Eckhart Tolle TV: One-Sided Love Relationship

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Eckhart explains the egos role in love relationships.

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Stef M says:

I’m so alone. My heart is broken. I want to die. Please God just kill me.

nikki barrie says:

……. I didn’t get it ……

An artist theory on the physics of 'Time' Quantum Atom Theory an interpretation of Quantum Mechanics says:

One-Sided Love Relationship?

Patricia Walsh says:

Yes. Explained very well, but you havn’t given the answer!!!!!

MrDrofinnah says:

i love me… (that is a one-sided relationship isn’t it) i am never
lonely… i enjoy solitude… stillness… emptiness… i am the
nothingness… which means…

Max ime says:

but then what about having kids with someone? being faithful to one
another is only an egoic need? what isn’t an egoic need? every need has an
ego to feed, don’t we all need to do what we want to do? isn’t the ego
there to define who we are? lack or excess of ego is not so good ? it has
to be balanced? please comment

kirk meyers says:


Hang in there…you will be ok. Accept that you are hurting and that it is
ok to be hurting over being alone.

The pain you are feeling is not who you are, it is what you are going

You have all the beautiful, radiant energy of life inside and around you;
let that naturally come back into your life.

I once lost a 7 year relationship and felt pain for months, maybe years on
and off. At the time, I thought my life was over and I could see no good
reason for this to happen. Now I have a wonderful person in my life again
and I would not have met her had the prior relationship not ended.

If you believe that life will give you what you really need, then a great
comfort comes, and things will move in that direction. You will be open
and ready when life hands you those opportunities. Please work on loving
your life, your family, and any or all of the small things around you.
Start your day with a sense of gratitude for all the gifts you have and
build from there. Try not to focus on your loss, but all that you have,
and including your amazing life. Everyone will likely have to start over
again at one point in their life. Something amazing will happen for you
soon. Be ready and open for it to happen:!

Byron Katie is another great source besides Tolle on finding your way out
of pain. Do the work and you will feel better, I promise.

Lela Strika says:

@Michelle Hayton just browsed comments and kind a ask myself why do I not
really like his voice…as if he just got out of bed. Maybe you like his
German accent . Ask yourself if you would feel mesmerized if he was just
taking rubbish out of the bins and he spoke with you briefly. 🙂 ImA a bit
cheeky but this is ment seriously ..if you seek full freedom and pure
awakening..which happened for me recently …finally ..half century of
trying ..incl.Power of Now and 30+ seminars+.videos.workshops

Moon C. says:

Great wisdom! Then how to fix the “not enough” or the “lacking” or the
“incomplete” problem? When both a man and a women long for each other, is
it the same kind of feeling of “not enough” or “lacking” or “incomplete”
mentioned in this clip? If not, why do they need each other? Appreciate
further insight and wisdom.

GreenGo80 says:


Donna Gibbs says:

your writing about finding a man like your father made me relate, thank you

Carol Peloquin says:

Eckhart Tolle TV: One-Sided Love Relationship:

David3624 says:

if u love some one and u expect him/her to comply or surrender to ur well,
or to give u the attention u wish,,, this is not love,,, the real love is
to love somebody where ever he goes and whatever he decides without
expecting any thing back.

Ivana Istvanic says:

~ One-sided love relationship ~

By author : Eckhart Tolle

Lela Strika says:

@Max ime Would love to chat about these things..our needs mostly come from
the body/mind. But all that is program. Conditioned human patterns.
They call that ego. So you can not be those patterns…lets continue later

Giovic Blanco says:

there’s just so much talk about silence, in and out that one knows not
which chatter to believe anymore.

Lela Strika says:

@MoonC not much to ad. You are fully correct about mutual needing ..:-)

Michelle Hayton says:

He has such a calm and mesmerizing voice. I always feel good every time I
hear him speak. I know exactly what it is like to love someone who did not
love me back. Funny thing is, there was always this little voice of
intuition telling me something was not right. The last night we where
together, I cried myself to sleep. Just a few days after that,he broke up
with me. I think it was his pain body clinging to me for a while, and he
was flattered that a women could find him so attractive because he had
never had that before. I know that the pain is egoic and that I do not need
another person to complete who I am, but it was still extremely painful and
all these years later it still hurts a little when I think about it.

Stephan Enderlein says:


ashley young says:


Constantin Gabor says:
MrJeffrey938 says:

this video offers a cure for romantic love so simple and concise you could
carry it in your pocket and never be blindsided again. anyone who watches
this video and then repeats the same mistakes is not interested in a cure,
and should ask themselves what it is they’re getting out of having chaos
and deception at such a deep level of their being.

Cenk Kiral says:

one of the best love longs ever created…and strange to see it in a film
like this

Jago īśvara says:

I would like it if someone like Eckhart Tolle would shed light on the topic
of soul mates.

Pamela Wells says:
ashley young says:


Steven Coppard says:

True love is the knowledge that all life is one life. Egoic love is no more
than a preference that changes as we grow. The further we have to grow, the
more likely it is that our preferences will change, thus relationships are
more likely to last when we know whom we really are and what it is, on a
spiritual level, that allows us to be content. That contentment comes from
within, not from without. Without is a place where something is missing and
nothing is missing – we are perfect just the way we are.

Claris Novshadian says:


777palena says:

I Love Eckhart! what a great soul.

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