Eckhart Tolle – “The Silent Space of Stillness”

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Eckhart Tolle speaking live…

(This comes from the video: “The Flowering of Human Consciousness: Everyone’s Life Purpose” (2001). You can buy it from Amazon here:

This is the transcript as I heard it:

God, or your essential nature is not something. Not content. Not form.

The best description through words is to say not, what it is not, and then you are left with what it is, which cannot be named, but can be known, but cannot be known conceptually because every concept is again a name and a form.

It can be known, simply, easily, in the silent space of stillness, which is in everyone underneath the mental noise, no matter how heavy and turbulent the mental, emotional noise may be. No matter how heavy the egoic sense of self is, in everyone, is the essential nature, is, the stillness of pure consciousness, your essential nature, the essence, your essence, not separate from essence of the universe.

Are these just words? Yes, the words point to that. They cannot encapsulate that. They cannot explain, not even attempt to explain. If a question arises in you that says, ‘Oooh, please, explain a bit more. I don’t quite get it yet. It is not possible to. These are pointers. The analysis of pointers is pointless!

But the Mind wants to have content, so it will ask questions about the pointers instead of allowing the pointers to point.

It wants to analyze the pointer, the signpost. Let’s look at this signpost. Let’s examine it. Let’s get out the microscope.

So, what I’m saying the Mind cannot get. Allow the statement to work in you as a pointer, not as an explanation of the universe, because there can be none. But it can work like those beautiful words (don’t know if he quotes original Sanskrit here?) of The Upanishads, or whatever words arise here, pointing to the dimension of the formless, one life, that is you.

So, what really it is pointing to, what all these words point to, is the dimension, of… stillness within, that is vibrant with life, but still. Extremely awake, but still.

Underneath thoughts, in between thoughts, in between words, is the canvas on which all phenomenal existence is painted.


blax100dk says:

He's saying you are already still behind the mind. Only mind cover up the now – your beingness. To strive for stillness is mind, to be is to fall back into stillness – to allow, as the mind never would. Natural means it's there anyways. It's unatural to try to be natural (still) through mind understanding (thought) which are opposites.

kekfuszal says:

Who recognizes the stillness? Until it is there, there is no freedom. Very unfortunate that he believes he reached the ultimate that is called stillness, God or whatever. That belief stops him to go further. God can only be there when you are not…

Under1The2Bridge3 says:

Sometimes it's just nice to hear someone talk about the stillness

Inner Being says:

Very beautiful words.

GraceSmithTV says:

I really loved your clip! So excited to see more! I think you'd like my channel if you have time to check it out 🙂

Alex Coletta says:

excellent. no words. just silence.

Constance Baez says:

I feel very sad for the person citing those texts from the bible to depict so much negativity. Their bible should be used for positive purposes not to distill so much hatre jyst because one does not agree with other people's ideas and thinking.

Adam Halperin says:

Whenever I get stressed or anxious in life, I just come watch this video. It re-centers me every time. My mind always wants to make life out to be so serious…then I watch this an I go, oh yes. I am not my job. I am not my looks. I am not my salary. I am not the car I drive. I am not possessions. I am not my body. I am beyond all that…pure consciousness.

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