Eckhart Tolle TV: The Depths of Who You Are

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In this sample preview, Eckhart discusses the realization and the expression of our essential nature, beautifully describing how our lives lead us to and change us through awakening

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Sal C says:

Excellent video on who our true selves are

Adriane Leal says:

wow! Thanks for existing, Eckhart. 

Lotus of the Heart says:

As one working around dying and death, daily, I much appreciated the
teaching that death is not the opposite of life, but is the opposite of

Sal C says:

Excellent video on who our true selves are

traceyhd says:

Because they dont know who they are, they dont know what they are doing.
Exactly. I couldnt agree more. I appreciate that you explain things so

Jeffrey Sterling says:

Muito bom!!

IsseyMiyake81 says:

We are not one part of a part (GOD).
If you want to know god, look at and in yourself and AROUND. We all will
die one we know how or when or why? So..who does?
Your mind is not your enemy.. Your mind is so beautiful.. Just looking to
it and use it and you will realize you are a miracle of GOD. Dont ask
yourself or the universe or anything else coz all of which will vanish
eventually but GOD.

Nicole Horlor says:

I do not ask who am I any more I ask who is GOD.

Pascal Tremblay says:

Cf. Meister Eckhart’s sermons and Plotinus’s writings on the concept of the

Tisha Scurich says:

We are fragile and yet indestructible

Kirsten Johnson says:


Greg K says:

Eckhart Tolle is something to idolise. He touches the part of your soul
that has never been touched before. Something so deep that it makes you
become the real you. 

Marina Tonkonogy says:
LOUISM1976 says:

I have always enjoyed listeing to Mr Tolle he is a very wise person..

seeingatruth says:

So profound, and so helpful, my life sucks so bad except for Eckhart, and
there I think I’m the most blessed being in the universe, to have lived a
life where I get to experience Eckhart.

Wanda Mithaug says:

Presence is aliveness…namaste

Tea Kai says:

Forgive them for they know not what they do.

Ruth Scheftschik says:
Sheik Nasar Vali says:

I understand Eckhart in my terms. .I express in my sphere of knowledge.
.that is God, the Absolute, the Brahman, the supreme consciousness is an
entity of three most basic qualities like per the
limited extent of the human search in this subject. ..and within it’s reach
perhaps in India…
Now looking at the first quality, the Sat is said to be the aspect of the
absolute existence of the universe without a beginning or an end..and now,
when it doesn’t have a beginning or an end..then there cannot be a past or
future in that Existence Absolute! That is to say what all exist is only
As the other meaning of existence is Life and life doesn’t contain death
and the present moment is an expression of Life. .the present moment cannot
be separate from Life. .and so who is on the path of spiritual
seeking has to accept or in my terms. . worship the present moment!

Lela Strika says:

@Aliasz alias I loved your comment on Eckhardt T ..absolute doing it to
itself were your words. Why none of my friends sound like :)

Fátima Lobo says:

Muito bom!!

Tron108 says:

Thank you ET, wonderful transmission to seekers. I hope many continue with
you. Cheers Bro’, & “Happy New Year.”

swingtrade2 says:

prior to conceptualization. I have been around a long time!

Claire Lou says:

thankful for transcendence and awakening <3

Ivan Pichugin says:

Is it not interesting that we are the consciousness and OUR form forgot and
totally obscured our nature, and one person teaches us how to get back to
the source, it’s like if one animal teaches other how to present, its funny

Keyvan Davani says:
Hanne Holan says:
David Angell says:

I am so grateful for your teachings.
Thank you so much.

Florin Mandiuc says:
Levandetag says:

…kan de som snackar illa om andra, ta sig en funderare över… Särskilt i
små sk andliga subgrupperingar. Minst En Funderare!
Tacksam nån ser igenom sånt <3

María Luisa Dudet says:

Por favor exijan que sean traductores profesionales quienes hacen las

aliasz alias says:

thats a bit contradicting aint it
you have talked about that we are an expression of the one, there is no ego
or suffering on an absolute point of view.
yet you speak here about what an ego could do to themselfs, ultimately to

shouldnt it than not be changed in what the absolute is doing to itself?

suresh kps says:

Our thought … our seeing…our hearing. … everything …the guality of
our sate only…. we are not human

Elsai Orejuela says:

Me encanta

Kit Skov Benlolo says:

Nice words comming from that mann – thank god im not alone :)

Götz Golla says:
Edgar Allan says:

These short words have to be listened time and again. It would be a
wonderful center theme for a new book.

eMeLLeLoVe says:

Thank You ♥ “Denn sie wissen nicht was sie tun, weil sie nicht wissen wer
sie sind..)

ILiveandBreathe007 says:

Could u be more unclear? Lol… does he mean that people re incarnate or
that their energy lives on somehow?

GerrysPlace says:

Excellent… I am not sure why it made me laugh. I think it was the way he
said it,,,

aufwachraum says:

i like the part in the end of the video, where it sais: …all rights
reserved… that is funny!

Agustin Ortega says:

Thank you. Those are magical words, and most magical of all is the effect
of theme in the inner space of my life (of course, as you say, we have to
use language. I don’t have a life, ¡I am life!)
I’m from Argentina. Your gonna be here some day? It would be really
Thank you, gracias.

james green says:

I Am That I Am

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