Eckhart Tolle – Through the Eyes of Krishnamurti

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Quantum Evolution says:

i love K. writings, i also love the moments in between the reading of Eckart, when he stares into the crowd with complete emptiness and innocence, with a mischievous smile on his face. Like a cosmic joke, for those that know the freedom of boundless and timeless inner silence.

Robert The Bruce Gorman says:

The book of one self has the entirety in it, if one knows how to look, the book unfolds and without a center called me, you, even the other. That vision is incorruptible which comes without invitaton, without anything put together by man's thought. Thankfully K never suggested reliance upon him, or our own selves, or another… We are so inept and gullible to not look beyond mere words. That wonderful benediction is when the idiotic me is not, but not in condemning, or justifyng, not in any move ment of time. Appreciate so much ALL…. for all is for one who knows how to look at all things.

Saurabh Prakash says:

@ 2x, he looks normal

Lavender Violet says:

just quickly processing as I watch this video…

I am aware for the first time
that I'm not obligated to have sex with a man that I'm with.​
this seems so obvious.
but it's blown my mind to really realize that I could be absolutely obsessed with everything physical:​
the cuddling, the kissing, the handholding, the touching, the feeling, even the being naked.
and that still, there's no obligation for this to end with sex. especially when I don't want it to end in sex.​
when I'm not interested in going fast.
when I want the moment to be slow, to last an eternity, for one kiss to last a lifetime…​
and that there's absolutely nothing wrong with me
if I am not interested or particularly wanting to have genitalia involved…​
and that sex is not an automatic obligation. not intercourse. not oral sex. none of it is an obligation.
and there's nothing wrong with me for wanting it to be, just as I want it to be, and not more than that.
I just can't fully wrap my head around this quite yet…​
and yet I definitely am unlearning some of my brainwashing around this, for the first time, at 39!

Sternenstaub Andromeda says:

Thank you!!🙏🙏

Rohit Patel says:

Maitreya-friend…. love the story of Krishnamurthy……. crazy how he dissolved the congregation. One should listen to the whole speech when he dissolved the foundation.

Lourdes Angulo says:

GRACIAS, Eckhart. 🌟💝💨

Words of Wisdom says:

He’s my best friend! I would love to meet him!

Magda Kangur says:

I'd rather read u.g.krishnamurti- this is far more refreshing.

Marcela Fruergaard says:

Thank you for your precious time

Marcela Fruergaard says:

My favorite author n guru. Is 👽 ET
Extraordinary Tutor
Extra Territorial
Excellent Teacher
Empathy Teller
Enchanted Talk………..
Or simply
Eckhart Tolle

Lino Melo says:

traduccion al español ,por favor

spiritual tree says:

J k is something special.. he can never be misunderstood..
Only you can understand completely or you don't understand at all


he taught hinduism…his teaching is called non dualistic vedanta back home

Joža Gulikoža says:

So, everyone is afraid of what awaits him after death…. Ask yourself this: How did you feel when Napoelon was fighting at Waterloo? How or what did you feel then? EXACTLY. This is how DEATH FEELS. Some will understand, but others will never understand…

Hardeep Kaur says:

All l can say is wow

Diana Boughner says:

In gratitude 💖 Namaste.

WonderWhaz says:

Choiceless awareness

Matarelly says:

I discovered Krishnamurti when I was on a spiritual quest in my early twenties, from studying Bruce Lee's ideas (who were based on Krishnamurti's). Was kind of hard to get my head around at the time so it's great to see ET delivering the same ideas with more clarity years later….

WJL says:

Me I prefer the Rolling Stones above the Beatles. But the fab four were musically en culturally far more innovative. They were not far ahead… but exactly right on time. As if they were 'enlightened beïngs' so to speak. The Stones were more the real deal, sometimes raw and ugly like life itself. And they are still doing their thing today. You can say they are a living mirakel, a monument of life. The Stones must be Gods……………oeps…………………..?…….. I think I'm on the wrong page here……sorry.

Fergus Moffat says:

When Im suffering , feel my ego taking over to much just remember ,

All is one , all Is empty , all is love , all is now, suffering , duality and time are iluusion

When my ego gets all big I remind myself ,I am empty , loving , awareness, not Fergus

shyam kumar says:

Thank you EKHART, witnessing your presence, strongly urges one to connect with ones deeper self. Love you



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