :)

Donna Taylor says:

If Eckhart had not been chosen as a spiritual teacher he would have had a following as a comedian, he is so funny as well as all his other gifts, thank you for always making me smile :-)

Amanuel Gebremeskel says:

s p. a. c. e

Pablo Alonso says:

Thank you for this video. Is it possible to see next days of the retreat also ? Thanks

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