Eckhart Tolle – Trust Yourself (New 2017)

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Eckhart Tolle – Trust Yourself

Also check out his view on how to see everything clearly:

Eckhart Tolle is a German-born resident of Canada best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to your Life’s Purpose. In 2008, a New York Times writer called Tolle “the most popular spiritual author in the United States.

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Profound Talks says:

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Also you can check out best of Eckhart Tolle talk here:

scouls Mcjouls says:

Trust in god. Not yourself.

Paulus Crasus says:

I like this guy, kindred spirit for sure. Glad he's in my life.

Maher Atta says:

Trust ; reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety of a person or thing; confidence.

Mildred Peroni says:

Why do pain bodies choose certain people to feed off of? My younger sister is completely unaffected. I was the scapegoat

Mildred Peroni says:

I have taken antidepressants in the past, they really do help me. I am wondering if when I take them I am just pushing down the pain body? I almost feel in a constant state of anxiety if I do not take anything. It is very very painful. I realize the pain body is a separate entity but why does it continue to feed off of me?

Anita Cifala says:

what occurs when the present is not a happy place? Your videos have brought me so much clarity and light..into my life, my relationships and my perception of everything! Thank you!♡ peace and love

Abram Riccardo says:

1. stay present
2. recognize when the pain body arise
3. allowing and accepting what it is
4. watch it while holding to present
5. stay present

Marlene Bodner says:

Wow when you experience childhood trauma it effects your mind body and soul. It takes a strong and emotionally connected person to grow what God wants us to experience. My NDE was Gods love giving me a foundation since my earthly father made me suffer. I wish I could have figured this at fourteen. What I felt in my NDE gave me snapshot of heaven.

TheJcfclark says:

"Trying to see yourself as spiritual – that's another ego trap…"
"Presence is to live free of self images."

zacatecas2002 says:

My impression is that this man is the real deal. What a beautiful teacher.

zandersgirlfavorites says:

My recent knowledge would say this man correct. But I would call the pain body "demons". Check out House of Healing / Hardcore Christanity if you have any mental health struggles. The answers and cure lie in Brother Mike's teachings.

Mildred Peroni says:

It's so hard when you are depressed. I'm stuck

Maile O says:

"Freedom from pain is Possible NOW." Thank you Eckhart for all the insights in this illuminating talk, and always for the Presence you bring to us, as we Awaken more and more into each moment.

Elizabeth Long says:

..thank you

Elizabeth Long says:

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Maria Francis says:

This insight has led me to put a brake on my thoughts before I react, automatically believe my thoughts; become emotional or upset; feel like a victim and create selfish, needy thoughts based on attachment and dependency because they arise out of fear and are created from the EGO which are all about me. I hope that I remember this and observe this often so that I can begin to go beyond the ego and transcend suffering.

Horizon Moonrise says:

My question is…when you stay present around an abuser you live with but they attack whether you react or not to their outburst…how can you avoid being attacked even if you stay quiet and positive?

Horizon Moonrise says:

"Freedom from pain is possible NOW" 🙂 love~

5winder says:

What an idiot… Trust in JESUS.

Dr Arunesh Arora says:

i love ur oratorship eckhart
lousie hay
wayne dyer
joseph murphy
abraham hicks
deepak chopra
gregg brandon
steven atchinson
swami chinmayananda
saint mahesh muni
they all give refrences from the holy book of hinduism – The bhagwat GEETA.
do you also preffer to ?? or what else

Symbolsysteme says:

It's not as easy, as he says. Only because someone has tons of money, doesn't mean, s/he feels s/he is rich. Only because someone is beautiful, talented or whatever and millions of people are applauding, doesn't mean we feel like this. The manifestation of something, doesn't always make us understand it is really there.

loveisallthereis 11 says:

Love his ways….his being shares profound stuff in simple n funny ways….light hearted sparrow …a blessing for humanity.

Black Moon says:

He is the best. Don't waste time listening other quasi teachers. Eckhart has nailed it 100% 🙂

bonesalive says:

thank you for sharing!

Are Sorknes says:

Good talk. but it is not new, as stated in the title.

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